
Thursday, December 24, 2009

My Christmas Eve Email

Today's email included the estimates for more repairs on the house.

How I hate the idea of sinking more money into this money pit.

I'm blessed that my parents will provide a gift for each child. By God's grace, I can give them dinner tonight. Tomorrow morning, I can give them a bit of something special for breakfast and a ride to their grandparent's house.

Meanwhile, I will cook my dad's gift, and #2 Son will indulge his culinary skills in making a pumpkin pie.

Today is:

Adam & Eve Day, Hungary

Calendas, Oaxaca, Mexico

Christmas Eve

Global Accountability Day

Independence Day, Libya

National Egg Nog Day

Utter Day -- Fairy Calendar (Every word uttered by the fairy folk becomes a physical object he/she must wear for the rest of the day.)

Zerowork Season begins

Birthdays Today:

Ryan Seacrest, 1974
Stephanie Meyer, 1973
Ricky Martin, 1971
Mary Higgins Clark, 1929
Ava Gardner, 1922
Howard Hughes, 1905
Johnny Gruelle, 1880
Kit Carson, 1809

Today in History:

The Byzantine church Hagia Sophia in Constantinople is dedicated for the second time after being destroyed by earthquakes, 563
Thomas Wolsey is appointed English Lord Chancellor, 1515
Kiritimati, also called Christmas Island, is "discovered" by James Cook, 1777
"Silent Night" is composed by Franz Joseph Gruber; it is first sung the next day, 1818
Fire devastates the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., destroys 35,000 volumes, 1851
Henry Ford completes his first useful gas motor, 1893
Irving Fisher patents an archiving system with index cards, 1912
The first radio transmission of NCRV in Netherlands, 1924
Shooting begins on "The Cage" the pilot for the Star Trek series, 1964

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