
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Puppy Love

The Hazelnut thinks she is a mama.

These aren't the best, having been taken with a cell phone camera (i can't wait for
Teresa, she will get better ones).

Her favorite thing to do is clean them. Nothing makes that tail wag faster than to let her in the kitchen and say, "Fix it!" That's ours term for getting her to help with something.

For their part, the kittens are happy to be interacting with another animal that can clean them nicely, without the water faucet being involved.

The most positive thing is that they will be adaptable to homes with dogs, once they are old enough to be placed in permanent homes.

As evidenced by The Hazelnut and Mikey. Mikey was raised with her cleaning him, and they are pals.

Today is

Barbershop Quartet Day -- founding day of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Singing in America

Buchenwald Liberation Day

Eight Track Tape Day -- do you remember those; someone who fondly does has a day to honor them

Festival of Unmediated Play -- just go out there and have fun, like kids do

International "Louie Louie" Day -- a song that caused such a stir it deserves a day; on the birthday of its composer, Richard Berry

Juan Santamaria Day -- Costa Rica

Liberation Day -- Uganda (fall of Idi Amin)

M&M Crisis in Space Day -- on this day in 1996, American astronaut Shannon Lucid reported from Space Station Mir that she was out of M&Ms; it was the only thing she regularly requested for resupply in her 188 days there!

National Bookmobile Day

National Cheese Fondue Day

St. Antipas' Day (Patron against toothache)

St. Stanislaus' Day (Patron of moral order; Krakow; Poland; feast celebrated also May 8 in Poland)

World Parkinson's Disease Day

Yasurai Matsuri -- Imamiya Jinja, Kyoto, Japan (festival to prevent ill health)

Birthdays Today:

Joss Stone, 1987
Vincent Gallo, 1961
Meshach Taylor, 1947
Louise Lasser, 1939
Richard Berry, 1935
Joel Grey, 1932
Ethel Kennedy, 1928
Oleg Cassini, 1913

Today in History:

William III and Mary II are crowned as joint sovereigns of Britain, 1689
The last execution for witchcraft in Germany takes place, 1775
President Abraham Lincoln makes his last public speech, urging a spirit of concilliation during reconstruction, 1865
The Shogunate is abolished in Japan, 1868
The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks is organized, 1876
Ellis Island is designated as an immigration station, 1890
Spain cedes Puerto Rico to the United States in the treaty ending the Spanish American War, 1899
The US Navy acquires its first submarine, designed by John P. Holland, 1900
Albert Einstein announces his Special Theory of Relativity, 1905
The International Labour Organization is founded, 1919
The Stone of Scone, the stone upon which Scottish monarchs were traditionally crowned, is found in Arbroath Abbey where Scottish nationalist students had taken it from Westminster Abbey, 1951
Britain agrees to Singaporean self-rule, 1957
Apollo 13 is launched, 1970
The Apple I is created, 1976
Ugandan dictator Idi Amin is deposed, 1979
The London Agreement is secretly signed between Israeli Foreign Affairs Minister Shimon Peres and King Hussein of Jordan, 1987
Australia beats American Samoa in a 31-0 win, the biggest ever in an international match of football, 2001
The French ban of Islamic women's face coverings goes into effect, 2011


  1. Awwww .. that's SO sweet. What a good dog.

  2. I always melt when I see a dog and cat who get along well. Growing up, I had a cat and the dog next door was it's protector and great pal. When other dogs would come into the yard, he'd chase them away!

  3. Love that last picture. And I see they like pop-tarts also.

  4. Hilary, she is good.

    Suldog, a good dog knows who his friends are.

    Leah, she really is.

    John, they would if they could get them; the kids eat them too fast!

  5. That is the loveliest dog! I bet they will all stay friends as the kittens get older and turn into cats.

  6. Jenny, we really hope so, at least while she is living here with us.


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