
Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Again, the house is taking on water because of the rain. This time, the rain has not been all that heavy. Yet we find ourselves using the shop vac to suck up the water every 15 minutes or so.

We came home to find it this way, home from the last co-op for the semester.

We also got here to find a friend on our doorstep asking for help, he has been laid off, and doesn't have the rent. We live month by month ourselves, but I could not turn him away.

He will be okay for a few days, and if he is willing to give away the puppy he just adopted, we have found him a room mate where his rent will be much cheaper.

It never rains but it pours.

Today is:

Astraea's Day -- Ancient Greek Calendar (goddess of justice)

Beach Day and Blessing of the Waters, Uruguay

Bodhi Day (Rohatsu) -- Buddhism

Feast of the Immaculate Conception -- Roman Catholic Holy Day of


Israa W Miiraj (Night Journey)

National Brownie Day

Nightwatch Illumination Ceremony

Take It In the Ear Day

Winter Flowers Day

Birthdays Today:

Teri Hatcher, 1964
Kim Basinger, 1953
Sam Kinison, 1953
Gregg Allman, 1947
Jim Morrison, 1943
James Galway, 1939
David Carradine, 1936
Flip Wilson, 1933
Maximilian Schell, 1930
Sammy Davis, Jr. 1925
Richard Fleischer, 1916
Lee J. Cobb, 1911
James Thurber, 1894
Diego Rivera, 1886
Jean Sibelius, 1865
Mary, Queen of Scots, 1542

Today in History

Daitokuji temple, Rinzai line, established in Kyoto by Daito Kokushi, 1326
Biblioteca Ambrosiana opens its reading room, the second public library of Europe, 1609
The Mexican border town Ciudad Juárez is founded by Fray García de San Francisco, 1659
Vienna's Ring Theater is destroyed by fire, killing over 600, 1881
The American Federation of Labor is formed by 26 individual craft unions, and Samuel Gompers is elected its first president, 1886
The Japanese military police launch a violent suppression of the religious sect Oomoto, 1935
The Chinese Nationalist government moves from mainland China to Formosa, 1949

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