
Monday, July 2, 2012

3rd Time a Charm?

The first time, i got it.  First time mother, not (yet) married to the father, she and her baby deserve some special treatment and pampering.

It was a lovely baby shower, lots of nice gifts, food, decorations, fun.  She broke down in tears when she thanked us verbally, amazed and overwhelmed by gifts and pregnancy hormones.

They married when the second baby was on the way, and i attended the wedding, brought a gift.  The second baby shower, i just sent a gift.

Then, the almost break up.  She is still talking about his "temper" problems.  (No, there are no signs of abuse, and the first daughter, who is in my Sunday School class, does not have any signs of being hit.  She is a handful, but no more so than Timmy.  If she did show such signs, i would not hesitate to call CPS.  Verbal abuse, though, leaves no bruises, and nothing the child says in class indicates it.)

Now, even with that trouble hanging over them, him out of work (for a while now, as she supports the family by working in her parent's business), an invitation to a third baby shower.

When did people start having parties for subsequent children, as the original idea was to gift a mother who had no baby equipment and supplies with a starter set?  Maybe around the same time people started thinking it was good etiquette to ask for cash gifts, or wanting huge, lavish 2nd and 3rd and 4th weddings.

No, i don't grudge her the gift, and i want to be supportive and see their marriage heal, their family whole.  Will having another child right now help that?  (No, i do not know if this was planned or not, it isn't my place to ask, or to second guess anyone else's decision on family size.  It's just a wondering if the timing helps or harms the overall situation.)

Poor wee bairn will get a nice something from me, and lots of prayers.

From what i've seen, the whole family need it.

Today is

Adonia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (date approximate, but always in July, a ritual to honor Adonis)

Caricom Day -- Guyana; Saint Vincent and Grenadines

Carnival Monday -- Saint Vincent and Grenadines

Constitution Day -- Cayman Islands

Distressed Elves' Creditors' Day -- Fairy Calendar

Family Day -- Lesotho

Flag & Anthem Day -- Curacao

Halfway Point of the Year Day / Second Half of the Year Day (most years, July 1; Leap Year, July 2)

Heroes Day -- Zambia

I Forgot Day (the day to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, or other special days that you forgot during the first half of the year)

National Anisette Day

Palio di Provenzano -- Siena, Italy (horse race and pageant, named after the Madonna di Provenzano, whose church is in Siena)

Remember to Feed the Hummingbirds Day -- internet reminder to be nice to these beautiful creatures

Second Half of the Year Day -- because 2012 is a Leap Year, the second half of the year started at midnight

St. Swithin's Day (Patron against drought; of Stavenger, England; Winchester, England)

Try to Find Your Slinky Day -- the weird holiday of the day!

Violin Lovers' Day

World UFO Day -- unfortunately, a real day observed by many (i believe that if there's life elsewhere, it shows its intelligence by staying away from us!)

Birthdays Today

Lindsay Lohan, 1986
Johnny Weir, 1984
Jose and Ozzie Canseco, 1964
Ron Silver, 1946
Richard Petty, 1937
Polly Holiday, 1937
Dave Thomas, 1932
Medgar Evers, 1925
Dan Rowan, 1922
Ken Curtis, 1916
Thurgood Marshall, 1908
Hermann Hesse, 1877

Today in History

Thomas Savery patents the first steam engine, 1698
Vermont  becomes the first American territory to abolish slavery, 1777
Charles J. Guiteau shoots and fatally wounds U.S. President James Garfield, who eventually dies from an infection on September 19, 1881
Twenty miles off the coast of Cuba, 53 rebelling African slaves led by Joseph Cinque take over the slave ship Amistad, 1893
Italian scientist Guglielmo Marconi obtains patent for radio in London, 1897
The first zeppelin flight takes place on Lake Constance near Friedrichshafen, Germany, 1900
Amelia Earhart and navigator Fred Noonan are last heard from over the Pacific Ocean while attempting to make the first equatorial round-the-world flight 1937
The first Wal-Mart store opens for business in Rogers, Arkansas, 1962
North and South Vietnam, divided since 1954, reunite to form the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, 1976
The AbioCor  self contained artificial heart is first implanted, 2001
Steve Fossett becomes the first person to fly solo around the world nonstop in a balloon, 2002


  1. Ehhh. Don't believe in multiple showers if the kids are kinda close in age. I pay that I do not get knocked up again. I happily gave away ALL of the infantile possessions.

    When is National Cake Day? I know you all of people, and I needs to know, of course...

  2. Maybe this family needs to be gifted some birth control. Producing children is not the best way to save a troubled marriage.

  3. First baby - sure. Showers for subsequent ones - a tad greedy, IMO. I hope your generosity is appreciated.

  4. Josie, exactly, on all fronts. And i will email you with those cake dates.

    Stephen, it may be a case of birth control not working, but somehow i doubt it. Either way, the child is not to blame, and will be cherished by one Sunday School teacher at least.

    Frank, it seems so to me, also, but i will still send something.

  5. It seems strange to have the baby showers but like you, I would still do the gift! Have you ever done a diaper cake?
    Also, just wondering, have you noticed how long it takes for women to potty train their children? Maybe these diapers are just a bit too comfortable!

  6. Kay, i saw your diaper cake, and it was amazing! Since i don't have a creative bone in me, i couldn't reproduce it, but i would love to see it done "live", so to speak.

    Yes, the diapers are so comfortable now to the child's skin, they have no reason to potty train.


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