
Thursday, October 8, 2015

Six Sentence Story: Backfired

"You have to admit my record with being romantic absolutely sucks," she said with a sigh that seemed to come from her toes.

"Well, I admit, most of it didn't turn out quite as you planned," he agreed with a grin, "but it wasn't all your fault."

"Spending the night snuggled with you in blankets on the floor was my fault," she said, "since we both know my back goes out sometimes, but the flowers..."

"You couldn't help it that the flowers you sent to my work went to the other guy who has the same first name as me, and he didn't realize it until after he had taken them home," he told her, "and I appreciated the thought, and he brought them back the next day, with his wife mad at him thinking he had a girlfriend!"

"The picture I sent you in that slinky dress, though, I probably should have not taken the picture and just let you see the finished result when you got home."

"How would you know I'd brag about my girl to the boss and show him the picture and he'd hit on you when you came to pick me up?" he said, then added, "I like that he was so impressed with you!"

Linking up with Uncharted Blog and Six Sentence Stories, where the cue is Record, and yes, Bigger Girl has a friend who has had everything she's done to try to be romantic backfire this way!

Today is:

Air Force Day -- India

American Touch Tag Day -- go outside and remember how much fun it is to play tag

Cephalopod Awareness Days:  Octopus Day -- celebrating the most intelligent invertebrates in the world; today, celebrate all the eight-armed species

Children's Day -- Iran

Feast of St. Bridget -- Sweden (traditional date, others who recognize the saint celebrate on July 23; Patron of widows; Europe; Sweden)

Feast of St. Keyne -- Celtic Saint, patroness of the spring and tree arbor that bear her name; the first to drink of her water after being newly married will have the upper hand in the marriage

Independence Day -- Croatia

Lovable Lawyers Day -- internet generated, and if you love one, good for you

National Depression Screening Day® 2015 -- US (find out how to help spread the word

National Fluffernutter Day

National Pierogi Day -- this day in 1952, Ted Twardzik, Sr., produced Mrs. T's Pierogies samples and took them to a local grocery store; eat a pierogi today in his honor

National Student Day -- US (a day for college students to celebrate and promote social responsibility by volunteering

Navy Day/Battle of Angamos Day -- Peru

New York Comic Con -- NY, NY, US (through Sunday)

Rockport Seafair -- Rockport, TX, US (fresh-from-the-bay seafood, entertainment, crab races, and more; through Sunday)

San Ernesto Day -- celebration of Che Guevera as a saint who answers prayers for rain among Bolivian campesinos

Sergeant Alvin C. York Day -- US (the feats for which he earned the Medal of Honor in 1918 were accomplished on this date)

St. Demetrius' Day (Patron of Belgrade, Serbia; Salonica, Greece; Thessaloniki, Greece; against evil spirits)

St. Pelagia the Penitant's Day (Patron of actresses)

St. Thais' Day (Patron of fallen women)

Tube Top Day -- if you dare. i don't

World Sight Day -- International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (This year's Call To Action is "Eye Care for All")

Anniversary Today:

Ozzie Nelson marries Harriet Hilliard, 1935

Birthdays Today:

Matt Damon, 1970
Darrell Hammond, 1960
Stephanie Zimbalist, 1956
Bill Elliot, 1955
Sigourney Weaver, 1949
Sarah Purcell, 1948
Chevy Chase, 1943
R. L. Stine, 1943
Jesse Jackson, 1941
Harvey Pekat, 1939
Paul Hogan, 1939
Clodagh Aubry, 1937
Rona Barrett, 1936
Faith Ringgld, 1930
Juan Peron, 1895
Eddie Rickenbacker, 1890
Benito Jerónimo Feijóo y Montenegro, 1676
Heinrich Schutz, 1585

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Cagney and Lacey"(TV), 1981
"Sugar Babies"(Revue)< 1979
"The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet"(Radio), 1944
"Capricorn Concerto"(Barber Op. 21), 1944
"In the Shadow of the Glen"(Play), 1903

Today in History:

Constantine, Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire, defeats Licinius, Emperor of the Western Roman Empire, at the Battle of Cibalae, 314
Great standing on the Ugra river, a standoff between the forces of Akhmat Khan, Khan of the Great Horde, and the Grand Duke Ivan III of Russia, which resulted in the retreat of the Tataro-Mongols and eventual disintegration of the Horde, 1480
The supernova "Kepler's Nova" is first sighted, 1604
The Massachusetts Bay Colony forms its first government, 1633
First recorded eruption of Galunggung (volcano of West Java, Indonesia) sends boiling sludge into the valley (this volcano would later erupt at such a time as to cause passenger jets to be damaged and forced into emergency landings), 1822
The first Hawai'ian constitution is proclaimed, 1840
The telegraph line from LA to SF opens, 1860

A gas explosion causes the Peshtigo Fire, in Peshtigo, Wisconsin, which killed between 1,200 and 2,500 people and consumed the entire town of Peshtigo and surrounding forests and several other villages -- the deadliest fire in American history, it covered 1.5 million acres, and occured on the same day as the Great Chicago Fire, 1871

The Great Chicago Fire, which consumed 4 square miles, killed 200, and destroyed the original Emancipation Proclamation, began, 1871

The first women's prison run by women opens at the Indiana Reformatory Institute, 1873
Dow Jones begins reporting an average of selected industrial stocks, 1896
Edmonton, Alberta and Prince Albert, Saskatchewan are incorporated as cities in Canada, 1904
New York Yankees's Don Larsen pitched the only perfect game in a World Series; one of only 20 perfect games in MLB history, 1956
Algeria joins the United Nations, 1962
Guerrilla leader Che Guevara and his men are captured in Bolivia, 1967
Australia's Ken Warby sets the current world water speed record of 317.60mph at Blowering Dam, Australia, 1978
A deadly earthquake hits Pakistan, 2005
Australian mare Black Caviar ties the horse racing record set by Phar Lap with an unbeaten run of 14 wins, 2011


  1. oh I love the phrasing SIGH THAT SEEMED TO COME FROM HER TOES.

  2. wow... bad day for fires huh? Im off to read your sss now... I was just reading the history list first! I love that part of your blog!

  3. oh man, that problem at every turn thing... love is so complicated by the inane isnt it?!

  4. jeez! talk about sending the Reader off into a thousand directions! lol

  5. A couple in love that just don't communicate enough. What next I wonder.

  6. Oh the flowers snafu. Yikes, that could have been much worse.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  7. Love can lead to a complicated path, but it's worth the trouble.

  8. Atcha!! You are so good at this!

  9. Very funny and I can't believe you told a whole story in just six sentences. Great job!

  10. Romance is a sticky wicket and I've had my share of romantic failures.

  11. Lovely story. Mind you, your family are very entertaining and probably give you fodder for a story from time to time. I enjoy your stories!

  12. Hope they got a laugh out of the whole comedy of errors of the situation. I did. And they seem quite happy together.


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