
Saturday, September 12, 2009

So many great blogs out there, so little time.

Seriously, like books, and websites, and magazines, there is so much more I could be reading and learning about, if only there was more time in each day.

I know I write the world's most boring of blogs. That's fine, I never expected anyone else to read it, and I really only write for me.

Reading is another matter.

I will continue to try to read as many blogs, books, websites, etc, as I can. Partly because there is so much out there I want to learn, and partly because reading tons of material comes as naturally to me as breathing.

There will never, ever, be enough hours in the day to read all I want, and that includes lots of wonderful blogs.

Today is:

Defender's Day, Maryland

Feast of Atabel, Tainos, West Indes (mother goddess)

Independence Day, Cape Verde, Ethiopia

National Chocolate Milkshake Day

National Day, Saudi Arabia

National Day of Encouragement

National Video Games Day (another one!)

Popcorn Day

St. Alibe's Day

St. Guy's Day

Virgin's Fair, Greece

World Suicide Prevention Day

Birthdays Today:

Yao Ming, 1980
Rachel Ward, 1957
Gerry Beckley, 1952
Barry White, 1952
Maria Muldaur, 1943
Linda Gray, 1940
George Jones, 1931
Dickie Moore, 1925
Irene Dailey, 1920
Jesse Owens, 1913
Ben Blue, 1901
Alfred A. Knopf, Sr. 1892
Maurice Chevalier, 1888
H.L. Mencken, 1880

Today in History:

The first submarine is tested in London, 1624
Turkish troops besieging Vienna are overthrown after 2 months by Poland's King Sobieski, 1683
First Black Masons Lodge is formed, 1787
Switzerland becomes a Federal State, 1848
The "Cleopatra Needle" is installed in London, 1878
The world's first female police officer, Alice Stebbins Wells, is appointed by the LAPD, 1910

1 comment:

  1. Messymimi, stopped by to say thanks for visiting my blog. After seeing your post about interesting stuff out there I'd have to say I'm doubly thrilled that you include me.


Thanks for meandering by and letting me know you were here!
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