
Thursday, December 3, 2015

Six Sentence Story: Lie

"Hello and welcome, what bring you in today?" Lenny asked with a smile as i breezed through the door in the middle of the afternoon, an unusual time for me to show up at the mechanic shop.

About an hour ago, i was heading from work to the bank to cash a check, and when i signaled for a left turn, it started making the noise that tells you a bulb is burned out -- shoot, it even gave me a message on the dash that said, 'rear left turn signal out.'

"Yep, those cars are smarter than we are," he said, shaking his head, then added, "take it around back to the first bay, Kevin is back there and will tell Luke to take care of it."

Swinging around into the first bay, i saw Kevin grinning at me; he and Lenny always seem so amused to see members of my family, i guess because they know they are in for a treat of a story about another problem, and possibly a good bit of work.

As Luke went into action by grabbing a new bulb and wielding a screwdriver, i told Kevin with a wry look that i was glad it had just happened at a time when i was between work and errands and could take care of it, as i was so sure if i got stopped and told the officer that signal light had just burned out an hour ago, of course he would believe me.

Everyone laughed as Kevin said, "Of course the officer would believe you, since no one ever tells that lie, but since I believe you, no charge!"

Linking up with Uncharted Blog and Six Sentence Stories, where the cue is Lie.

Today is:

Advocate's Day -- India

Bizarre Bazaar -- Richmond, VA, US (Christmas shop until you drop; through Sunday)

Christmas Festival at St. Olaf -- St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN, US (600 student musicians perform sacred and folk songs from around the world; through Sunday)

Day of Remembrance for Bogatir (Great hero) Svatogor -- Asatru/Pagan Slavic Calendar

Fairy and Goblin Taunt-and-Tease Saturnalia -- Fairy Calendar

Festival for Bona Dea -- Ancient Roman Calendar (goddess of chastity, fecundity, the earth, and fertility; a women's festival)

Festival for Serket/Selket -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (scorpion goddess, who healed from their sting; date approximate)

International Day of Persons with Disabilities -- UN

International Day of the Basque Language

Make a Gift Day -- internet generated, and go ahead, 'tis the season

National Apple Pie Day

National Christmas Tree Lighting -- Washington, D.C., US

National Ice Cream Box Day -- internet generated, for those who love ice cream that comes in the rectangular box, and being the first to dig in

National Roof-Over-Your-Head Day -- be grateful you have one

Pompaia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (procession dedicated to Zeus; date approximate)

Reinvigorate Your Brain by Reading Something Day -- internet generated, and good to do every day, don't you think?

St. Francis Xavier's Day (Patron of African missions, foreign missions, missionaries, navigators, parish missions, Agartala, India; Ahmedabad, India; Alexandria, LA; ) related observance
     San Francisco Javier -- Navarre, Spain (special observances)

Takata no Inoko -- Sakurai, Japan (offerings for peace and good harvests)

Telescope Day -- marking its invention by Galileo in 1621

Anniversaries Today:

Illinios becomes the 21st US State, 1818

Birthdays Today:

Alicia Sacramone, 1987
Amanda Seyfried, 1985
Bruno Campos, 1974
Holly Marie Combs, 1973
Bucky Lasek, 1972
Brendan Fraser, 1968
Katarina Witt, 1965
Daryl Hannah, 1961
Julianne Moore, 1961
Julianne Moore, 1960
Rick Ravon Mears, 1951
Ozzy Osbourne, 1948
Jaye P. Morgan, 1932
Jean-Luc Godard, 1930
Andy Williams, 1927
Ferlin Husky, 1927
John Backus, 1924
Nino Rota, 1911
Carlos Montoya, 1903
Joseph Conrad, 1857
Charles Alfred Pillsbury, 1842
Gilbert Charles Stuart, 1755

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Camelot"(Musical), 1960
"Troilus and Cressida"(Opera), 1954
"A Streetcar Names Desire"(Play), 1947
Alka-Seltzer, 1931

Today in History:

Sir Thomas Herriot introduces potatoes to England, 1586
In an uprising over mining licenses, which came to be called the rebellion at the Eureka Stockade, more than 20 goldminers at Ballarat, Victoria, Australia are killed by state troopers in what many claim to be the birth of Australian democracy, 1854
The trial of Jefferson Davis starts with the first blacks on a US trial jury, 1868
Settlers arrive at Petach Tikvah, Israel, 1878
The Jovian moon Himalia is discovered by Charles Dillon Perrine, 1904
Neon lights make their public debut at the Paris Auto Show, 1910
The Quebec Bridge, after almost 20 years of planning and construction, opens, 1917
The first successful Technicolor movie, "Tall of the Sea," premiers in NYC, 1922
Chinese refugee ship "Kiangya" explodes in E China Sea, killing 1,100, 1948
Paul Harvey begins his national radio broadcast, 1950
At Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa, a transplant team headed by Christiaan Barnard carries out the first heart transplant on a human, 1967
Pioneer 10 sends back the first close-up images of Jupiter, 1973
In one of the worst industrial disasters ever, a methyl isocyanate leak from a Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, kills thousands and injures hundreds of thousands, 1984
In Ottawa, Canada, representatives from 121 countries, not including the US, Russia, or China, sign The Ottawa treaty prohibiting manufacture and deployment of anti-personnel landmines, 1997
XCOR Aerospace makes first manned rocket aircraft delivery of US Mail in Mojave, California, 2005
The Nissan Leaf, one of the first mass marketed electric cars, is launched, 2010


  1. I have a "no charge" mechanic!!! Best ever

  2. I have a "no charge" mechanic!!! Best ever

  3. Sorry to say they don't exist in Australia. You will only get something free if you have already spent a few thousand dollars already!

  4. I hope this story is true. And, hahaha, I've told that lie before :)

  5. Well you wouldn't lie anyway. So there.

    I like the no charge the very best.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  6. made me smile... on multiple levels, (a sign of a very good Six Sentence Story)

  7. "No charge"... some of the most beautiful words in the English language. Love it.

  8. Our son is a professional mechanic and he keeps our cars running because I know nothing about cars.

  9. I've been to the mechanic so many times in the past few months with our two cars that I asked them if I could have a punch card and maybe get a free sandwich or something after ten visits!

  10. Anything free from the mechanic? Now that's a treat!
    Wish I had that kind of treat lol

  11. How blessed you are to have a mechanic shop that has real people, good people, working there, and with a sense of humor too! This was great, loved it.

  12. True story - we had a "no charge" repair recently because our mechanic fixed something, called to say it was ready and gave us the final charge. As they drove the car to the wash to get it cleaned up, something went wonky and they had to fix that - no charge to us.

  13. How nice a "no charge" car repair would be. Nice six SSS!

  14. A a fantastic fairy tale .. since only in fairy tales does a mechanic do something for free here in Italy. But it was a lovely read. Bastet


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