
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

"The End is Near!"

It's one of my favorite Hagar the Horrible comic strips, but i can't find it online to get a copy of it to post here.

It shows Hagar and the crew in the Viking ship, and ahead is an elderly man holding up the sign that says, "The End is Near!"

Lucky Eddie reads the sign and the crew decide the guy is just some nut, but behind him is a waterfall.  The end is, indeed, near.

That's always how i feel this time of year, like some kind of end is rushing up to me.

Then the kids come in and my rumination turns back to practicality.   Bigger Girl comes in with a phone ringing and says, "I need to pick a new ring tone, the combo of classical music and running water sounds like Beethoven on the toilet!"  Or The Big Boss calls with an emergency assignment.  Yesterday it was two of them, a babysitting assignment and a "call me back and give me an excuse to get out of this meeting" assignment.

Speaking of The Big Boss, the other day one of Ms. P's kids said his tummy was hurting while i was babysitting.  He hadn't eaten in quite a while, so i told him it was just because it was empty, he needed to put something in it.

Later, The Big Boss mentioned having a headache.  It was all i could do to restrain myself from telling him it's because it's empty, he needs to put something in it!

Today is:

Araw ni Rizal -- Philippines (commemoration of the martyrdom of Dr. Jose Rizal in 1896, as well as all victims of the Spanish government during their rule of the Philippines)

Bacon Day -- for those tired of the same old winter holidays, see

Day of the Declaration of Slovakia as an Independent Eccliesiatic Province -- Slovakia

Fairy Frequent Fliers' Awards

Falling Needles Family Fest Day -- gather the family, watch the needles fall from the tree, and have a party; sponsored by Wellcat Holidays

Feast of the Holy Family -- Catholic Christian

Festival of Enormous Changes At the Last Minute -- internet generated, and i'm not sure i'm up to it

Kwanzaa, Day 5, Nia(Purpose)

Lhosar -- Gurung People of Nepal (sometimes called the Tamu People; Losar is celebrated by the rest of Nepal in February or March)

National Bicarbonate of Soda Day -- shouldn't this be on Jan. 1, to help us get over the indigestion from the night before?

No Interruptions Day -- let people finish up what needs to get done before the New Year at work, and silence the devices at home that keep us from spending uninterrupted time with family; begun at

Sixth Day of Christmas

St. Ruggero of Canne's Day (Barletta, Italy)

Anniversary Today:

The Arroyo Seco Parkway, California's first freeway, opens, 1940
Rutherford B. Hayes (19th US President) marries Lucy Ware Webb, 1852

Birthdays Today:

LeBron James, 1984
Kristin Kreuk, 1982
Eliza Dushku, 1980
Laila Ali, 1977
Tiger Woods, 1975
Sean Hannity, 1961
Tracey Ullman, 1959
Matt Lauer, 1957
Meredith Vieira, 1953
Patti Smith, 1946
Davy Jones, 1945
Concetta Tomei, 1945
Michael Nesmith, 1942
James Burrows, 1940
Del Shannon, 1939
Joseph Bologna, 1938
Noel Paul Stookey, 1937
Sandy Koufax, 1935
Russ Tamblyn, 1935
Bo Diddley, 1928
Jack Lord, 1920
Bert Parks, 1914
Stephen Leacock, 1869
Simon Guggenheim, 1867
Rudyard Kipling, 1865

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Let's Make a Deal"(TV), 1963
"The Roy Rogers Show"(TV), 1951
"Kiss Me, Kate"(Musical), 1948

Today in History:

Hugh Capet, King of the Franks, crowns his son Robert the Pious king and co-ruler, 987
A Muslim mob storms the royal palace in Granada, crucifies Jewish vizier Joseph ibn Naghrela and massacres most of the Jewish population of the city, 1066
Tokyo is hit by an earthquake, about 37,000 die, 1703
The first coffee is planted in Hawaii (Kona), 1817
Gyula, Count Andrássy, of Hungary, issues the Andrassy Note, calling for Christian-Muslim religious freedoms, 1875
Gilbert & Sullivan's "Pirates of Penzance," premieres, 1879
The American Political Science Association founded at New Orleans, 1903
Iran becomes a constitutional monarchy, 1906
The All India Muslim League is founded in Dacca, East Bengal, British India Empire, which later laid down the foundations of Pakistan, 1906
Lincoln's Inn in London admits its first female bar student, 1919
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is formed, 1922
Japan dedicates the first subway in the Orient (route under 2 miles long), 1927
The Cole Porter Broadway musical, Kiss Me, Kate (1,077 performances), opens at the New Century Theatre and becomes the first show to win the Best Musical Tony Award, 1948
In the 39th game of his 3rd NHL season Wayne Gretzky scores 5 goals giving him 50 on the year setting a new NHL record , 1981
Israel and the Vatican establish diplomatic relations, 1993
Tropical Storm Zeta forms in the open Atlantic Ocean, tying the record for the latest tropical cyclone ever to form in the North Atlantic basin, 2005
The last roll of Kodachrome film is developed by Dwayne's Photo, the only remaining Kodachrome processor at the time, concluding the film's 74-year run as a photography icon, 2009


  1. You guys are a laugh a minute. You need to be on one of those reality shows.

  2. thanks for the laughs - from hagar, your girl's toilet comparison, and the big boss providing fodder. :)

  3. Later, The Big Boss mentioned having a headache. It was all i could do to restrain myself from telling him it's because it's empty, he needs to put something in it! Bwahahahahahahahaha.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  4. An empty head is a pain in the a--- I'd better not.

  5. I am really excited to bring in the new year.

  6. Lol! Put something in his head. I love it.

  7. BWWWAHHH!! I am totally stealing that one some day. LOL


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