
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Sunday Fun Day

Whether the weather be fine
Whether the weather be not
We must weather the weather
Whatever the weather
Whether we like it or not.


He that is weather wise
Is seldom other wise.

Those are the two traditional sayings about the weather for this date, June 8, and as noted below, if it rains today, tradition says it will continue to be a wet season. We will see.

Meanwhile, Sunday fun day on the trip.

For several years, when in Florida, we have attended the same church, one a friend pastors. This year, Sweetie decided to do something different. He had called a local Methodist congregation and spoken to the worship leader. After a bit of chatting about music and gear, Sweetie was invited to sit in with the stage band during the 9:45am contemporary worship service.

Jake had sent Sweetie the set sheets and he had spent the previous week practicing along with YouTube videos of each of the 7 numbers. When he got there for practice Saturday evening, it was 8 numbers, two of them different from the list, both of which he had never heard before. He managed to read and play them cold, then tried to show the lead guitarist how to play the lead for a particular song the young man wasn't getting. Jake decided to let Sweetie play rhythm and back up for the rest of the songs, but take over the lead for that one. My rocker husband never ceases to amaze me, he did a great job.

So, Sunday i let each of the kids decide whether to come along or not. #2 Son and Little Girl slept in, Teresa and Bigger Girl came with us. We had to get there for warm up, of course, so i got to hear all of the songs several times. They sounded great.

Teresa seemed a little nonplussed by the service. Her parents make her go to a traditional type of church. Her mom would have dropped dead before the end of the first number. In normal Methodist fashion, the sermon itself was very short, something else she probably isn't used to. She seemed to like that it was different, however, and i know she is glad to be away from the house.

She isn't, however, away from the phone. Her mom called several times through the morning, as Teresa's camera battery has died and we can't seem to find a replacement. We finally convinced her mother not to drive another one down here (!) but to just overnight it.

After church, back home to change clothes and on to the health food store for me, the health nut. #2 Son and Little Girl were taking care of themselves quite nicely, so the four of us loaded up again and went to my favorite place to get some food i will enjoy eating. While there we had lunch at their deli, and horror of horrors, they were out of wheat grass juice! So i had to settle for a smoothie without one.

On the way home we stopped at our favorite flea market and antique shop to ask after the owner, who had to have very serious brain surgery last year. We knew she had come through the surgery, but hadn't heard how she was lately. We only stayed long enough to say hello to her and find that she is in great health, all is now well. Promising to come back soon, we brought the cold groceries home.

Now it was time to deal with the tent. My brother who moved to Indiana left us a gazebo tent that is wonderful shade on the beach. It was new in the box, and we hauled the heavy thing down to the sand with trepidation.

First, i unzipped the case to find a box within. As we pulled and dragged and got the box out, away down the beach tried to fly the instructions. Thank goodness for a niece and nephew who love to run in the sand. At least, that's what i thought until i read the instructions, or tried to.

It took us several minutes of dancing around from pole to pole to figure out how to push the buttons while lifting part A and holding down part B. We tried to put the top on only to disagree about whether to hook the straps first or after it was fully extended.

Finally, a nice gentleman who had already set up his own earlier in the day took pity on us. He was even tall enough to set the highest straps, and told us how to make it easier on ourselves next time. Turns out he's had his for 8 years and he says they are sturdy and worth the effort. We just have to remember to take the canopy off each night or if storms are coming to keep the whole thing from blowing away.

Also, i have to try to figure out how to fit it into the storage closet we have here in my parent's unit -- that thing needs a good mucking out, make sure there are no stray fishing hooks among the toys and equipment and get the paint cans out of the way of the stuff we use all of the time. Some of the floating toys date back to when the kids were all under 10!

Miss Prissy and Doc cooked spaghetti and meat sauce for dinner, so the whole afternoon and evening were spent up and down to the beach, to the pool, upstairs to eat, and finally, Doc took #2 Son, Little Girl, and Bryn fishing.

Today is

Best Friends Day -- a day to just remember and appreciate your friends

Betty Picnic -- honoring everyone in the world named Betty

Bounty Day -- Norfolk Island (celebrates the arrival of the Bounty descendents from Pitcairn Island)

Clean Air Day -- Canada

Festival of Mens -- Ancient Roman Calendar (festival of the personification of mental activity)

Lindisfarne Day -- Germanic Neopaganism (commemorating the Viking raid on Lindisfarne in 793)

Name Your Poison Day -- make a decision on something

National Jelly-Filled Doughnut Day

Province Day -- Temotu Province, Solomon Islands

St. Medard's Day (patron of brewers, the mentally ill, peasants, prisoners, vinyards, against bad weather, sterility, and toothache, for good harvests, good weather, and rain; if it rains today, tradition says it will rain for 40 days after)

St. William of York's Day

Upsy Daisy Day -- a day to remind people to awaken gloriously, gratefully, and gleefully each morning

Watch Day -- sign that you are over 30, you still wear a watch!

World Brain Tumor Day

World Congress on Menopause convenes -- Rome, Italy (through the 12th)

World Ocean Day

Birthdays Today:

Kim Clijsters, 1983
Kayne West, 1977
Keenen Ivory Wayans, 1958
Scott Adams, 1958
Tim Berners-Lee, 1955
Boz Scaggs, 1944
Nancy Sinatra, 1940
Joan Rivers, 1933
Jerry Stiller, 1927
Barbara Bush, 1925
Robert Preston, 1918
Francis Crick, 1916
Frank Lloyd Wright, 1867

Today in History:

Vikings raid the abbey at Lindisfarne in Northumbria, commonly accepted as the beginning of the Scandinavian invasion of England, 793
Richard the Lionheart's Crusade begins with his arrival at Acre, 1191
American attackers are driven back at Trois-Rivières, Quebec, 1776
The volcano Laki, in Iceland, begins an eight-month eruption which kills over 9,000 people and starts a seven-year famine, 1783
Mr. Hall of NYC advertises the first commercially made ice cream, 1786
Ives W McGaffey of Chicago patents the first vacuum cleaner, 1869
Herman Hollerith receives a patent for his punched card calculator, 1887
Theodore Roosevelt signs the Antiquities Act into law, authorizing the President to restrict the use of certain parcels of public land with historical or conservation value, 1906
Carl Laemmle incorporates Universal Pictures, 1912
Milton Berle hosts the debut of Texaco Star Theater, 1948
The United States Supreme Court rules that Washington, D.C. restaurants could not refuse to serve black patrons, 1953
The first World Ocean Day is celebrated, coinciding with the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1992
The first Venus Transit in modern history takes place, the previous one being in 1882, 2004

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