
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Just when i thought...

...that i knew what to blog about today, the phone rang.

It was Miss W from the cat rescue.

"We just had a couple show up at the shelter," she said.  "They took the dog for a walk, and saw it pick something up in its mouth."

The something was a kitten.  Newborn, with umbilical cord.  They brought it right to the shelter, and Miss W couldn't just turn them away.

He is now residing in my shirt to keep warm, but i set him on a blanket with a ruler to take his picture.

He's just over 4 inches, head to rump, not counting the tail.

He is active, but was getting cold when i got him.  Newborns that have not gotten any colostrum or mother's care at all have about a 10% chance of making it.

We will continue to do what we can, and no matter how this one turns out, he will be warm and fed and loved.

Today is

24 Hours of LeMans -- Le Mans, France (the biggest sporting challenge for car manufacturers)

Bloomsday (Joyce's Ulysses)

Day of Third-Hand Reports and Shaky Evidence -- Fairy Calendar

Festival of Het-Hurt as Sirius -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Festival of Ludi Piscatari -- Ancient Roman Calendar (festival for fishermen)

Fresh Veggies Day -- before you have that fudge later

GRABAAWR / GReat Annual Bicycle Adventure Along the Wisconsin River -- WI, US (through the 23rd)

International Day of the African Child -- Organisation of African Unity

Lailat al Miraj -- Islam

Madame Lou Bunch Day -- Central City, CO, US (Old Flop House Celebration of the Madam who ran the city's most famous house of ill repute during the gold rush, complete with period costumes and a brass bed race!)

Martyrdom Day of Guru Arjan Dev -- Sikh

National Fudge Day

National Morticians Day -- honoring the last people to ever let you down

St. Benno's Day (Patron of anglers, fishermen, weavers; Dresden-Meissen, Germany; Munich, Germany)

St. John-Francis Regis' Day (Patron of embroiderers, lace makers, social workers)

Sussex Day -- West Sussex, England (on St. Richard's Day, as he was Bishop of Chichester from 1245 to 1253, and his shrine was an important pilgrimage site)

Trooping the Colour -- UK (military celebration of the monarch's birthday)

Wicket World of Croquet -- The Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site, Indianapolis, IN, US (croquet tournament fundraiser, includes an Alice and Friends game for the little ones)

World Juggling Day

Youth Day -- South Africa

Birthdays Today:

Diana DeGarmo, 1987
Phil Mickelson, 1970
Joan Van Ark, 1943
Joyce Carol Oates, 1938
Erich Segal, 1937
Stan Laurel, 1890
Geronimo, 1829

Today in History:

The Zoroastrian Religious Calendar begins with the ascension of Yasdegerd III of Persia, the start of the Persian Era, 632
Battle of Stoke Field, the final engagement of the Wars of the Roses, 1487
British troops take Cape Breton Island, which is now part of Nova Scotia, Canada, 1745
The French surrender Fort Beauséjour to the British, leading to the expulsion of the Acadians, 1755
Abraham Lincoln delivers his House Divided speech in Springfield, Illinois, 1858
The Victoria Hall theatre panic in Sunderland, England kills 183 children, 1883
John Abbott becomes Canada's third prime minister, 1891
The Ford Motor Company is incorporated, 1903
The storming of the cockpit of the Miss Macao passenger seaplane, operated by a subsidiary of the Cathay Pacific Airways, marks the first aircraft hijacking of a commercial plane, 1948
Rudolf Nureyev defects at Le Bourget airport in Paris, 1961
Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova becomes the first woman in space, 1963
The largest single-site hydro-electric power project in Canada starts at Churchill Falls, Labrador, 1972
Soweto uprising: a non-violent march by 15,000 students in Soweto, South Africa turns into days of rioting when police open fire on the crowd and kill 566 children, 1976
Israel complies with UN Security Council Resolution 425 after 22 years of its issuance, which calls on Israel to completely withdraw from Lebanon, 2000
The 9/11 Commission, contradicting White House claims, determines Saddam Hussein had no strong ties to al-Qaeda, 2004
British Petroleum agrees to finance a $20 billion fund to compensate those whose livelihood was damaged by the Deepwater Horizon disaster, 2010
Prince Harry of Wales is cleared to return to active duty in the Afghan War, 2011


  1. A kitten only four inches long... one tiny life stuggling... God bless you!

  2. Proof as to how important life is can be found in the way animals hold on to it.

  3. Oh, boy. This is going to be a tough little cuss if it makes it. Or totally fragile. This kind of a start, there is no middle ground, from what I've seen... Let's hope for the first, yes?


  4. Kay, thank you; i hope the blessings are more for him than me, though.

    Stephen, you are right.

    Cat, if he doesn't get upper respiratory, or diarrhea, or all the other things they can get, he's going to be a miracle kitten.

  5. Sweet little darling. Two or three years ago, Frank's sister was brought two newborn kittens (also with cords attached), which were heard and ultimately found in a dumpster. She worried that if they survived they'd never quite be normal. She decided she was keeping them rather than find a home for them. They're incredibly sweet, fun, intelligent and very normal cats. The only slightly odd behaviour is that Luca must suck on a blanket when he sleeps and Sambuca sucks on the end of his own tail.. which shows in its shape. Good luck with this little darling.


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