
Thursday, October 29, 2015

Six Sentence Story: No, I Refuse!

"No, no, no, they can't do that!" she exclaimed, with a wail in her voice you could probably hear all the way out to the driveway.

Unfortunately, they can, i said, and what's more, the Mayor has already called it.  Because of all the rain expected on Saturday night, the official night to Trick-or-Treat this year, by city/parish regulation, is children up to age 12, from 6 to 8 pm, on Friday October 30.

"I refuse to acknowledge that!" my Little Girl exclaimed again, adding, "look at all the treat bags I already made, and I have other plans Friday night, and no one will give these out, and I'm really angry!"

Lots of people are upset, one lady called work today to change her order from Saturday to Friday and was cussing out the Mayor to the manager over the phone, but it's still changed no matter how much people complain; don't worry, though, we will give out your treat bags.

"Well, okay, but it really isn't fair to change Halloween, even it is going to rain, and my friends and I will still celebrate on Saturday night!" she said; to which i replied, fair enough, because it is.

Linking up with Uncharted Blog and Six Sentence Stories, where the cue word is Refuse.

Today is:

Candies Day -- they have to be kidding -- this close to Halloween we need another candy day?!

Coronation Day -- Cambodia (anniversary of King Norodom Sihamony, in 2004)

Cumhuriyet Bayrami -- North Cyprus; Turkey (Republic Day)(1923)

Hermit Day / Hide From Everyone Day -- internet generated, for those who would rather have a peaceful day today than celebrate the other holidays listed; look up how to be a hermit on wikihow  

Internet Day -- it's predecessor went live today, see Today in History for detail

Laugh Suddenly For No Reason A Lot Today Day (And end up either getting yourself and everyone around you in a good mood, or yourself being observed at the hospital in a padded room.)

Naming Day -- Tanzania

National Cat Day -- US (with the goal of getting 10,000 cats adopted from shelters today) 

National Disgusting Little Pumpkin-Shaped Candies Day

National Oatmeal Day

Punkie Night -- Hinton St George, Somerset, England (a celebration for children and adults who carry candle-lit punkies -- the best one wins a prize -- made out of mangel-wurzels, a type of beet, and sing old punkie songs asking for money or treats)

Second Fiddle of the Month -- Fairy Calendar (a very poorly attended event -- who wants to play second fiddle?)

St. Mary of Edessa's Day (Patron against sexual temptation)

World Psoriasis Day -- International 

Birthdays Today:

Gabrielle Union, 1972
Winona Ryder, 1971
Joely Fisher, 1965
Randy Jackson, 1961
Finona Hughes, 1960
Kate Jackson, 1948
Richard Dreyfuss, 1947
Melba Moore, 1945
Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, 1938
Dominick Dunne, 1925
Bill Mauldin, 1921
Fanny Brice, 1891
Charles Hercules Ebbets, 1858
Daniel Decatur Emmet, 1815
James Boswell, 1740 (wrote the biography of Samuel Johnson)
Edmund Halley, 1656 (O.S. Date) (yes, that Halley, found the comet)

Debuting/Premiering Today:

The Internet, 1969 (the first connection between computers that would become the Internet someday was made on this date when bits of data flowed between computers at UCLA and Stanford Research Institute; this grew into ARPANET, and is now the Internet we know and yell at.)
"Let's Face It"(Musical), 1941
"Don Giovanni"(Mozart K. 527), 1787

Today in History:

Cyrus the Great entered the city of Babylon, BC539
First trial for witchcraft in Paris, 1390
Sir Walter Raleigh, adventurer, writer, and courtier, is beheaded, 1618
A severe earthquake shakes New England, 1727
Mozart's opera Don Giovanni receives its first performance in Prague, 1787
The first Ohio River steamboat leaves Pittsburgh for New Orleans, 1811
Queen Victoria grants Cecil Rhodes rights to Zambezia, 1889
The first intercity trucking service, from Colorado City to Snyder, Texas, begins running, 1904
Turkey declares its independence as the successor state to the Ottoman Empire, 1923
Israeli forces invade the Sinai Peninsula and push Egyptian forces back toward the Suez Canal, 1956
Cassius Clay wins his first professional fight, 1960
Syria exits from the United Arab Republic, 1961
Montreal's World Fair, Expo 67, closes with over 50 million visitors, 1967
The American Galileo spacecraft makes its closest approach to 951 Gaspra, becoming the first probe to visit an asteroid, 1991
In South Africa, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission presents its report, which condemns both sides for committing atrocities, 1998
Space Shuttle Discovery blasts off on STS-95 with 77-year old John Glenn on board, making him the oldest person to go into space, 1998
In Rome, European heads of state sign the Treaty and Final Act establishing the first European Constitution, 2004
The 3G wireless transmitters at Mt. Everest make coverage available to the summit, 2010
Random House and Penguin merge to become Penguin Random House, the largest publisher in the world, 2012
Turkey opens the first underwater rail tunnel linking Europe to Asia, 2013


  1. I am surprised at this, mainly cause I cna't really understand why it is the mayor's business if teens get wet. Teens ALWAYS go out and get soaked, etc! Perhaps there is some other reason?

  2. Teens aren't allowed to go door to door for Trick-or-Treat, although some do, and some people don't mind. It's the children up to age 12 who are officially permitted to do it, and there's a 100% chance of thunderstorms that night, so the little ones would not only get soaked, but possibly hit by lightning. No one likes it when this happens, anyway.

  3. There are greater sacrifices than moving a holiday celebration.

  4. they've got us marked for 100% rain on friday and into saturday morning here. must be the same system we're sending on to you, then. :)

  5. That is totally wrong! I sent my oldest out once on a rainy Halloween wearing his costume (he went as a baseball card) under a plastic trash bag with slits for his head and arms. Thanks for the interesting info too! jean :)

  6. I still think this is a parents call, not the government. I'm just saying.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  7. Oh darn I still trick or treated at 17years old. I weep for the teenagers who can't participate. Changing the date is only possible because of the darn internet and social media. Back in the day there would be little effective way to quickly communicate a date change. Ugggh!

  8. I like it when it rains on Halloween...less traffic.

  9. Things like this happened when i was a kid and i was always angry about the interferance!!! It was usually due to extremely cold weather.

  10. Rain is expected here in Portland so I don't know if we'll get many trick or treaters.

  11. Oh no! I would have the same reaction too! Don't change the day!! What's a little rain :D (thunderstorms no, rain...maybe)

  12. From half the world away I can't understand how or why this has anything to with the Mayor. I am sure the majority would just ignore the instruction here too. What would he do? Get the pied Piper of Hamelin to round the kids up?

  13. nice look (or reminder of a perspective) that is not un-common at a certain age… this week's Six Sentence is producing quite a few simple and practical (and beneficial) suggestions for appreciating a different perspective!

  14. This is a great example of how we often have to acknowledge realities that a we wish we could ignore. It always seems that foul weather appears to mess up holiday events and other festivities, but some how a good time is still usually had by all. I hope that Little Girl's Halloween was still the stuff of happy memories!


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