
Saturday, June 18, 2016


Everything in life has a season.

Last year, i was hired to work the busy season at a bakery.  To my delight, they kept me on after the New Year and into the Teacher Appreciation/Mother's Day/Graduation season. 

Those seasons are over, and summer is here, and there is very little business at the bakery in the summer, so my work there is over.  It served its purpose and i am grateful, and now i'm looking for a couple of extra houses to clean.

The job Sweetie got at the music shop was also only for a season, and he is now looking for work again.  No, he didn't know it was for short term, but that's okay, it helped where help was needed.

It's also the season where, when i go to the cat shelter, the fresh water i give the cats out of the tap is hotter than the water that's been sitting in their bowls.  What's in their bowls has been in the air conditioning for hours, what's coming from the tap is heated up just running through the pipes to the building.  In other words, it's hot out there!

Little Girl has been writing from boot camp, and she seems to be getting on well and is enjoying some aspects and not others, just as anyone would expect.  She's decided she does't mind having to do push-ups before they will give her the letters we send, so i will continue to write daily.  Yes, i'm being that mom.

#2 Son has run into yet another problem that you run into when you get married and change your name.  (Because DIL Becky is an only child, and as such they were going to live on the farm with her parents and learn to run it and inherit it, he changed his last name to hers, a kind of keep-the-family-line-going thing, and now that all those plans are up in the air, heaven only knows what will happen to the farm someday, but that's not my problem.)  He changed it on his Social Security card, but not on his driver's license.  The people there told him not to bother, he didn't need to until his license comes up for renewal.

He also didn't change the name on his bank account, or add his wife to said account.

Now they have their refund back from the IRS, and they couldn't direct deposit it because her name isn't on the account, and he can't deposit the check because the name on the check and on his bank account don't match.  He's learning you can't just do a name change half way, it needs to be changed everywhere.

Yesterday Bigger Girl went to give blood, came home and ate, took a bit of a nap and woke up feeling so great she started a new project.

"Got any crayons?" she asked, and yes, i did.  She also grabbed a hair dryer, saying, "I have a project in mind, and now I feel great!  It must be the giving blood, maybe the medieval people were right, we need to bring back leeches!"

Not in the house, please, i said, to which she responded, "You never let me have any fun!"

Yes, i know, i'm the mean mommy, i told her with a grin.

"No, you are the wonderful mommy who puts up with my nonsense.  Now, I have crayons to melt!"

The season where she can't make me laugh hasn't been invented yet, thank heaven!

Today is:

Autistic Pride Day -- an Aspies for Freedom initiative; shifting the view from "disease" to "different"

Constitution Day / National Day -- Seychelles

Dollars Against Diabetes Days -- always on Father's Day weekend, with information here 

Eid el-Galaa -- Egypt (Evacuation Day; final withdrawal of British this date in 1956)

Foundation Day -- Benguet, Philippines

Going Forth of Neith Along the River -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (goddess of war and hunting; date approximate)

Go Fishing Day -- anniversary of the first American fly-casting tournament this day in 1861 in Utica, NY

GRABAAWR / GReat Annual Bicycle Adventure Along the Wisconsin River -- WI, US (fun bicycle adventures for all ages, levels, and abilities; through next Saturday)

Husband Caregiver Day -- to honor husbands who give health care to family members (wives, children, or extended family)

International Picnic Day

International Sushi Day

Inti Raymi Festival -- Cusco, Peru (traditional Inca sun worship festival, through the 24th, which is the biggest and best day)

KCQ Country Music Fest -- Saginaw, MI, US (country music's hottest stars, classic car show, art fair, and great food)

Long Beach Bayou and Blues Festival -- Rainbow Lagoon, Long Beach, CA, US (celebrating Cajun/Creole culture, food, music, arts and crafts, and even a Mardi Gras parade; through tomorrow)

Longest Dam Race -- Fort Peck, MT, US (a run that crosses 1.8 miles of the Fort Peck Dam, as well as a fun run, a bike race, and more)

Madam Lou Bunch Day -- Central City, CO, US (Old Flop House Celebration of the Madam who ran the city's most famous house of ill repute during the gold rush, complete with period costumes and a brass bed race!)

