
Thursday, May 19, 2016

Six Sentence Story: Checkout

"You read a lot, don't you?" Red-headed Alec said when Bigger Girl walked in with several books and books on CD she had checked out of the library.

"Yes, and you don't read very much, do you?" she responded.

"The last book I read was The Hobbit, and the last book I read before that was Green Eggs and Ham!" he said with a laugh.

That's quite a gap isn't it? i interjected, laughing with him.

"Those are the only ones I was interested in," he said, "especially since most books I would like are turned into movies.

"No, I really do surprise myself and pull out a book once in a while, and I read several in high school, but I'm not like the book worms in this house," he added, pointing to the many bookshelves.

Linking up with Uncharted Blog and Six Sentence Stories, where the cue is Check.

Today is:

Boy's Club Day -- founding in 1906

Calaveras County Fair and Frog Jumping Jubilee -- Calaveras Fairgrounds, Angel's Camp, CA, US (the "Super Bowl" of frog jumping contests; through Sunday)
     Frog Jumping Day -- for those of us who don't live in Calaveras County, you can still celebrate Mark Twain's famous story and go play with a frog

Circus Day -- the four Ringling Brothers opened their first circus on this day in 1884

Dance to Mark the Third of January -- Fairy Calendar (Third of January is when the Founding Fairy Fathers and Mothers arrived in what is now called Fairyland [no one knows where they lived before, or what lived in Fairyland before], so it is one of their most important days; no one knows why it is celebrated in May, either, they won't tell us)

Greek Genocide Remembrance Day -- Greece

May Ray Day -- to celebrate being able to go out into the sun's rays as summer nears

Miles City Bucking Horse Sale -- Miles City, MT, US (a celebration worthy of the city that inspired "Lonesome Dove;" through Sunday)

National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day -- US (information at Banyan Tree Project

National Devil's Food Cake Day

New England's Dark Day*

Plant Something Day -- because it's fun, and if summer is coming where you are, do it because you can!

Praia Municipal Day -- Praia, Cape Verde

St. Dunstan of Canterbury's Day (Patron of armourers, blacksmiths, blind people, gold workers and smiths, jewellers, lighthouse keepers, locksmiths, musicians, silver workers and smiths, swordsmiths; Charlottetown, PEI, Canada)

St. Peter Celestine's Day (Patron of bookbinders; Aquila, Italy)

Youth and Sports Day / Commemoration of Atatürk -- North Cyprus; Turkey

Anniversary Today:

Eric Clapton marries Pattie Boyd, 1979

Birthdays Today:

Rachel Appleton, 1992
Jordon Pruitt, 1991
Eric Lloyd, 1986
Kevin Garnett, 1976
Kyle Eastwood, 1968
Grace Jones, 1952
Joey Ramone, 1951
Archie Manning, 1949
Andre the Giant, 1946
Pete Townshend, 1945
Nora Ephron, 1941
James Fox, 1939
Francis R. Scobee, 1939
David Hartman, 1937
James Lehrer, 1934
Malcolm X, 1925
Ho Chi Minh, 1890
Nancy Astor, 1879
Johns Hopkins, 1762

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith(Film), 2005
Smokey and the Bandit,(Film), 1977
"Room Service"(Play), 1937
Gone With The Wind(Publication date), 1936
"L'heure espagnole / How They Keep Time in Spain"(Ravel comédie musicale), 1911

Today in History:

Jacques Cartier sets sail on his second voyage to North America, 1535
Anne Boleyn is beheaded, 1536
Queen Elizabeth I orders the arrest of Mary, Queen of Scots, 1568
French forces under the duc d'Enghien decisively defeat Spanish forces at the Battle of Rocroi, marking the symbolic end of Spain as a dominant land power, 1643
The Long Parliament declares England a Commonwealth, and England remains a republic for the next 11 years, 1649
King George II of Great Britain grants the Ohio Company a charter of land around the forks of the Ohio River, 1749
*A combination of thick smoke and heavy cloud cover causes complete darkness to fall on Eastern Canada and the New England area of the United States at 10:30 A.M, 1780
Napoleon Bonaparte founds the Légion d'Honneur, 1802
Mexico ratifies the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo thus ending the Mexican-American War and ceding California, Nevada, Utah and parts of four other modern-day U.S. states to the United States for $15 million USD, 1848
Jan Matzeliger begins the first mechanized shoe production, 1885
Oscar Wilde is released from Reading Gaol, 1897
White women win the right to vote in South Africa, 1930
Margaret Mitchell's Gone With The Wind is published, 1936
Churchill and Roosevelt set May 1, 1944 as their goal date for D-Day (it had to be delayed over a month because of weather), 1943
The Soviet Venera 1 becomes the first man-made object to fly-by another planet by passing Venus, 1961
Croatians vote for independence, 1991
The Sierra Gorda Biosphere, the most ecologically diverse region in Mexico, is established as a result of grassroots efforts, 1997
Hundreds of Albert Einstein's scientific papers, personal letters and humanist essays were make available on the Internet. Einstein had given the papers to the Hebrew Universtiy of Jerusalem in his will, 2003
A rare 19th century torpedo is discovered off the coast of California by the US Navy dolphins, 2013


  1. I'll never understand how anyone can go without reading for pleasure.

  2. There's going to be a really big book sale when I shuffle off this mortal coil. Most of my furniture is bookshelves!

  3. You would be proud of our bookshelves here. They are crammed full of deliciousness.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  4. I have to be on something to read a book...usually vacation of the throne.

  5. Still prefer print (electronic or paper) to movies, at least the first time... that way I can do my own casting (of the roles).

  6. Those young ones sound like mine. Two simply devour books, two might read a book on a specific area of interest every few years. I read a lot but from the library, don't have room to collect books in my little house.

  7. My husband, my daughter and I are all avid readers of different genres, my some tends more towards magazine and news articles unless some topic really grabs his attention. I can't imagine how much less I would know of life if I hadn't checked out hundreds of books over the years. Now I check them out on Kindle. :-)

  8. Over the years I would have been so lost without reading.

  9. Over the years I would have been so lost without reading.


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