
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Well, that was an interesting experience.

Because I noted that yesterday was Halitosis Day (actually, this is also Bad Breath Awareness Week), I actually got a comment, and it was spam. Advertising for a breath freshener.

Wow. Even boring blogs get -- and have to delete -- such foolishness.

Today is:

Assyrian Martyrs Day -- various Assyrian communities

Battle of Boyaca Day -- Colombia

Braham Pie Day

Emancipation Day -- Turks and Caicos Islands

Feast of 'Aut-Yeb -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (Personification of Female Joy)

Feast of the Holy Name -- Christian

Lighthouse Day

National Raspberries and Cream Day

Particularly Preposterous Packaging Day

Professional Speaker's Day

Purple Heart Day

Republic Day -- Cote d'Ivoire

Say "Cheese" Day (In my family, we do not say "Cheese". We say "Chicken Lips!" Try it some time when walking past tourists who are trying to get a good photo, and watch them smile genuine smiles and come up with a good picture.)

Smartest Leprechaun Eisteddford, Fairy Calendar

St. Albert of Trapani's Day

St. Cajetan's Day

Sweet Pea Festival

Youth Day -- Kiribati

Birthdays Today:

Charlize Theron, 1975
David Duchovny, 1960
Garrison Keillor, 1942
B.J. Thomas, 1942
"The Amazing" James Randi, 1928
Carl "Alfalfa" Switser, 1927
Billie Burke, 1884
Mata Hari, 1876

Today in History:

Battle of Crannon between Athens and Macedon, following the death of Alexander the Great, BC322
Construction of the dome of Santa Maria del Fiore begins in Florence, 1420
Coup again the Tianshun Emperor by the Ming Dynasty Chinese military general Cao Qin, 1461
Francis Drake's fleet returns to Plymouth, 1573
The first documented performance of Macbeth, at the Great Hall at Hampton Court, 1606
Sieur de La Salle's brigantine Le Griffon becomes the first ship to sail the upper Great Lakes, 1679
Cherokee Indians take Ft. Loudon, Tennessee, 1760
George Washington creates the Order of the Purple Heart, 1782
Simon Bolivar triumphs over the Spanish at the Battle of Boyaca, 1819
The Peace Bridge opens between Fort Erie, Ontario and Buffalo, New York, 1927
IBM dedicates the first program-controlled calculator, the Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (known best as the Harvard Mark I), 1944
Explorer 6 transmits the first TV photo of Earth from space, 1959
Viking 2 enters orbit around Mars, 1976
The Washington Star ceases all operations after 128 years of publication, 1981

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If Blogger puts your comment in "spam jail," i'll try to get it hauled out by day's end.