Mermaid Parade -- Coney Island, Brooklyn, NY, US (wacky and wonderful and worth every wild moment)

National Cherry Tart Day

National Splurge Day 

Norskedalen's Midsummer Fest -- Coon Valley, WI, US (celebrate summer solstice and Sankt Hans Dag[St. John's Day] the way pioneer Scandinavians did; through tomorrow)

Queen Mother's Birthday -- Cambodia (Ex-Queen Norodom Monineath)

Rochesterfest -- Rochester, MN, US (street dances, parade, exotic foods, children's and senior events, and more; through the 26th)

Spirit of the Woods Folk Festival -- Brethren, MI, US (a family friendly good time in the park)

St. Gregory of Fragalata's Day (Patron of Fragalata, Sicily)

St. Osanna Andreasi's Day (Patron of school girls)

Tiger-Get-By's Birthday -- Fairy Calendar

Waterloo Day -- UK (no longer an official holiday, but still of historic importance)

World Wide Knit in Public Days -- better living through stitching together!

Birthdays Today:

Eddie Cibrian, 1973
Nathan Morris, 1971
Richard Powers, 1957
Carol Kane, 1952
Isabella Rossellini, 1952
Roger Ebert, 1942
Paul McCartney, 1942
Lou Brock, 1939
John D. Rockefeller IV, 1937
Tom Wicker, 1926
Donald Keene, 1922
Red Adair, 1915
Sammy Cahn, 1913
Sylvia Field Porter, 1913
E.G. Marshall, 1910
Bud Collyer, 1908
James Kern "Kay" Kyser, 1905
Jeanette MacDonald, 1903
Grand Duchess Anastasia Nicolaievna Romanova of Russia, 1901
George Herbert Leigh Mallory, 1886
Henry Clay Folger, Jr., 1857
E.W. Scripps, 1854

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Archipelago S"(Takemitsu orchestral work), 1993
"Der Freischütz/The Marksman"(Opera, Weber Op. 77, J. 277), 1821

Today in History:

Li Yuan becomes Emperor Gaozu of Tang, initiating three centuries of Tang Dynasty rule over China, 618
Five monks from Canterbury report seeing "two horns of light" on the shaded side of the moon, probably witnessing the meteor impact formation of the Giordano Bruno crater, 1178
The Parliament of Ireland meets at Castledermot in County Kildare, the first definitively known meeting of this Irish legislature, 1264
French forces under the leadership of Joan of Arc defeat the main English army under Sir John Fastolf at the Battle of Patay, 1429
Samuel Wallis, an English sea captain, sights Tahiti and is considered the first European to reach the island, 1767
The U.S. Congress  declares war on the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, 1812
The Battle of Waterloo leads to Napoleon Bonaparte abdicating the throne of France for the second and last time, 1815
Charles Darwin receives a paper from Alfred Russel Wallace that includes nearly identical conclusions about evolution as Darwin's own, prompting Darwin to publish his theory, 1858
Susan B. Anthony is fined $100 (US) for attempting to vote in the prior year's US presidential election, 1873
Empress Dowager Longyu of China orders all foreigners killed, including foreign diplomats and their families, 1900
Aviator  Amelia Earhart becomes the first woman to fly as a passenger in an aircraft across the Atlantic Ocean, 1928
The "Finest Hour" speech is delivered by Winston Churchill, 1940
The Republic of Egypt is declared and the monarchy is abolished, 1953
Governor of Louisiana Earl K. Long is committed to a state mental hospital; he responds by having the hospital's director fired and replaced with a crony who proceeds to proclaim him perfectly sane, 1959
The AIDS epidemic is formally recognized by medical professionals in San Francisco, California, 1981
Astronaut Sally Ride becomes the first American woman in space, 1983
Kazakhstan launches its first satellite, KazSat, 2006
Sequoia, IMB's Blue Gene/Q system installed at the Department of Energy becomes the world's fastest supercomputer, 2012
New data reveals that over 280 previously unknown craters exist on the Moon, 2013


  1. UGG! THat's why Mrs C never changed her name to mine. Too many problems. We do get some different looks when we check into a motel.

  2. Oh the name change this is most delightful.

    Yes there are many seasons we experience and sometimes they remain the same. Like with your daughter. I love your kids.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥♥♥

  3. oh, yeah. name changes are dreadful and extensive... i hope all will work out for him and becky with the farm. doesn't sound promising, though. laughed at the leaches. i do hope you and sweetie will both have more work, soon. bless you.

  4. I'm not aware of any other men taking their wife's last name, but I did know quite a few people (women) who hyphenated their names, but this always proved problematic and sooner or later they dropped their maiden names.

  5. Oh, I do so love your posts. Your cheerfulness and positivity is an inspiration.


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