
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Well here is something to shock and startle us mightily.

The government officials meant to watch other government officials who are supposed to watch where all the bailout money goes, don't know where all the money went.

Do we learn nothing?

Shrink the government and make personal responsibility and accountability the order of the day.

And yet.

Then what?

How to replace what the government has started doing, that the people should have been doing all along? That the people no longer feel responsible to do, or feel equipped to do, or, in some cases, even want to do.

The Catch-22.

I do not want to be a kept citizen. I want to be my brother's keeper so that the government doesn't have to do it for me.

Most people don't even seem to understand what that means any more.

Edited to add: I wrote this out on the 10th, but saved it to publish on the 11th, thinking the date at the top would say the 11th, since that's the date I told it to publish. Then I looked, and it said the 10th, making it look like two sets of holidays/birthdays/historical events on the same day. Sorry about that, I have no idea how to fix or change such a thing. The following are the special events and facts for Aug. 11, no matter what the date at the top of the post says.

Today is:

Circle K International Convention

Daughter's Day

Festival of Happy Feet

Heroes' Day, Zimbabwe

Independence Day, Chad

Ingersoll Day

Mystic Outdoor Arts Festival

National Marina Day

National Raspberry Bombe Day

Night of the Shooting Stars


Play in the Sand Day (Yeah, like at the beach, nothing like sand in your shorts, I get enough of that on vacation, thank you.)

Presidential Joke Day

Son and Daughter Day

St. Susanna's Day

Birthdays Today:

Hulk Hogan, 1953
Arlene Dahl, 1928
Mike Douglas, 1925 (Note: he also died on this date in 2006)
Alex Haley, 1921
Anna Maria Luisa de' Medici, 1667 (Last of the Medicis)

Today in History:

First day of the Mesoamerican Long Count Calendar, used my the Maya and other pre-Columbian Mesoamerican civilizations, BC3114
Battle of Artemisuim, Greco-Persian War, BC480
Papandayan Java volcanic eruption kills 3,000, 1772
The world's first foller rink opens in Newport, RI, 1866
Animation is patented by John Wray, 1914

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