
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fava Beans

Bigger Girl is vegan, like me.

She does not eat mostly raw, as i do, although probably she is close to 50% most days.

She is now experimenting with recipes.

Raw sweet potato relish stuffed in bell pepper and fava bean loaf, anyone?

Meanwhile, Sweetie is still wondering what he did wrong; after all, meat should be the centerpiece of every meal.

She plans to bring some of this to the Thanksgiving celebration at Grandma and Grandpa's house this year.

What Grandpa, who is old medical school conservative and believes vegetarians are crazy will think, i do not know.

It's going to be an interesting holiday season.

Today is:

All Souls' Day -- Christian (celebrations in Ecuador are among the most colorful; 2nd of the Dias de los Muertos in Mexico)

Aztec Day of the Dead -- Ancient Aztec Calendar

Balfour Declaration Day -- Israel

Coronation of Haile Selassie -- Rastafarian

Dead Relatives' Day -- Sicily

Dia de Finados -- Brazil; Portugal

Dveselu Diena -- Ancient Latvian Calendar

Festival of Hathor -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar

Hopi and Zuni Ancestors' Day

Indian Arrival Day / Arrival of Indentured Laborers' Day -- Mauritius

Karatsu Kunchi -- Karatsu and Saga, Japan

Look for Circles Day -- internet generated, and we run in circles looking for who created it and why!

National Deviled Egg Day

National Traffic Directors Day -- meaning radio and TV traffic directors, who always schedule your favorite shows when you just can't watch, and put more and more commercials in when they can

Ohara Festival -- Kagoshima, Japan (one of Japan's largest autumn festivals, with 22,000+ dancers in the parade; through tomorrow)

Potting-Shed Investitures -- Fairy Calendar (Garden Fairies)

Plan Your Epitaph Day

Refuse to Capitalize the First Letters in Your Name Day -- k.d.lang's birthday

Soulcaker's Play -- Cheshire, UK

St Eustachius' Day (Patron of firefighters, hunters, hunting, Madrid [Spain], Poli [Italy], torture victims, trappers; against fire, difficult situations, and torture)

Anniversaries Today:

North Dakota becomes the 39th US State, 1889
South Dakota becomes the 40th US State, 1889

Birthdays Today:

Stephanie Powers, 1942
Pat Buchanan, 1938
Ray Walston, 1914
Burt Lancaster, 1913
Paul Ford, 1901
Warren G. Harding, 1865
James K. Polk, 1795
Marie Antionette, 1755
Daniel Boone, 1734

Today in History:

The Plymouth, Rhode Island, Massachusetts Bay, and Connecticut colonies combine forces and attach the Great Swamp Fort of the Narragansetts during King Philip's War, 1675
The African Free School, the first free school in NYC, opens, 1787
The popular vote for US president is first recorded and Andrew "By God" Jackson (a/k/a Old Hickory) defeats John Quincy Adams, 1824
New Zealand officially adopts a standard time to be observed nationally, 1868
Johnny Campbell officially leads the crowd in cheering at a University of Minnesota football game, the official birth of cheerleading, 1898
The British newspaper the "Daily Mirror" begins publication, 1904
The Balfour Declaration proclaims British support for the "establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people" with the clear understanding "that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities", 1917
Australia's Qantas Airways begins service, 1922
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is established, 1936
In California, designer Howard Hughes performs the maiden (and only) flight of the Spruce Goose; the largest fixed-wing aircraft ever built, 1947
Penguin Books is found not guilty of obscenity in the Lady Chatterley's Lover case, 1960
The Morris worm, the first internet-distributed computer worm to gain significant mainstream media attention, is launched from MIT, 1988


  1. Well, to each his or her own, I say. If you want veggies for Thanksgiving, more power to you!

  2. Oh, my. I am not a vegetarian, but it seems like if it's anything like my families get-togethers, there is usually more than enough food for all, and you could be fine as a meat eater, OR plant eater. ('Cept I would have to pass on her dish, I can't STAND sweet potatoes... I joke that the family completely wastes perfectly good marshmallows on them...)

    But I hope that everyone can put aside food, and be into family for a while...


  3. Sully, we know we are weird, so we do the adapting.

    Cat, my family doesn't do veggies voluntarily at big get togethers. Yes, we will put aside the food, but Grandpa will shake his head and worry that we are starving for nutrition as he eats lots of white, pasty stuff that has no vitamins.;)


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