
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Extended Warranty

Apparently, Lenovo doesn't have #1 Son's computer on their records as having the extended warranty.

Always keep the paperwork. I have the reference number that proves they accepted it and registered it.

Now my favorite nerds at RentANerd, from whom we bought the computer, have the number and are going to push them to cover it.

With a laptop, always get the extended-covers-everything-including-the-kitchen-sink-falling-on-it warranty. Especially for a computer for the college student.

Meanwhile, we have delayed the talk about the dreaded budget in finance class until next time. This time we got distracted talking about the best places to go to get money. I believe I hammered home that the best place to go when you need money is to work. Work, I explained, is a sure-fire money making scheme.

Today is:

American Diabetes Association Alert Day

Dandelion Dance -- Fairy Calendar

Fun & Sun Day

Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death Day

National Chip and Dip Day

National Organize Your Home Office Day

National Puppy Day

Near Miss Day

Rally for Decency Day

Republic Day, Pakistan

St. Toribio's Day (patron of Latin American bishops)

St. Turibius de Mongrovejo's Day

Toast Day

World Meteorological Day

Anniversaries Today:

The University of California is founded in Oakland, California, 1868

Birthdays Today:

Michelle Monaghan, 1976
Keri Russell, 1976
Chaka Khan, 1953
Roger Bannister, 1929
Wernher Von Braun, 1912
Akira Kurosawa, 1910
Joan Crawford, 1904

Today in History:

Eighteenth recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet. 1066
The first dated edition of Maimonides "Mishna Torah" published, 1490
George Frideric Handel's oratorio "Messiah" premieres in London, 1743
Patrick Henry delivers his famous speech – "Give me Liberty, or give me Death!" – at St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia, 1775
After traveling through the Louisiana Purchase and reaching the Pacific Ocean, explorers Lewis and Clark and their "Corps of Discovery" begin their arduous journey home, 1806
Elisha Otis's first elevator is installed at 488 Broadway New York City, 1857
The Boers and Britain sign a peace accord that ends the First Boer War, 1881
President Benjamin Harrison opens Oklahoma to white settlement starting on April 22, starting a Land Run, 1889
The Wright Brothers apply for a patent on their invention of one of the first successful airplanes, 1903
NASA launches Gemini 3, the United States' first two-man space flight (crew: Gus Grissom and John Young), 1965

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