
Saturday, November 21, 2009

Mighty Hunter

The big, mighty, 4-legged hunter creeps forward.

His prey is unsuspecting, he is sure he will get it.

He pounces, and it is his! It weighs almost as much as he does, but this does not deter him from seeking the stranglehold that will allow him to drag it off.

Then, as he finally gets it balanced and begins to make off with his kill, his brother unexpectedly catches him, dealing him a blindside blow.

The prey, the sock-full of rice, tied off to be put in the microwave as a source of warmth for cold kittens, is forgotten as the kittens themselves tumble off to chase each other.

If they only behaved like this all of the time, instead of trying to find new ways to spill their water bowls and claw the furniture without being caught, I would have a houseful!

Oh, wait a minute, I do have a house full. Eleven foster kittens.

People ask how I can bottle raise them then let them be adopted to good homes, especially when they are "so cute." How could I keep them all? It would be doing them a disservice. I would have to stop doing what I love and tend full time to the ones I had, with no room to help more.

I just hope the ones that lead lonely, feral lives get their prey.

"Aren't five sparrows sold for two pennies in the market? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God." Luke 12:6

Today is:

Community Day

National Adoption Day

National Stuffing Day

National Survivors of Suicide Day (There are lots of people out there who had a loved one die by suicide, so go give one a hug and some support.)

St. Gelasius' Day

World Hello Day

World Television Day

Birthdays Today:

Ken Griffey, Jr., 1969
Troy Aikman, 1966
Bjork, 1965
Cherry Jones, 1956
Goldie Hawn, 1945
Harold Ramis, 1944
Juliet Mills, 1941
Marlo Thomas, 1938
Joseph Campanella, 1927
Stan Musial, 1920
Coleman Hawkins, 1904
Rene Magritte, 1898
Hetty Green, 1834
William Beaumont, 1785
Voltaire, 1694

Today in History:

The Pilgrims, aboard the Mayflower, reach what is now called Provincetown Harbor, Massachusetts, and sign the Mayflower Compact, 1620
Richard Johnson, a free black, is granted 550 acres in Virginia, 1654
Colonel Napoléon Bonaparte is promoted to full general and appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Armies of the French Republic, 1791
First Jewish Reform congregation in US forms, Charleston, SC, 1824
Moses F Gale patents a cigar lighter, 1871
Tom Edison announces his "talking machine" invention (phonograph), 1877
First commercial crossing of Pacific by plane (China Clipper), 1935

1 comment:

  1. I can picture them playing with the "rice bag." Blog friends have been so kind as to share some of their hand-made rice bags with me and the kitten loves to "wrestle" with them! Speaking of the rice bags, I should heat one up and put it on my sore neck muscles!


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