
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Somewhat Speechless Wednesday: Which came first?

It all started when i stepped outdoors and heard peeping.

Yes, i hear birds around here all of the time, but this was close and wasn't coming from an adult bird.  Since the cats have been known to get outdoors and occasionally chase a bird, i went to investigate.

And what to my wondering eyes did appear but this:

Chick and duckling in a cat carrier!

It seems this Rhode Island Red chick and the duckling of as yet unknown parentage were at the tractor supply place, and Little Girl and Friend Becky couldn't resist.  Friend Becky has raised ducks, and lives with her parents on some acreage, so will take the duckling with her, but the chick, named Sandra Bullock because she seems so clueless, is Little Girl's.  Festus is building a coop for it, and they are being fed crushed up cat food!

Now there is talk of getting Sandra a companion.  As it turns out, we can actually have up to three chickens, as long as we have less than an acre of land, we build a coop that is 4'x4', we keep it 10' from the property line and far enough from other houses not to cause a nuisance, and we have no roosters.

The answer to the question, at least here, is the chicken came first, and very unexpectedly, and eggs will follow.

Today is:

Celebrate Your Name Week -- Wednesday:  Learn What Your Name Means Day, go look it up, it's probably very interesting

Charter Day -- St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada (1881)

Courageous Follower Day -- because leaders have to have someone to lead, and it can take as much courage to follow a great leader as to be the leader

Feast of Ra in His Barge at Heliopolis -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Holy Experiment Day -- try something religious today

Hug a GI Day -- just don't get in trouble sneaking on base to do it

International Scrapbooking Industry Day -- can't find proof the industry actually set this day, but if you love scrapbooking, celebrate

March Dryads' Festival -- Fairy Calendar

March Forth - Do Something Day

National Grammar Day -- sponsored by The Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar on March 4th, which is both a date and an imperative

National Poundcake Day

St. Casimir's Day (Patron of bachelors, kings, princes, single layment; Lithuania; Poland; against plague)

Tavern Day -- US (the first tavern in the US, a Puritan public house in Boston, MA, opened this date in 1634)

Toy Soldier Day -- Dr. Steel's Army, building a utopian playland and embarking on a worldwide mission of fun

Waltz Day -- some say National Waltz Day, and some Dance the Waltz Day, but no one says why this day; i say, waltz if you want to

World Maths Day -- International 

Anniversaries Today:

Hot Springs National Park is established, 1921
Vermont becomes the 14th US state, 1791

Birthdays Today:

Patsy Kensit, 1968
Jason Curtis Newsted, 1963
Stephen Weber, 1961
Patricia Heaton, 1958
Catherine O'Hara, 1954
Emilio Estefan, 1953
Kay Lenz, 1953
Chris Squire, 1948
Mary Wilson, 1944
Paula Prentiss, 1938
Miriam Makeba, 1932
Joan Greenwood, 1921
Charles Rudolph Walgreen, Jr., 1906
Knute Rockne, 1888
Garrett Morgan, 1877
Casimir Pulaski, 1747
Antonio Vivaldi, 1678
Prince Henry the Navigator, 1394

Debuting/Premiering Today:

People Magazine(Publication), 1974
"The Dick Cavett Show"(TV), 1968
Nosferatu(Horror Film), 1922
"Pénélope"(Fauré Opera), 1913
"Swan Lake"(Tchaikovsky Op. 20), 1876

Today in History:

Croatian Duke Trpimir I issued a statute, a document with the first known written mention of the Croats name in Croatian sources, 852
Ramathibodi becomes King of Siam, 1351
Christopher Columbus arrives back in Lisbon, Portugal, from his first voyage, 1493
Hernan Cortez arrives in Mexico in search of Aztec gold, 1519
The Massachusetts Bay Colony is granted a royal charter, 1629
John Flamsteed is appointed the first Astronomer Royal of England, 1675
France is divided into 83 départements, which cut across the former provinces in an attempt to dislodge regional loyalties based on noble ownership of land, 1790
The first Jewish member of the US Congress, Israel Jacobs of Pennsylvania, takes office, 1791
A Constitutional Act is introduced by the British House of Commons in London which envisages the separation of Canada into Lower Canada (Quebec) and Upper Canada (Ontario), 1791
In the first ever peaceful transfer of power between elected leaders in modern times, John Adams is sworn in as President of the United States, succeeding George Washington, 1797
In the Castle Hills Rebellion, in New South Wales, Australia, Irish convicts (some of whom had been involved in Ireland’s Battle of Vinegar Hill in 1798) lead the colony’s only significant convict uprising, 1804
Carlo Alberto di Savoia signs the Statuto Albertino that will later represent the first constitution of the Regno d'Italia, 1848
The day without a US president -- Zachary Taylor refuses to be sworn in on the Sabbath (Sunday), so there is, technically, no president on this day, 1849
The longest bridge in the Great Britain, the Forth Bridge (railway) (1,710 ft) in Scotland is opened, 1890
The great fire of Shanghai damages over 1,000 buildings, 1894
Victor Berger of Wisconsin becomes the first socialist congressman in the U.S., 1911
Jeannette Rankin of Montana becomes the first female member of the United States House of Representatives, 1917
Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia's renunciation of the throne is made public, and Tsar Nicholas II of Russia publicly issues his abdication manifesto, 1917
Frances Perkins becomes the United States Secretary of Labor, the first female member of the United States Cabinet, 1933
Peter Bent Brigham Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, announces the first successful kidney transplant, 1954
The S&P 500 stock market index is introduced, replacing the S&P 90, 1957
The United States Atomic Energy Commission announces that the first atomic power plant at McMurdo Station in Antarctica is in operation, 1962
The first Cray-1 supercomputer is shipped to the Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, 1976
Nationalist leader Robert Mugabe wins a sweeping election victory to become Zimbabwe's first black prime minister, 1980
Bertha Wilson is appointed the first woman to sit on the Supreme Court of Canada, 1983
The Soviet Vega 1 begins returning images of Comet Halley and the first images ever of its nucleus, 1986
The Supreme Court of the United States rules that federal laws banning on-the-job sexual harassment also apply when both parties are the same sex, 1998
No response is received in the final attempt to contact Pioneer 10 by the Deep Space Network, 2006
Approximately 30,000 voters take advantage of electronic voting in Estonia, the world's first nationwide voting where part of the votecasting is allowed in the form of remote electronic voting via the Internet, 2007


  1. oh YES YES YES
    we must get sandra a companion!!!
    <3 <3

  2. Wondered about this all my life and glad you have solved it. HOpe you publish in a journal soon!

  3. I think raising chickens would be fun, but my condo association won't allow it.

  4. They are so cute! Glad you'll be able to have a chick or two on your place :) Where we used to live, middle of a big city, most mornings early we would hear a rooster crow very close by!


  5. Oh how cute are those heheh!

    Have a chicktastic week :-)

  6. oh, good luck with that. hoping you don't already have a rooster!

  7. You have an Awww post on Wednesday. Excellent.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  8. Sweet! You are a lucky ducky! :)

  9. Awww. Make me some scrambled eggs when ya the chance. They are so cute!

  10. That duckling is so fuzzy and cute even I might have succumbed and bought him. Good luck with chick & coop!

  11. So now you're a grandmother to a baby chick! That's a lucky little bird.


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