
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Yesterday, After Work

Work went well yesterday -- i went to Ms. S's house and braved mosquitoes and poison ivy to help her clear a path for some repair work.  Then i came home to find the rest of them resting, as you should do on a holiday but i'm a glutton for punishment.

"Why did my teachers assign so much homework over the break?" Little Girl lamented yesterday.  "After all, it's supposed to be a break, not a 'load them up on extra work' time, isn't it?"
Well, that depends on the teacher, i said.  How much do you have to do?

"Study for every class and finish reading Beowulf," she said.

Study a bit each day, and you won't have so much to cram in at once, i told her.  That's what i made myself start doing in senior year of high school, and it worked great until i got that year's flu and was out of school for three weeks.

"I do study every day, but there's sooooo much!" she said.

"I have a lot, too," Bigger Girl said, coming in, "but my problem is that I'm saving all of it in Word documents and I haven't been naming them differently enough and I'm having trouble telling which writing assignments and study notes are for which class or what assignment!"

That should be easy to fix, i told her.

"Yeah, it's just taking the time to go back and do it when I want to get to studying and working with the new stuff!" she exclaimed.

New is always more fun than going back over the old, i agreed.

"Speaking of old, how is KidaMosquito doing?  Has she eaten today?" Sweetie came in and asked.

She eats every day, i said.  But she lets the foster kittens and EnigmaSissy push her away because they want her food, so i have to watch her.  And she's picky, she doesn't want to eat on top of the trash can where i can make sure they don't get it.  She takes two bites up there and wants to be put on the floor, and as soon as she's on the floor, they come running.

"Like a pack of harpies," he noted.

That's it, i said.

"She's looking awfully thin, and she's always got a drippy nose now.  Do you think she will survive while you are away for a week?" he asked.

If all of you will take turns feeding her, she should, i said.

"We'll feed her," Little Girl said.

As long as she is howling to be fed every morning, she's good, i told them.

And it is true!

We are talking about YOU, KidaMosquito!  She's a diva, no matter what.

Today is:

Another Look Unlimited Day -- sponsored by Envira Myntyl, a day to look around and see what you don't need and can donate to charity, to lessen the flow to landfills

Community Day -- EX, O, Spain

Concordia Fall Festival -- Concordia, MO (celebrating agriculture and the German heritage of the area; through Saturday)

Feast of Honor for Lada and Lela -- Slavic Pagan/Asatru (harvest festival, a holiday of bread and farewell to summer)

Feast of 'Izzat(Might) -- Baha'i

Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin -- Catholic Christian; related observances
     Jum il-Vittorja -- Malta (Feast of Our Lady of Victories)
     Matki Boskiej Zielnej -- Poland (Feast of Greenery, also harvest celebration)
     Public Holiday -- Liechteinstein
     Virgen de la Victoria -- Spain

Independence Day -- Macedonia

International Literacy Day -- UN

Kosrae Liberation Day -- Micronesia

La Vierge de Meritxell -- Andorra (Feast of Our Lady of Meritxell, a National Day and official flag day)

National Boss/Employee Exchange Day -- US (or anyone else who wants to foster understanding between bosses and employees, trade places for a day and see how the other half lives!)

National Date Nut Bread Day

Navy Day -- Pakistan

Nijamati Sewa Divas -- Nepal (Civil Servants' Day)

Pardon Me Day -- anniversary of the 1974 pardon of Nixon

Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses Day

Play Days -- sponsored by the HUMOR Project, add humor to your life; through Saturday

St. Adrian's Day (Patron of arms dealers, butchers, prison guards, soldiers; against plague)

St. Elizabeth's Day (Orthodox Churches; Mother of John the Baptist; Patron of expectant mothers; Fulda, Germany)

World Physical Therapy Day 

Birthdays Today:

Jonathan Taylor Thomas, 1981
Pink, 1979
David Arquette, 1971
Henry Thomas, 1971
Alan Feinstein, 1941
Frankie Avalon, 1940
Guitar Shorty, 1939
Patsy Cline, 1932
Peter Sellers, 1925
Sid Caesar, 1922
Claude Pepper, 1900
Antonin Leopold Dvorak, 1841
Richard I (Lionheart), 1157

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Oprah Winfrey Show"(TV), 1986
"Star Trek: The Animated Series"(TV), 1973
"Star Trek"(TV), 1966
"Tarzan"(TV), 1966
"That Girl"(TV), 1966
"F Troop"(TV), 1965
The Old Man and the Sea(Publication Date), 1952
"Blondie"(Comic strip debut), 1930

Today in History:

The Statute of Kalisz, guaranteeing Jews safety and personal liberties and giving battei din jurisdiction over Jewish matters, is promulgated by Boleslaus the Pious, Duke of Greater Poland, 1264
Michaelangelo's David is unveiled in Florence, 1504
St. Augustine, FL, becomes the first permanent European settlement of the New World, 1565
The US "Pledge of Allegiance" makes its first appearance in print, in the Youth's Companion, 1892
Galveston, TX, is struck by a hurricane and tidal surge that kill 6,000, 1900
First appearance of the comic strip "Blondie", 1930
3M begins marketing Scotch transparent tape, 1930
The original Star Trek series premiers, 1966
The Beatles perform their new hit "Hey Jude" as their last live TV performance on the David Frost show, 1968
Chinese athlete Wang Junxia sets a new women's 10,000 m world record of 29:31.78, breaking the former record by 42 seconds, 1993
Two EMERCOM Il-76 aircraft land at a disaster aid staging area at Little Rock Air Force Base; the first time Russia has flown such a mission to North America, 2005
Pakistan and India announce plans to mutually ease visa requirements, 2012
The government of Hong Kong backs down on plans to introduce Chinese patriotism classes in schools after weeks of protests, 2012


  1. I know everyone will feed her because that's how your family rolls. Awesome.

    Have a terrific day. Tons of scritches to KidaMosquito. ☺

  2. She does look like a diva. I hope she's okay.

  3. oh poor kitty - you have to eat little sweetie! I am sure everyone will help make sure her tummy is full.
    and I was actually surprised that my kids came home with no homework this holiday weekend. pleasantly surprised - until they all walked in the door with long faces tonight. and I just knew. ha


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