
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Wordless Wednesday: Proof

Tuesday was not quite as wild as Monday, but it wasn't quiet, either.  Below is physical proof that living in my house is bananas:

What i found over the kitchen window one morning!

Linking up with Wordless Wednesday.

Today is:

Air Guitar World Championships -- Oulu, Finland (through Friday; "The purpose of the Air Guitar World Championships is to promote world peace.")

Be Kind to Humankind Week:  Willing to Lend a Hand Wednesday

Birthday of Set -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

First Thnork of the Year -- Fairy Calendar

Heroes Day -- Namibia

Ilmatar Day -- Finland (Water Mother, goddess of the heavens)

La Tomatina -- Buñol, Valencia, Spain (annual citywide food fight festival in which around 30,000 people take to the streets to pelt each other with tomatoes)

Make Your Own Luck Day -- for those who refuse to sit around and wait for it

National Cherry Popsicle Day

National Day of Repentance -- Papua New Guinea

National Dog Day -- sponsored by the Animal Miracle Foundation 

St. Adrian of Nicodemia's Day (Patron of butchers, prison guards, soldiers; against plague)

Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration -- Shelbyville, TN, US (an 11-day festival celebrating the world famous Tennessee Walking Horse and crowning this year's World Grand Champion)

Women's Equality Day -- US (commemorates Women's Suffrage)

Yoshida no Hi Matsuri -- Yoshida, Japan (fest to mark the end of Mt. Fuji climbing season; through tomorrow)

Birthdays Today:

Chris Pine, 1980
Macaulay Culkin, 1980
Christopher Burke, 1965
Branford Marsalis, 1960
Ben Bradlee, 1921
Mother Teresa, 1910
Albert Bruce Sabin, 1906
Christopher Isherwood, 1904
Peggy Guggenheim, 1898
Lee de Forest, 1873
Albert "Bertie" von Saksen-Coburg-Gotha, husband of queen Victoria, 1819
Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier, 1743
Joseph-Michel Montgolfier, 1740

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Cincinnati Reds vs. Brooklyn Dodgers Doubleheader(first MLB games televised), 1939
"Lightnin'"(Play), 1918
"Elijah"(Mendelssohn Op. 70 MWV A25), 1846

Today in History:

Michelangelo is commissioned to carve the Pieta, 1498
The Pennsylvania Ministerium, the first Lutheran denomination in North America, is founded in Philidelphia, 1748
John Fitch is granted a US patent for his working steamboat, 1791
Charles Thurber patents a typewriter, 1843
The first news dispatch by telegraph is made, 1858
Major eruption of Krakatoa, 36,000 dead, 1883
19th Amendment to the US Constitution, granting women the vote, takes effect, 1920
The first Major League Baseball game is telecast, 1939
The USSR announces the first successful test of an ICBM, 1957
The Charter of the French Language is adopted by the National Assembly of Quebec, 1977
John Paul I is elected Pope, 1978
The agreement on how to divide the Czech Republic and Slovakia is signed, 1992
Russia unilaterally recognizes the independence of the former Georgian breakaway republics Abkhazia and South Ossetia, 2008
Israel requests that Germany arrest Klaas Carel Faber, a Nazi war criminal who killed 20 Jews at Westerbork concentration camp, 2010


  1. Are you living with a mischievous monkey?

  2. I hear they don;t really offer much shade.

  3. Someone saving a banana for later? One wonders how that got up there.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  4. Are you having some crazy Diet-Coke addicted monkey inflicting your house with bananas?

  5. I would ask "Why?" but I am very sure that even the person who taped it doesn't have an answer.


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