
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

A to Z Challenge: Y is for Yellow Teapot

So, you might be asking yourself, what's special about a yellow teapot?

Old yellow teapot.

Not much, but it starts with the letter Y, and Link, Little Girl's cat, is afraid of it.

Yes, he's afraid of the teapot.  He bats at it until he gets the top off, and as soon as the top, or the teapot, hits the floor,  he takes off running in terror.

No, i don't know why the crazy cat is afraid of an old yellow teapot that is just used for decorative purposes.  It's not like he's ever heard it whistle.

Link, in the midst of a battle -- he has the lid partly off.

It is entertaining to watch him, though, and it keeps him out of worse mischief, like shredding the furniture.  As far as i'm concerned, he may continue to battle the old yellow teapot as long as he thinks it a danger.


Today is

Ancestors' Day -- Russian Christians (Radunitsa, a Slavic tradition after Thomas Sunday)

Arita Ceramic Fair -- Arita, Japan (finest porcelain in Japan; during Golden Week until May 5)

Cheng Cheng Kung Landing Day -- Taiwan (352nd anniversary of the landing in Taiwan of Ming Dynasty loyalist Cheng Cheng Kung to oust the Dutch colonists)

Commemoration Day -- Transdniestria

Feast of the Secret Masters -- can't find any real info on this one, and why should i if it's such a secret, but it is fun to think about

Fish Cleaning Night -- sponsored by David Letterman (it's okay if you don't have an audience, or Mariel Hemingway)

Hocktide Festival/Tutti Day -- Hungerford, Berkshire, England (commemorates a battle in 1002 A.D. when Saxon women defeated the invading Danes; celebrated in the Middle Ages by women imprisoning their men and, after paying the church, retrieving them)

International Dance Day -- International Dance Committee of the International Theatre Institute (ITI), a UNESCO partner

Mata Tirtha Aushi -- Nepal (Mother's Day)

Milk-Curdling Day -- Fairy Calendar (Gremlins)

National Adult Public Skipping Day -- because somebody out there either wants you to feel like a kid again, or make a fool of you

National Shrimp Scampi Day

One Day Without Shoes -- sponsored by Toms Shoes, to raise global awareness for children's health and education, which can be compromised when they do not have shoes

"Peace" Rose Day -- an explanation of this name for the Rosa 'Madame A. Meilland variety

Radunitsa -- Belarus (Ancestors Veneration Day)

Remembrance of Victims of Chemical Weapons -- on the day chemical weapons were outlawed in 1997

Ridvan, Ninth Day -- Baha'i (one of the festival days on which work and school should be suspended)

Runic Half Month of Lagu (water) begins

Showa No Hi -- Japan (Showa Day, the birth anniversary of Emperor Showa, begins the Golden Week holiday period of four major national days, through May 5)

Solar Alignment at Teotihuacan, City of the Gods -- Teotihuacan, Mexico (the ritual cave opening aligns to the sunset on Aug. 12 and Apr. 29, the same horizon position of the setting of the Pleiades)

St. Catherine of Siena's Day (Patron of fire prevention, firefighter, nurses, nursing services, people ridiculed for piety, sick people; Europe; Italy; Theta Phi Alpha Sorority; Allentown, PA, US; Siena, Italy; Verazze, Italy; against bodily ills/sickness, fire, miscarriages, sexual temptation)

World Wish Day -- from the Make-A-Wish Foundation

Zipper Day -- while i can't confirm it, the modern zipper was supposedly patented on this day in 1913

Anniversaries Today:

Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, marries Catherine "Kate" Middleton, 2011
Mike Nichols marries Diane Sawyer, 1988
Princess Irene marries Prince Carel Hugo de Bourbon Parma, 1964

Birthdays Today:

