
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ever have the phone ring 5 times while you are cooking dinner? Each time about something important, like an ill kitten that you may end up having to nurse for several days?

And you are cooking something that has to be tended on the stove the whole time?

Plus have a screaming, hungry kitten climbing on you wanting its bottle?

Plus have your Sweetie (or what's-his-name, if you are not feeling very loving at the moment!) yelling from the other room that the computer in there won't get online again because the wireless remote adapter is acting up again?

Then get stuck with the tech on the phone for 45 minutes who can only tell you that since you got the adapter working by trying 3 different times to reconnect with the password, there isn't anything else to do, just hope it keeps working?

All the while trying to work up the schedule for the family to use while you are gone so everybody gets their work done and nobody gets left behind?

And having someone asking you questions in the chat room, where you are trying to follow two different conversations?

Then you have some idea of my evening yesterday.

And why I need a vacation.

American Business Women's Day

Dear Diary Day

Elephant Appreciation Day


Festival of Disappearances

Festival of the Sea Goddess -- Eskimo

Hobbit Day

Ice Cream Cone Day

Independence Day, Mali

Kiwanis Kids Day

National Centenarians Day

National Hunting and Fishing Day

National Laundry Worker's Day

National White Chocolate Day

St. Maurice's Day

Birthdays Today:

Bonnie Hunt, 1964
Scott Baio, 1961
Joan Jett, 1960
Andrea Bocelli, 1958
Debby Boone, 1956
Shari Belafonte, 1954
Tommy Lasorda, 1927
Michael Farriday, 1791
Lord Chesterfield, 1694

Today in History:

Legion I Italica is created by Emperor Nero, 66
Switzerland becomes an independent state, 1499
An all female jury hears the case of a woman who was charged with killing her child, vote to acquit, 1656
A final 8 people are hanged for witchcraft in Salem, Mass., 1692
City of Des Moines, Iowa, is incorporated as Fort Des Moines, 1851
Queen Victoria surpasses her grandfather, King George III, as the longest reigning monarch in British history, 1895
Italo Marchiony granted a patent for the ice cream cone, 1903
England's first airplane flight, 1910
Ralph J. Bunche becomes the first black winner of the Nobel Peace Price, 1950


  1. You definitely need a break! Hope today goes better,

  2. My goodness. You did have a day, didn't you?


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