
Monday, November 9, 2009

Sluggish and sleepy, today is a gray and wet day, with a small hurricane on the distant horizon!

Amazing, to get a hurricane in the Gulf in November. Doesn't happen often, and the weather is wet and cold enough here to steer it away from a direct hit on us, and to keep it from getting too strong wherever it hits.

Tomorrow should be back to sunnier skies. I hope so, clouds depress me.

Today is:

Chaos Never Dies Day

Couch Beachcombing Day

Dedication of the Lateran Basilica

Go To An Art Museum Today Day

Lord Mayor's Day, London, England

Miniature Golf National Championship

National Scrapple Day

Parade Day

Remembrance Day, Bahamas

Sprat Day, UK

St. Leo's Day

Wish-Granting Championship (Leprechaun) -- Fairy Calendar

World Orphans Day

Birthdays Today:

Chris Hericho, 1970
Lou Ferrigno, 1951
Tom Fogerty, 1941
Mary Travers, 1936
Carl Sagan, 1934
Spiro Agnew, 1918
Hedy Lamarr, 1913
James William Fullbright, 1905
Ed Wynn, 1886

Today in History:

Family de'Medici become rulers of Florence, 1492
Hungarian parliament promises Protestants freedom of religion, 1681
The Rabbi Yehuda Hasid synagogue in Jerusalem is set afire by Arabs, 1720
Napoleon becomes dictator of France, 1799
The first US pharmacy college begins classes in Philadelphia, 1821
The NY Symphony Orchestra holds its first public performance, 1858
The first documented Canadian football game is held, at the University of Toronto, 1861
Ulyses Grant issues orders to bar Jews from serving under him, 1862
The Great Boston Fire destroys nearly 1,000 buildings, 1872
Theodore Roosevelt becomes the first US president to visit other countries during his tenure, visiting Puerto Rico and Panama, 1906

1 comment:

  1. Tuesday for us is supposed to be rainy so I will go grocery shopping today. Thurs. I take Magic to be neutered and Harriet to have her teeth cleaned - there goes $$$$$$$!


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