
Sunday, October 11, 2015

Silly Sunday: None for me, thanks!

Silly Sunday is hosted by Sandee, of Comedy Plus.

Silly Sunday is the place to come for weekly laughs.  The rules are simple, just have fun.

This is a great opportunity to get to know other bloggers and have a laugh or two in the process.

Here is how it works: Laugh and Link Up!
  1. Post a joke.
  2. Link Up with the URL to your joke in the Linky Tools Widget.
  3. Read my joke.
  4. Leave a comment to tell me how much you enjoyed my joke.
  5. Try and visit a few others participating in Silly Sunday.
  6. Go to Sandee's site, linked above, and get the Silly Sunday code for your blog, too! 

"Mom, may I borrow the car so I can drive to the dollar store for cups to play beer pong while we listen to the football game?" #2 Son asked as he walked past me with two large metal street signs.

Only if you promise i won't find any of you passed out drunk on the lawn later, i told him.  And what are you doing with the street signs?  Please tell me you did not steal them!

"Mom, we only bought a six-pack to share between all of us, it's all we could afford, and I promise it's not enough to get drunk on.  We just want small cups so we can play.  And no, I did not steal these, I liberated them from the garbage pile on which some workers had placed them."

Go get your cups, i said, and please don't leave the signs here, i do not choose to decorate my house in early college boy dorm, okay?

"Sure thing!" he said grinning as he grabbed the keys.

Of course, them wanting something a little bit harder than water or milk or juice while eating and listening to the game reminds me of a joke.

Boudreaux go in de apothecary an' while he be pickin' up de medicine his doctor tell him to take he be moanin' an complainin' 'bout how many o' dem dere is, an' he ax Gremillon de apothecary, "How many o' dem pills dey got you on?"

An' Gremillon say, "Mais, I don' take me none o' dem!  Dey tell me at de pharmacy school, dey be to sell, not to take!"

'Round 'bout an hour later, Gremillon close de shop an' go nex' door to de saloon, an' dere sit Boudreaux wit' some dark liquid in de glass in front him.  An' Gremillon say, "Boudreaux, you be gots you a dairy farm!  Don' you drink milk?"

An' Boudreaux say, "Mais, no!  Milk be to sell, Bourbon be to drink!"

Today is:

Armed Forces Day -- Abkhazia

Bonn Phchum Ben -- Cambodia (Ancestors' Day; through the 13th)

Burgoo Festival -- North Utica, IL, US (only the Burgoomeister knows the secret recipe!  enjoy the burgoo, as well as music, food, antiques, and more)

Cephalopod Awareness Days:  Myths and Legends Day -- celebrating the most intelligent invertebrates in the world; for all the cephalopods of legend, literature and movies

Chicago Marathon

Cirio de Nazare -- Belem, Brazil (two week Feast of Cirio begins in Belem [St. Mary of Bethlehem])

Clergy Appreciation Day

General Pulaski Memorial Day -- US (celebrating Casimir Pulaski, "the father of American cavalry")

Grandmother's Day -- FL, US

It's My Party Day -- so go have one!

Meditrinalia/Vinalia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (tasting of the year's new wine; in honor of Meditrina, goddess of health/medicine, longevity, and wine, and Bacchus, god of wine)

National Sausage Pizza Day

Old Michaelmas Day -- Celtic Calendar

Revolution Day/Uprising Against Fascism Day -- Republic of Macedonia

St. Gomar's Day (Patron of childless people, courtiers, cowherds, glove makers, people in difficult marriages, separated spouses, woodcutters; Lier, Belgium; against hernias)

Sunbeam Sliding Sunday -- Fairy Calendar (only occasionally on a Sunday)

Universal Music Day -- celebrate music as our universal language; this year's theme is "Building Bridges Toward World Harmony" 

White Sunday -- Samoa and American Samoa (children wear white to church and run the church services, are served a special meal, and recieve new church clothes for the upcoming year)

Windsor Pumpkin Regatta -- Windsor, NS, Canada (racing giant pumpkin boats [PVCs -- Personal Vegetable Crafts] across Lake Pezaquid, plus a parade and other festivities)

"You Go Girl!" Day -- in honor of Kathy Sullivan, first American woman to walk in space

Anniversary Today:

William Jefferson Clinton marries Hillary Rodham, 1975

Birthdays Today:

Emily Deschanel, 1976
Stephen Moyer, 1969
Orlando "El Duque" Hernandez, 1969
Jane Krakowski, 1968
Luke Perry, 1966
Joan Cusack, 1962
Steve Young, 1961
Dawn French, 1957
David Morse, 1953
Daryl Hall, 1948
Robert Gale, 1945
Ron Liebman, 1937
Dottie West, 1932
Roscoe Robinson, Jr., 1928
Elmore Leonard, 1925
Art Blakey, 1919
Jerome Robbins, 1918
Charles Revson, 1906
Eleanor Roosevelt, 1884
Harlan Fiske Stone, 1872
Henry John Heinz, 1844
George Williams, 1821 (founder, YMCA)
Mason Locke "Parson" Weems, 1759

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Ma Rainey's Black Bottom"(Play), 1984
"Saturday Night Live"(TV), 1975
"Imagine"(Lennon single release), 1971
"Allegro"(Musical), 1947
"The Silver Tassie"(Play), 1929
The Comptometer (the first adding machine known to be accurate at all times, patented by Dorr Eugene Felt), 1887

Today in History:

Massive earthquake strikes Aleppo, Syria, 1138
Columbus' ship sites land on the horizon (the Bahamas), 1492
Huldrych Zwingli is killed in battle with the Roman Catholic cantons of Switzerland, 1531
Peter the Great becomes tsar of Russia, 1689
Explorer Meriwether Lewis dies under mysterious circumstances along the Natchez Trace in Tennessee at the Grinder's Stand Inn, 1809
The first steam powered ferryboat, the Juliana, begins operation, 1811
Australia's oldest university, University of Sidney, is inaugurated, 1852
The Great Chicago Fire is finally extinguished, 1871
David Houston patents roll film for cameras, 1881
First female FBI "special investigator", Alaska Davidson, appointed, 1922
With the opening of store # 1252, in Milford, Delaware, J.C. Penney becomes a nationwide company, with stores in all 48 states, 1929
CBS's mechanical color system is the first to be licensed for broadcast by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission, 1950
Pope John XXIII convenes the first ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church in 92 years, Vatican II, 1962
NASA launches Apollo 7, the first successful manned Apollo mission, 1968
The NBC sketch comedy/variety show Saturday Night Live debuts with George Carlin as the host and Andy Kaufman, Janis Ian and Billy Preston as guests, 1975
The Mary Rose, a Tudor carrack which sank on July 19 1545, is salvaged from the sea bed of the Solent, off Portsmouth, 1982
The record high of the Dow Jones Industrial Average occurs at 14,198.10 points, 2007
A ban on fracking is upheld by the Constitutional Council of France, 2013


  1. Thanks for cheering up the day. Have a nice week!

  2. Good match in joke and real life events.

  3. LOL thanks for making me giggle :-)

    Have a tanfastic silly Sunday :-)

  4. I didn't know Boudreaux had a dairy farm. But I agree with his decision.

  5. He's right you know. I agree. Too cute.

    Hope you had a fabulous Silly Sunday. ☺


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