
Monday, July 7, 2014

Awww Monday: We has a comfy.

Awww Monday is hosted by Sandee, of Comedy Plus.  It's easy to do, just post a picture that makes you say, "Awww!"  After all, everyone can use some cute on Monday morning.

It's a hard life being a cat, but these two have found the secret to a good life -- find a place to get comfy!

They is comfy.
Of course, they are also next to the fan and the garbage can on the kitchen floor, right where they are in the perfect position to get tripped over on the way from the pantry to the sink.   After all, if you are a cat, you can't get comfy without getting into someone's way!

We are counting down the days, The Lorax has surgery on Wednesday.  Also, this week is Vacation Bible School.  It's going to be hoppingly busy around here.  Sunday evening was spent getting some meals ready to cook later in the week, so i wouldn't be scrambling at dinner time.  These two "helped" by standing at my feet and begging.  Link helped by getting into the garbage can and devouring raw chicken skin before i could stop him.  Crazy thing, i just hope he doesn't get sick from it.

Today is

Aphrodisia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (bathing festival of Aphrodite and Peitho [Persuasion]; date approximate)

Birth Anniversary of Guru Rinpoche -- Bhutan

Bonza Bottler Day

Caricom Day -- Guyana; Saint Vincent and Grenadines

Carnival Monday -- Saint Vincent and Grenadines

Chocolate Day  -- no one knows why today, so why not?  Enjoy chocolate cereal with chocolate milk for breakfast, some chocolate covered raisins and nuts as a midmorning snack, chocolate milk with lunch, chocolate truffles as a midafternoon snack, chocolate liquer before dinner, chocolate cake for dessert, and sip chocolate coffee any time through the day!

Constitution Day -- Cayman Islands

Global Forgiveness Day -- encouraging "citizens of this global village" to forgive and be forgiven; sponsored by the CECA

Family Day -- Lesotho

Father-Daughter Take a Walk Together Day -- encouraging fathers to take some special time out with their girls today

Gospel Day -- Kiribati

Heroes Day -- Zambia

Independence Day / National Day -- Solomon Islands(1978)

Kaustinen Folk Music Festival -- Kaustined, Finland (the largest international music festival in the Nordic countries; through Sunday)

Macaroni Day -- it goes with more than just cheese!

National Strawberry Sundae Day

National Transplant Week -- UK (join the organ donor registry, when you don't need your parts any more, someone else will!)

Nones of July -- Ancient Roman Calendar; celebrations on this day included:
     Festival of Feriae Ancillarum -- "Feast of the Serving Women", when female servants dressed up and "attacked" men of free birth with fig boughs; in honor of the serving women who helped free the city of Rome from the Gauls
     Nonae Caprotinae -- "Nones of the Wild Fig", honoring Juno Caprotina with a sacrifice under a wild fig tree
     Parilia -- festival for Pales, god of the herds

Saba Saba Day -- Tanzania (literally "Seven Seven" Day, a/k/a Peasants' Day or Workers' Day, and the biggest day of the Dar es Salaam International Trade Fair)
     Maonyesho ya Saba Saba -- Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (Dar es Salaam Trade Fair, through July 8)

Sempach Battle Commemoration -- Lucerne, Switzerland (remembrance of the battle in 1386 includes a solemn procession to the battlefield and services in the chapel)

St. Willibald's Day (Patron of Eichstatt, Germany)

Tanabata -- Japan (star festival, 7th day of 7th month; some areas go by lunar calendar, but most larger cities celebrate by the Gregorian Calendar now)

Tell The Truth Day -- a yearly challenge frm Kepa Freeman of Teens Express to go the whole day without telling a lie or saying or doing anything misleading or dishonest

Tynwald Day -- Isle of Man (Manx National Day; assembling of the year's session of the High Court of Tynwald, as their Parliament is called, to read the laws to the citizens; oldest continual parliament in existence)

Unity Factory Day -- Yemen (all workers are encouraged to play at work today, to build team and national unity)

Anniversary Today

James Earl "Jimmy" Carter, Jr., marries Eleanor Rosalynn Smith, 1946

Birthdays Today

Michelle Kwan, 1980
Cree Summer, 1969
Jorga Fox, 1968
Billy Campbell, 1959
Shelley Duvall, 1949
Ringo Starr, 1940
Doc Severinsen, 1927
Pierre Cardin, 1922
Gian Carlo Menotti, 1911
Robert Heinlein, 1907
Satchel Paige, 1906
Marc Chagall, 1887

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Ryan's Hope"(TV), 1975
"All You Need is Love"(Single release), 1967
Waverly(Novel, publication date), 1814
"Utrecht Te Deum and Jubilate"(Canticles, HWV 278 & 279), 1713

Today in History

A retrial verdict acquits Joan of Arc of heresy 25 years after her death, 1456
Raid of the Redeswire, the last major battle between England and Scotland, 1575
United States begins first military draft; exemptions cost $300, 1863
An International Railway trolley with an extreme overload of 157 passengers crashes near Queenston, Ontario, killing 15, 1915
Sliced bread is sold for the first time by the Chillicothe Baking Company of Chillicothe, Missouri; it is described as “the greatest forward step in the baking industry since bread was wrapped", 1928
Alleged and disputed Roswell UFO incident, 1947
Venus occults the star Regulus. This rare event is used to determine the diameter of Venus and the structure of the Venusian atmosphere, 1959
In Canada, the Official Languages Act is adopted making the French language equal to the English language throughout the Federal government, 1969
Sharia is instituted in Iran, 1980
Samantha Smith, a U.S. schoolgirl, flies to the Soviet Union at the invitation of Secretary General Yuri Andropov, 1983
The Western Black Rhinoceros is declared extinct due to poaching, 2006
In efforts to avoid food shortages and political oppression, South Korea begins work on a new facility to house North Korean refugees, 2011


  1. "if you are a cat, you can't get comfy without getting into someone's way" SO TRUE!!!

    They look like pretty adorable obstructions though!

  2. there is NOTHING BETTER than animals helping with meal prep;-)

  3. put out mat, they will come. :)

    yay for lorax!!!

  4. I've stepped on many-a-cat throughout the years. I's sorry about that.

  5. Awww, and they do get right in your way too. Bless their hearts.

    The Lorax is in my purrayers.

    Have a purrfect Awww Monday. ☺

  6. awww they wouldn't be cats if they weren't in the way! Big hugs to Lorax!

  7. The Terrorist Terrier finally got hooked on a rod and reel. She has been HORRIBLE when people were fishing--trying to steal their bait. Maybe now she has discovered why it was discouraged. --Di

  8. I'll keep my fingers crossed that Link is okay after eating raw chicken skin. Yuck!

  9. Cats just gotta be cats. Here's hoping the surgery is a great success.

  10. Yes, front and center of feet, that is the definition of cat. At least they didn't try and use you for a ladder! That smarts!!! Or in the case of one of my cats, managing to dump honey into tuna fish. There is no coming back from that one, YUCK...


  11. it is our responsibility to be immediately available to our peoples at all times. sometimes this requires strategic positioning of our bodies.

  12. dogs, cats and toddlers all have a way of finding their resting place right where your "busy lane" is. I call my kids "speed bumps" often. LOL


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