
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What kind of person will you become?

My conspiracy theory friend is at it again.

He sends things for me to watch on different videos around the internet, even though I can't watch video on my computer as I have no sound. (I need to someday put a crowbar to the old wallet and buy some new speakers, but not while I'm still in a state of, "Do I have enough money for both bread and milk this week?")

All of these videos, clips, downloads and attachments (which my computer won't open anyway, long story short, my computer is allergic to attachments and shuts down when I try, even the Nerds can't solve this one), as well as the articles I can actually access, point to how the world is coming to an end, and those of us who resist will be forced at gunpoint to 1) receive untested and unsafe vaccines we don't want and which also secretly contain microchips that will allow the government to track our every move, 2) move to internment camps being built to house us, and 3) dance the funky chicken no matter how silly it makes us look.

Do I believe the government can solve all of our problems? No, nor should it, and it shouldn't even be trying. Personal responsibility is being given short shrift in this day and time.

Still, no matter what happens, no matter what government upheavals are in our future, no matter the economic woes, no matter what, one thing remains true.

Remember that you get to decide not what happens to you, but how you react to it, and the kind of person you become because of it.

Today is:

Begonia Festival, Belgium

Constitution Day, Paraguay

Discovery of the Runes

Fest of the Green Corn, Lake Champlain, New York

Great American Duck Day

Hershey Pennsylvania Dutch Days begin

Independence Day, Uruguay

International Zucchini Festival

Kiss and Make Up Day

National Banana Split Day

National Don't Utter A Word Day (I can't try this and teach a class, but I might suggest it for the daughter who talks me ear off! Then again, I'm glad she talks to me, so maybe I won't utter a word about it.)

National Second-Hand Wardrobe Day

Odin's Ordeal ends -- Norse

Opiconsivia -- Roman, Vestal Virgin Festival

St. Genesius' Day (Patron Saint of Comedians, Secretaries, Actors, Lawyers, and Patron against Epilepsy)

Birthdays Today:

Claudia Schiffer, 1970
Rachael Ray, 1968
Billy Ray Cyrus, 1961
Ann Archer, 1947
Regis Philbin, 1933
Sean Connery, 1930
Leonard Bernstein, 1918
Walt Kelly, 1913
Ruby Keeler, 1909
Clara Bow, 1905
Hans Adolf Krebs, 1900
Ludwig II, "Mad King" of Bavaria, 1845
Allan Pinkerton, 1819
Ivan the Terrible, 1530

Today in History:

The Council of Nicaea ends with the adoption of the Nicene Creed, 325
The Children's Crusaders under Nicholas reach Genoa, 1212
Galileo demonstrates his first telescope to Venetian lawmakers, 1609
Hundreds of French settlers arrive in New Orleans, which had been founded only a few months before, marking its true beginnings as a city, not just an outpost, 1718
Alice Meynell becomes the first female jockey, in England, 1804
British forces destroy the Library of Congress, which then contained about 3,000 books, 1814
Matthew Webb becomes the first to swim the English Channel, 1875

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