
Saturday, September 26, 2015

If you ever wonder...

...if they have anything for you to do at a Habitat for Humanity build when the only use you make of tools is minor repairs or hanging pictures, the answer is yes.

They will find something for you to do. 

For example, they might have you mark the slab/floor so that, once the drywall goes up, they will know where the studs are:

A long red line pointing out a stud cannot be missed.

Be sure to get them all, whether alone or with buddies, front and back.

Be sure you mark where pipes are, so no one drives a nail into one!

Or they may have you on the ladder with the aluminum tape, taping seams for waterproofing.

While i don't know exactly what is in store at the build site today, i do know that the Methodists will be there working on the house next to us, which they started a couple of weeks ago and have almost finished.

There have been rumors of a pot luck dinner challenge between the Methodists and the Presbyterians.  While i'm not sure how that would turn out, i think the winners would be the people eating all of that good food!

Today is:

Aloha Festivals Floral Parade -- Oahu, Hawai'i (part of the larger Aloha Festival celebrations this month and next on all the islands, celebrating native Hawai'ian culture)

Bureflux -- Discordian Calendar

Cabrillo Festival -- San Diego, CA, US (reenactment of Cabrillo's landing, a Spanish soldier and sailor encampment, Native Kumeyaay demonstrations, dances, crafts, and food; through tomorrow)

Chusok -- South Korea (start of the Harvest Moon Festival)

Cobweb Pie Making Day -- Fairy Calendar

Dia de la Bandera Nacional -- Ecuador (Day of the National Flag)

Dominion Day -- New Zealand (trad.)

Eldon Turkey Festival -- Eldon, MO, US (top producer of turkeys has the top turkey festival in the world)

European Day of Languages -- European Union

Everybody's Day Festival -- Thomasville, NC, US (and they do mean there's fun for everybody)

Family Health and Fitness Day USA --

Feast of the Ingathering -- UK traditional (also called Harvest Home; in Scotland, Kirn; in northern England, Mell-Supper.  Celebrations will be held in rural areas for the next few weekends, celebrating the end of the harvest.)

Festival of Venus Genetrix -- Ancient Roman Calendar

Fish Amnesty Day (same as National Hunting and Fishing Day in the US, because it hurts fish to be caught!)

Fukuro Matsuri -- Ikebukuro, Tokyo, Japan (a fun-for-tourists way to learn about Japanese culture, through tomorrow, and next weekend)

Geneva Area Grape Jamboree -- Geneva, OH, US (grapes, wine tasting, entertainment, rides, and food; through tomorrow)

Gettysburg Fall Antique Show -- Gettysburg, PA, US

International Rabbit Day -- learn to care for these wonderful pets

International Tool Day -- internet generated, now gladly embraced by toolmakers

Johnny Appleseed Day -- birth anniversary of John Chapman

Kiwanis Kids' Day -- local clubs sponsor events for kids on the fourth Saturday of September

Love Note Day -- take pen and paper and send that special someone a love note today, the idea of Leona Hamel of QC, Canada

Marion County Country Ham Days -- Marion, KY, US (for those who love ham, and a PIGasus parade, and a Pokey Pig 5k, among other events; through tomorrow)

Mesothelioma Awareness Day -- bringing to light this cancer caused by asbestos exposure  

Museum Day -- The Smithsonian has information 

National Hunting and Fishing Day -- US 

National Pancake Day

National Public Lands Day -- US (Helping Hands for America's Lands -- a day to volunteer on America's Public Lands

Old Holy Rood Day -- OS calendar (the day blackberries become unsafe for picking) related observance
     Mid-Autumn Day -- Scottish Highlands (traditional; considered the day harts begin to mate and a weather prognostication day)

Search for Your Baseball Cards Again Day -- on lots of trivia sites; recommended because you never know

September Revolution Day -- Yemen

Sts. Cosmas and Damian's Day (Patrons of apothecaries/druggists/pharmacists, barbers, blind people, chemical industry/manufacturers, doctors/physicians/surgeons, hairdressers, midwives, people with hernias; Alberobello, Italy; Ossimo, Italy; against blindness and pestilence) related observance:
     Begin now to lay in supplies for your Michaelmas supper on the 29th

Taste of Morgan Hill -- Morgan Hill, CA, US (fine arts, entertainment, and plenty for the kids to do, too; through tomorrow)

Tri-State Band Festival -- Luverne, MI, US (high school bands from Minnesota, South Dakota, and Iowa compete in four categories)

United States Postal Service Day -- US (the first postmaster general under the current constitution, Samuel Osgood, was appointed this day in 1789)

World Contraception Day -- International

Birthdays Today:

Serena Williams, 1981
Lawrence Leritz, 1962
Melissa Sue Anderson, 1962
Linda Hamilton, 1956
Jane Smiley, 1949
Mary Beth Hurt, 1948
Olivia Newton-John, 1948
Lynn Anderson, 1947
Brian Ferry, 1945
Anne Robinson, 1944
Kent McCord, 1942
Julie London, 1926
Jack LaLanne, 1914
George Gershwin, 1898
T.S. Eliot, 1888
Edmund Gwenn, 1877
John "Johnny Appleseed" Chapman, 1774
St. Francis of Assisi, 1181

Debuting/Premiering Today:

George(Magazine), 1995
"Knight Rider"(TV), 1982
"The Brady Bunch"(TV), 1969
"Hawaii Five-O"(TV), 1968
"Gilligan's Island"(TV), 1964
"The Beverly Hillbillies"(TV), 1962
"West Side Story"(Musical), 1957
"Lucia di Lammermoor"(Opera), 1835
"The Gladiator"(Play), 1831

Today in History:

In keeping a vow he made at the Battle of Pharsalus, Julius Caesar dedicates a temple to his mythical ancestor Venus Genetrix, BC 46
Sir Francis Drake returns to England with Spanish treasure, 1580
In a battle between Venetians and Turks in Athens, the Parthenon and Acropolis are seriously damaged, 1687
New Jersey passes a bill requiring a license to practice medicine, 1772
Thomas Jefferson is appointed the first Secretary of State of the US, 1789
Colonel Robert Gibbon Johnson proved tomatoes weren't poisonous by eating several on the steps of the courthouse in Salem, New Jersey, 1820
The Diamond Match Company patents book matches, 1892
New Zealand and Newfoundland each become dominions within the British Empire, 1907
Indonesia is admitted to the United Nations, 1950
Concorde makes its first non-stop crossing of the Atlantic in record-breaking time, 1973
The United Kingdom agrees to the handover of Hong Kong, 1984
An earthquake strikes the Italian regions of Umbria and the Marche, causing part of the Basilica of St. Francis at Assisi to collapse, 1997
Swiss pilot and inventor Yves Rossy becomes first person to fly a jet engine-powered wing across the English Channel, 2008
Georgia changes its second language from Russian to English, 2010


  1. This is a great post, my friend. What a wonderful world this could be.

  2. You are so involved in your community. That rocks.

    Have a fabulous weekend. ☺

  3. some good-hearted competition among good-hearted people. :) bless you.

  4. The real winner is the family receiving that house.

  5. As a backsliding Methodists I am hoping they bring the best and most...not really. Sounds like a fun time is being had by all. I like getting stuff accomplilshed.

  6. I don't want to take sides based on religion, but I want your side to win :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. the Methodists vs. the Presbyterians. Whoa now!!! lol!


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