
Sunday, March 28, 2010


What in the world do colored eggs have to do with Palm Sunday? I have no idea, but that is what is on the agenda for the morning at Sunday school.

Meanwhile, Forrest has actually eaten without being forced. It was only a couple of times, and only just a tiny bit, but maybe she is getting better. She also has the runs like the others, and a couple of them have started sneezing, so giving fluids is still essential. I hate having to hold them still for that, but there it is. Holding a squirming, fussy, sick kitten still so you can put a needle in so maybe it will get over whatever virus is running rampant now is not a day at the beach. Especially when they have the runs, too, and, well, lets just leave the rest up to the imagination, shall we?

Right now they are all piled up on one of the socks stuffed with rice and warmed in the microwave oven, except Bud, of course. He is a bit off to the side, wanting to be close, but independent. Their cuddle place is right in front of the refrigerator where the warm air blows out from under it. Every time we open the fridge or freezer we have to say, "Duck!" and push them down gently to close the door. Eventually, they will associate the word with lowering their heads, but that can take a while.

I am debating going ahead and weaning Forrest, but I am hesitant. She really isn't quite big enough for the baby cat kibble even if she does have teeth now, and I know from experience that if I give her "kitten crack" (Science Diet A/D), I will have a terrible time getting her off of it. Once they get used to the taste of that stuff, they want only it, and it isn't suitable for long term feeding. It's an appetite stimulant because of the smell and very high in fat, to get a lot of calories in to a sickly critter very quickly.

If she will only eat more voluntarily, I won't have to resort to it.

Today is:

Confucius Memorial Days

Defy Death Today Day

Khordad Sal (Birth of the Prophet Zaranhushtra) -- Zoroastrian

National Black Forest Cake Day

Palm Sunday -- Christian/Orthodox Christian

Sacrifice At the Tombs -- Ancient Roman Calendar

Something on a Stick Day

Sun and Moon Creation Day

Teacher's Day, Czech Republic

Weed Appreciation Day

Birthdays Today:

Julia Stiles, 1981
Annie Wersching, 1977
Scott Mills, 1974
Juliandra Gillen, 1971
Vince Vaughn, 1970
Reba McEntire, 1955
Dianne Wiest, 1948
Ken Howard, 1944
Dirk Bogarde, 1921
August Anheuser Busch, Jr., 1899
Maxim Gorky, 1868
Frederich Pabst, 1836
St. Teresa of Avila, 1515

Today in History:

Roman Emperor Pertinax is assassinated by Praetorian Guards, who then sell the throne in an auction to Didius Julianus, 193
Viking raiders sack Paris, who leave in exchange for a huge ransom, 845
The origin of the Fasli Era in India, 1556
Nathaniel Briggs of NH patents a washing machine, 1797
Heinrich Wilhelm Matthäus Olbers discovers 2 Pallas, the second asteroid known to man, 1802
The US Salvation Army is officially organized, 1885
Henri Fabre becomes the first person to fly a seaplane, 1910
Jews are expelled from Tel Aviv & Jaffa by Turkish authorities, 1917


  1. Good Morning, The other day standing in line to check out at WalMart, I saw dozens of colored eggs being bought.
    I've been catching up on your kittens. Bless you for all you do for them.
    Happy Easter to you and yours.

  2. "Something on a Stick Day"
    If only I'd known earlier.


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