
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Waiting Room Blues

I must look like a perpetual waiter.

The last time I had a doctor's appointment, the waiting room cleared out twice, including everyone who came in after me, before I was called in.

Today, I took #1 Son in to be tested for the flu (it was negative, he has a bad sinus infection). Again, everyone who came in after us had been called back before they got to us. Once you are in the exam room, it's time for another wait.

Then, off to pick up prescriptions where they tell you it will be 10 minutes, and it takes 30, if you are lucky. I once had to go home 3 times without the meds when they said that it would only be another hour. I waited two hours before going back each time.

When I wait in line, I will be the one who has to wait for someone to use 3 dozen coupons, a price check or two, and a survey of every grocery store circular to prove the other stores do have it on sale so they need to match the price and save five cents.

If it is not a grocery line, but another retailer, I will wait to get up there and the phone will ring, and the cashier will also be the one answering phones. He or she will never ask the caller to wait, I will be waiting until the call is over. Yet when I call these places, I am inevitable put on hold by that same person.

All I know is, if I get up to the Pearly Gates and there is a line, I will have had a lot of practice.

Today is:

Babin Den, Bulgaria (Grandmother's Day)

Basketball Day

Camcorder Day

Hat Day

Heroes Day, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau

International Life Day

National Buttercrunch Day

National Disc Jockey Day

Penguin Awareness Day

St. Sebastian's Day (Patron saint of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, archers, athletes, and soldiers, and is appealed to for protection against plagues.)

Take a Walk Outdoors Day

Vasant Panchami -- Hindu

Birthdays Today:

Rainn Wilson, 1966
Bill Maher, 1956
David Lynch, 1946
Dorothy Provine, 1937
Arte Johnson, 1934
Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, 1930
Patricia Neal, 1926
Federico Fellini, 1920
DeForest Kelley, 1920
George Burns, 1896
Huddie "Lead Belly" Ledbetter, 1889
André-Marie Ampère, 1775

Today in History:

The first elected English Parliament called into session by the 6th Earl of Leicester, 1265
The Casa Contratacion (Board of Trade) is founded in Spain to deal with American affairs, 1503
The cornerstone of Amsterdam townhall laid, 1648
China cedes Hong Kong to British, 1841
The first feature talking motion picture is taken outdoors, "In Old Arizona", 1929
Nazi officials hold notorious Wannsee conference in Berlin deciding on "final solution" calling for extermination of Europe's Jews, 1942
The first atomic submarine, USS Nautilus, is launched at Groton, Connecticut, 1955


  1. Penguin Awareness Day? I wish I'd known sooner.

  2. We spend many hours at the dr. and hospital. We laugh and say one of us is "sit" and the other is "wait!"

  3. What I can't figure out is people who wait until the cashier has totaled their bill before getting out their purse and starting to hunt for a pen so they can write a check.
    The other thing I can't figure out is why they're always /ahead/ of me in the line ;)


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