
Friday, December 4, 2009


There are rumblings among the people that there will be snow tonight.

The children are ecstatic. The actual weather forecast is for snow flurries, and a temperature that will not sustain much sticking of the snow that might fall.

Temper your enthusiasm, kids, this is south Louisiana. We get flurries at least once almost every year. Actual snow to play in is a rare thing.

Still, they hold on to hope.

Ah, to be young and hopeful again.

Today is:

Comet Day

Day of the Artisans, Mexico

Kamolol, Marshall Islands (Thanksgiving Day)

Kris Kringle's Fair, Nuremburg, Germany

National Cookie Day

National Dice Day

Pallas Athena Celebration -- Ancient Greek Calendar (goddess of wisdom)

Presentation Day

Santa's List Day

St. Barbara's Day (patron of firemen, architects, mathematicians,

fireworks, miners, sailors; against lightning, fire, explosions, sudden

death) - A young woman may place the twig of a cherry tree in a glass of

water today. If it blooms by Christmas Eve, the girl is certain to marry

in the following year.

St. Maruthas' Day (patron of Iran)

Wear A Beard of Bees Today Day

Wear Brown Shoes Day

Wind Whirling Bacchanalia -- Fairy Calendar

Birthdays Today:

Tyra Banks, 1973
Marisa Tomei, 1964
Jozef Sabovcik, 1963
Jeff Bridges, 1949
Dennis Wilson, 1944
Max Baer, Jr., 1937
Wink Martindale, 1934
Victor French, 1934
Francisco Franco, 1892
Crazy Horse, 1840
Thomas Carlyle, 1795

Today in History:

Upon the death of Carloman, Karel the Great (Charlemagne), his brother, becomes king of all France, 771
The Syrian harbor city of Saida (Sidon) surrenders to the Crusaders, 1110
After 18 years, the Council of Trent holds its final session, 1563
Father Marquette begins to build the first dwelling in what is now Chicago, 1674
Britain's Observer, oldest Sunday newspaper in world, first published, 1791
Britain abolishes the practice of the "suttee" in India, 1829
The American Anti-Slavery Society is founded in Philadelphia by Arthur Tappen and William Lloyd Garrison, 1833
"Boss" Tweed escapes from jail, 1875
The first edition of the Los Angeles Times is published, 1881
Lucille Atcherson becomes the first woman legation secretary in the US Foreign sService, 1922
Cecil B. DeMille's first version of "The Ten Commandments" (the one in which he flooded Hollywood Blvd. without permit 3 times to get the Red Sea Scene right, and had to bail his crew out of jail 3 times, too!) premiers, 1923

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