
Sunday, December 6, 2015

Silly Sunday: Gotta Find It

Silly Sunday is hosted by Sandee, of Comedy Plus.

Silly Sunday is the place to come for weekly laughs.  The rules are simple, just have fun.

This is a great opportunity to get to know other bloggers and have a laugh or two in the process.

Here is how it works: Laugh and Link Up!

  1. Post a joke.
  2. Link Up with the URL to your joke in the Linky Tools Widget.
  3. Read my joke.
  4. Leave a comment to tell me how much you enjoyed my joke.
  5. Try and visit a few others participating in Silly Sunday.
  6. Go to Sandee's site, linked above, and get the Silly Sunday code for your blog, too!

This is the time of year i call hunting season.  Christmas hunting.  Hunting the perfect gift.  Hunting for those wrapping supplies you bought at half price after Christmas last year.  Hunting for an ugly enough sweater for the Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest at work.

Many year ago, way back befo' he learn him better, Boudreaux done tol' Clothile he be goin' huntin' way up North (near Natchitoches).  Now, she done know it weren't no huntin' season, but he tell her he goin' wit' a frien', an' he ax her to pack him de bags.

A few day later, when he done got back, she ax now de huntin' was.  "We din't get nothing'," Boudreaux say, "but it be okay, de boys an' me done pass a good time.

"Dere be only one t'ing," he continue.  "You din't pack me my toothbrush, you musta forget, an' I had to go out an' buy me one."

"Oh, I pack you a toothbrush," say Clothile.  "I done put it in you gun case!"

Today is:

Adoration Parade -- Branson, MO, US (celebration of traditional values of faith, family, and friendliness)

Akibasan Gongen Hibuse Matsuri -- Odawara, Japan (ritual giving thanks for fire and water)

Christmas to Remember -- Laurel, MT, US (Santa and a live Nativity, parade, fireworks, bazaar, and more)

Day of Quito -- Ecuador (founding of the city in 1534)

Days of Reckoning Begin -- Fairy Calendar (no, they will not tell us what they reckon)

Dia de la Constitucion Espanola -- Spain (Constitution Day)

Give a Secret Gift Day -- obviously in honor of the original St. Nicholas

Good Neighborliness Day -- Turkmenistan

Hanukkah -- Judaism (Festival of Lights; begins at sundown, through sundown Dec. 14)

Independence Day -- Aland Islands(1917); Finland(1917)

Microwave Oven Day -- patented this day in 1945

Mitten Tree Day -- remembering when mittens, along with maybe a knit cap or scarf, were the big gift to find hanging from the Christmas tree

National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women -- Canada

National Gazpacho Day

National Miner's Day -- US

Pawnbrokers' Day -- on St. Nicholas' Day, in his role as Patron Saint of pawnbrokers

Second Sunday of Advent -- Christian
     Lighting the Candle of Love

Sindhi Topi and Ajrak Day -- Sindh, Pakistan

St. Nicholas of Myra's Day (Patron of apothecaries/druggists/pharmacists, archers, bakers, barrel makers, boatmen, bootblacks/shoe shiners, boys, brewers, brides, captives, children, coopers, dock workers/longshoremen, fishermen, grooms, judges, lawsuits lost unjustly, maidens, mariners/sailors, merchants, penitent murderers, newlyweds, old maids, parish clerks, paupers/poor people, pawnbrokers, perfumers, pilgrims, prisoners, scholars, schoolchildren, spinsters, students, penitent thieves, travelers, unmarried girls; Greek Catholic Church in America; Greek Catholic Union; University of Paris; Varangian Guard; Greece; Russia; also dozens of cities around the world; against imprisonment, robberies, robbers)
      Christkind -- Central and Southern Europe (the traditional gift giving day, instead of Christmas)

XTERRA Trail Run Series World Championship -- Kualoa Ranch, Oahu, HI, US (the crown jewel of the XTERRA Trail Run series of 60 rigorous, off road races, the world championship run)

Birthdays Today:

Andrew J. Howard, 1969
Macy Gray, 1969
Janine Turner, 1962
Andrew Cuomo, 1957
Peter Buck, 1956
Randy Rhoads, 1956
Steven Wright, 1955
Tom Hulce, 1953
JoBeth Williams, 1953
Craig Newmark, 1952
James Naughton, 1945
David Ossman, 1936
Wally Cox, 1924
Dave Brubeck, 1920
Agnes Moorehead, 1906
Alfred Eisenstaedt, 1898
Ira Gershwin, 1896
Lynn Fontanne, 1887
Joyce Kilmer, 1886
William S. Hard, 1870
John Singleton Mosby, 1833

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Star Trek VI- The Undiscovered Country(Film), 1991
"Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer"(TV special), 1964
"Talent Scouts"(TV), 1948
"Du Barry Was a Lady"(Porter musical), 1939
"La damnation de Faust"(Berlioz opera, Op, 24), 1846

Today in History:

The Mongols under Batu Khan occupy and destroy Kiev, 1240
Don Alfonso V of Aragon grants Barcelona the right to exclude Jews, 1424
The first edition of the Encyclopedia Brittanica is published, in Scotland, 1768
Harriet Tubman escapes slavery, 1849
The 13th Amendment to the US Constitution is ratified, abolishing slavery, 1865
The first crematorium in the US begins operation, in Washington, Pennsylvania, 1876
London becomes the first city to license taxicabs, 1897
One year to the day after the signing of the Anglo-Irish Treaty, the Irish Free State comes into existence, 1922
U.S. federal judge John M. Woolsey rules that the James Joyce's novel Ulysses is not obscene, 1933
The Vanguard rocket, the first US attempt to launch a satellite, fails, 1957
The Canadian province of Newfoundland is renamed Newfoundland and Labrador, 2001
NASA reveals photographs taken by Mars Global Surveyor suggesting the presence of liquid water on Mars, 2006
Belgium's new federal government is sworn in after 541 days of negotiations, 2011


  1. LOL :-)

    Have a brushtastic Silly Sunday :-)

  2. I'm off to the GoodWill store to to find the Ugliest Sweater ever made. Wish me luck!

  3. Bwahahahahahahahaha. Smart woman that Clothile. Very smart women.

    Have a terrific Silly Sunday. ☺

  4. Good story! You have such a gift for telling a tale!

  5. Ha! She's a smart lady, that Clothile.

  6. write the Cajun accent so well...this is great messy, thanks for sharing.

    Have fun!

  7. I could make this same comment every time I visit here, but I am amazed at how much you cram into one column. Wonderful stuff, full of all sorts of fun things to think about. Thanks, always, for a fun visit!


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