
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Well, it's like this, Your Honor...

How do you get out of jury duty, anyway?

In my case, it didn't take much.  Because mine is the only income until Sweetie can find work, i was delayed by 6 months.

No, i did not have to go into the fact, and it is a fact, that the bakery is swamped because this is Mother's Day week, and it is going to be an even bigger week than last Christmas, and i am being required to work 5-10pm whether i have jury duty or not.

No, i did not have to plead that i currently have a circus going at my house, with four kids, a daughter-in-law, a foster son, eight cats, and a Chihuahua sharing my domicile.

The morning of jury duty i woke up to find that my dishwasher had died.  No, i did not even have to go into that.

All of those were up my sleeve, however, just in case.

Actually, i feel like i dodged a bullet.  They are pulling jurors for a 9 day trial.  That means, of course, that the jury selection will go on for a couple of days, then there will be testimony and deliberations, all of which will last for at least two full work weeks.  That means you will be out of work for at least 2 weeks, which would break us financially.

Do i want to do my civic duty?  Yes, i do.  Someday, perhaps this coming October when i will be called back, i want to do what i'm supposed to do and be able to sit in that room, and answer questions, and maybe end up on a jury.

Right now, every day of work i miss is a possibility that i won't have grocery money or money to pay a bill.  Right now, in fact for the past seven months, i've been in emergency mode.

Am i guaranteed Sweetie will have a job by this October?  No, i'm not.  Am i sure the bakery will be calmer at that time?  Of course it will, it's too soon for the Thanksgiving/Christmas rush and if i'm out for a week it won't kill them and they won't be making me come in at nights whether i'm selected or not.

Unless someone dies, i am determined to go through with my duty next October.  Right now, however, i'm glad i have a hardship deferral.  

Today is:

Anxiety Disorders Screening Day -- if you have symptoms, get checked, there is help 

Bent Wand-Straightening Day -- Fairy Calendar

Bona Dia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (a women's festival)

Constitution Day -- Poland

Constitution Memorial Day -- Japan (Part of the Showa Golden Week Festivities)

Craft Brewers Conference & Brewexpo America® -- Philadelphia, PA, US (through the 6th)

Dia de la Cruz -- Mexico (Day of the Holy Cross, a festive day for construction workers, with parties and a flower decorated cross placed on every piece of new construction through the country)

Florae -- Ancient Roman Calendar (ceremony at the temple of Flora)

Garden Meditation Day -- let go your concerns and center your attention on your garden 

Give Local America -- US (encouraging people to support local charities with the largest crowdfuning event in history) 

Lumpy Rug Day -- the tongue-in-cheek day to tease bigots about shoving unwanted facts under the rug, sponsored by Robert L. Birch of Puns corps

National Raspberry Popover Day / National Raspberry Tart Day

National Specially-Abled Pets Day --US 
 (to learn more about caring for disabled pets,

National Teacher Appreciation Day -- US

National Two Different Colored Shoes Day -- celebrate your uniqueness, take a risk, and step outside of your routine today

Paranormal Day -- i have enough trouble with normal, thank you

Pregnancy Fitness Awareness Day -- can't confirm this is still sponsored by Karen Bridson

St. James the Lesser's Day (Patron of apothecaries, druggists, the dying, fullers, hatters and hatmakers, miliners, pharmacists; Frascati, Italy; Monterotondo, Italy; Nemi, Italy; Uruguay; Venegono Inferiore, Italy)

St. Phillip the Apostle's Day (Patron of hatmakers and hatters, milliners, pastry chefs; Luxembourg; Monterotondo, Italy; Nemi, Italy; San Felipe Indian Pueblo; Uruguay; Venegono, Inferiore, Italy)

Togyu Taikai -- Tokunoshima Island, Japan (bull sumo, in which bulls push each other out of the ring; through the 5th)

Wordsmith Day

World Asthma Day -- International (Global Initiative for Asthma)

World Press Freedom Day -- International/UN

Birthdays Today:

Joseph Addai, 1983
Christine Hendricks, 1975
Dule Hill, 1974
Christopher Cross, 1951
Mary Hopkin, 1950
Doug Henning, 1947
Greg Gumbel, 1946
Frankie Valli, 1937
Engelbert Humperdinck, 1936
James Brown, 1933
Sugar Ray Robinson, 1921
Pete Seeger, 1919
Bing Crosby, 1903
Golda Meir, 1898
Niccolo Machiavelli, 1469

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Bent"(Play), 1979
"All Things Considered"(National Public Radio Network first broadcast), 1971
"The Most Happy Fella"(Musical), 1956
"CBS Evening News"(TV), 1948

Today in History:

Christopher Columbus first sights Jamaica (Santiago), 1494
Francis Bacon is charged with bribery, 1621
A royal charter is granted for Connecticut, 1662
The last total solar eclipse to be observed from London for the next 900 years occurs as predicted by Edmund Halley; called Halley's eclipse as he predicted it to within 4 minutes accuracy and described its path to within 30km, 1715
The Constitution of May 3 (the first modern constitution in Europe) is proclaimed by the Sejm of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, 1791
Washington, D.C., is incorporated as a city, 1802
The Canterbury and Whitstable Railway is opened. It is the first steam hauled passenger railway to issue season tickets and include a tunnel, 1830
The Hudson's Bay Company gives up all claims to Vancouver Island, 1867
The Great Fire of 1901 in Jacksonville, Florida, destroys 1,700 buildings, 1901
Raja Harishchandra the first full-length Indian feature film is released, marking the beginning of the Indian film industry, 1913
The poem In Flanders Fields is written by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, 1915
Nellie Tayloe Ross becomes the first woman to head the United States Mint, 1933
Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the Wind is awarded the Pulitzer Prize, 1937
The Kentucky Derby is televised for the first time, 1951
Lieutenant Colonels Joseph O. Fletcher and William P. Benedict of the United States land a plane at the North Pole, 1952
The Anne Frank House opens in Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1960
The first "spam" email is sent by a Digital Equipment Corporation marketing representative to every ARPANET address on the west coast of the United States, 1978
The strongest tornado ever recorded, one of  66 tornadoes recorded that day,with winds of up to 313mph, strikes Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 1999
The sport of geocaching begins, with the first cache placed and the coordinates from a GPS posted on Usenet, 2000
New Hampshire's famous Old Man of the Mountain collapses, 2003
New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art announces it will return two statues from northern Cambodia's archeological site Koh Ker, 2013


  1. Hoping Sweetie finds work soon. Please take care of your health and let the unimportant stuff go...jury duty.

  2. And you should have been deferred. You're the only bread winner right now. You work mighty hard too.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  3. 9 day trial?? That would be really crazy! Crossing my fingers Sweetie is back to work soon. And thank you for reminding me it's Mother's Day weekend. If I don't order my favorite baked goods myself, then I most likely won't get any.

  4. Needing the income is a very valid reason for not missing work to do jury duty! If you are forced to rob a bank to make ends meet, they will have another case to schedule on their docket! ;-) I just got my jury duty assignment postponed until July, because I was to appear on the day Papa Bear was to have all his teeth removed for dentures, and it wasn't possible for him to wait in pain any longer. The court clerk was very nice about it, much to my surprise. I am praying that your Sweetie can find employment soon, I know the worry over finances never ends.

  5. I'm a taxpayer and registered voter, but I've never been called to jury duty. Mrs. Chatterbox has but she was dismissed for knowing too many police officers. She works with a hundred of them.


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