Andre Agassi, 1970
Uma Thurman, 1970
Carnie Wilson, 1968
Eve Plumb, 1958
Michelle Pfeiffer, 1958
Daniel Day-Lewis, 1957
Kate Mulgrew, 1955
Jerry Seinfeld, 1954
Nora Dunn, 1952
Dale Earnhardt, 1951
Johnny Miller, 1947
Zubin Mehta, 1936
Lane Smith, 1936
Rod McKuen, 1933
Robert Gottlieb, 1931
Celeste Holm, 1919
Tom Ewell, 1909
Hirohito, 1901
Duke Ellington, 1899
William Randolph Hearst, 1863
Oliver Ellsworth, 1745

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Hair"(Musical), 1968
"ABC's Wide World of Sports"(TV), 1961
"Young Dr. Malone"(Radio), 1940
"There Shall be No Night"(Play), 1940
Roget's Thesaurus(Publication date), 1852
Violin Sonata No. 32 in B-flat major(Mozart K. 454), 1784

Today in History:

The Moors arrive at Gibraltar to begin their invasion of the Iberian Peninsula, 711
Joan of Arc arrives at Orleans to relieve the siege, 1492
Francis Drake leads a raid in the Bay of Cádiz, sinking at least 23 ships of the Spanish fleet, 1587
Eleven Dutch ships depart for the conquest of Peru, 1623
The Ming Dynasty occupies Taiwan, 1661
James Cook arrives at and names Botany Bay, Australia, 1770
The French Fleet prevents Britain from seizing the Cape of Good Hope, 1781
Peter Roget publishes the first edition of his Thesaurus, 1852
The "Elektromote" – forerunner of the trolleybus  – is tested by Ernst Werner von Siemens in Berlin, 1882
Gideon Sundbach of Hoboken, NJ, receives a patent for the zipper, 1913
The North Sea floodgate at Ijmuiden, the biggest in world, officially opens, 1930
The telephone connection of England-Australia goes into service, 1930
The first U.S. experimental 3D-TV broadcast airs, and episode of "Space Patrol" shown over ABC affiliate KECA in Los Angeles, 1953
The first military nuclear power plant opens, in Ft. Belvoir 1957
A cyclone strikes the Chittagong  district of southeastern Bangladesh with winds of around 155 mph, killing at least 138,000 people and leaving as many as 10 million homeless, 1991
Oldsmobile  builds its final car ending 107 years of production, 2004
Syria completes withdrawal from Lebanon, ending 29 years of occupation, 2005
Economic losses mount and class action lawsuits are filed as the U.S. Coast Guard plans a controlled burn to remove spilled oil from the Deepwater Horizon disaster, 2010


  1. YES!!
    thats where I am with the doodle :-)


  2. Oh my goodness, that's hilarious! He must think that pot is one of the Dalek. (Thinking Doctor Who here.) Have you let him watch Doctor Who? Hm. Maybe the solution is less TV time. ;)

    True Heroes from A to Z

  3. Link is a cutie pie too. Well he could be doing worse things and I'd love to watch him battle that teapot.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  4. That is so interesting. Don't you wish he could talk? But then again, maybe he would never shut up!

  5. Great post. I have that same teapot. I was thinking about planting pink petunias in it. :-) I know it's late in the game, but I am your newest A to Z follower. It's nice to 'meet' you.

  6. I bet your old teapot is haunted! I'm sure Link is just trying to make you aware of the danger. lol

  7. He must think it's some kind of game... ???
    Like he sees it there on the counter... again.... with the lid on.... again, and thinks: didn't I just know that darn lid off yesterday? I swear I did. Now she's gone and put it back on and I have to start all over! LOL

  8. I've seen animals get skittish around plastic. Go figure?

  9. Way to fight the good fight, Link!

    That teapot is cute, though. Enamelware?
    happy atoz!

  10. How curious. Cats are color blind, aren't they? I wonder what the fascination is.

  11. Funny. Glad the teapot is still presentable after cat gets through with it. We have teenage brother cats and they are constantly knocking things off of counters and tables.

  12. I love this story. Cats are so quirky! Sam, the tuxedo we had almost 20 years, was afraid of rhubarb.
    Wow! I had forgotten it was Rod McKuen's birthday! Thanks!

  13. hah! Cats- there's no reasoning with them let alone understanding them! BUT we gotta love them!


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