
Thursday, June 2, 2016

Six Sentence Story: Quit Stalling!

"The only way I've ever found that works is to quit stalling and just get started," she said, giving him a pen and paper.

"But I don't know what to write!" he exclaimed, trying to push the writing implements away while she stood there and shook her head.

"Neither do I, ever, until I sit down and just start putting words down, then they start to flow, and next thing you know, I have a letter to mail," she answered.

"Besides, motivation follows action, it usually does not precede it, so if you wait until you are motivated, you won't ever do it!  And it's not like you have to write a novel, a quick update about work, asking how she is, and telling her you love her is plenty."

"All right," he said, picking up the pen and beginning.

Linking up with Uncharted Blog and Six Sentence Stories, where the cue is Stall.

Today is:

Coronation Day -- United Kingdom

Coronation Day and Social Forestry Day -- Bhutan (anniversary of  the coronation day of the Jigme Singye Wangchuck, the 4th Druk Gyalpo, in 1974, and the day children plant trees)

Curwood Festival -- Owosso, MI, US (over 40 events commemorate the life and work of James Oliver Curwood, the Owosso-born author and conservationist; through Sunday)

Fardagar -- Traditional Icelandic Calendar (time when farm workers moved from one farm to another, the time to settle debts, and until the 20th-Century, the day to start the fiscal year; always the Thursday through Sunday of the 7th week of summer)

Festa della Republica -- Italy (National Day/Feast of the Republic)

Festival of Light and Dark Spots -- Fairy Calendar

Festival of Utter Confusion -- an internet declared holiday, and this is the one for me!

Great American Brass Band Festival -- Danville, KY, US (this year's theme is Brass Greats of American Jazz; through Sunday)

Harvard Milk Days Festival -- Harvard, IL, US (parade, carnival, food, fireworks, petting zoo, and more, all as a salute to hard working dairy farmers; through Sunday)

Hristo Botev Day -- Bulgaria (poet and national hero who fell fighting the Turks this day in 1876)

"I Love My Dentist" Day -- no one will claim starting this one, so it makes me suspicious

Isabel Province Day -- Isabel Province, Solomon Islands

National Bubba Day -- created by comedian T. Bubba Bechtol for Bubbas everywhere to have their day

National Leave the Office Earlier Day -- sponsored by Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro, who urges people to maximize productivity so they can leave the office earlier every day

National Rocky Road Day

Shelburne County Lobster Festival -- Shelburne County, NS, Canada (celebrating the Lobster Capital of Canada; through Sunday)

South Carolina Festival of Flowers -- Greenwood, SC, US (thirty-six events, something for everyone; through Sunday)

St. Blandina's Day (Patron of girls, people falsely accused, torture victims; Lyon, France)

St. Elmo's Day (a/k/a St. Erasmus; Patron of ammunition workers, boatmen, childbirth and women in labor, explosives workers, mariners, navigators, ordnance workers, sailors, watermen; Gaeta, Italy; against abdominal pains, appendicitis, birth pains, childhood intestinal disease, colic, danger at sea, intestinal disorders, seasickness, stomach diseases, storms)

Yell "Fudge" at the Cobras in North America Day -- at noon, your local time, because according to Wellcat Holidays, cobras hate fudge and will not stay if we mention it

Anniversaries Today:

U.S. President Grover Cleveland marries Frances Folsom, 1886 (only president to wed in the executive mansion)
Elizabeth II is crowned Queen of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Her Other Realms and Territories & Head of the Commonwealth, 1953 (the first major international event to be televised)

Birthdays Today:

Justin Long, 1978
Zachary Quinto, 1977
Queen 'Masenate Mohato Seeiso, Queen consort of Lesotho, 1976
Wayne Brady, 1972
Wentworth Miller, 1972
Joel Tobeck, 1971
Dana Carvey, 1955
Gary Grimes, 1955
Dennis Haysbert, 1954
Diana Canova, 1953
Cornel West, 1953
Jerry Mathers, 1948
Marvin Hamlisch, 1944
Charles Haid, 1943
Stacy Keach, Jr., 1941
Charlie Watts, 1941
Sally Kellerman, 1937
Milo O’Shea, 1926
Johnny Weissmuller, 1904
Hedda Hopper, 1890
Sir Edward Elgar, 1857
Thomas Hardy, 1840
Marquis de Sade, 1740
Martha Dandridge Custiss Washington, 1731

Today in History:

The Vandals enter Rome and begin 2 weeks of plundering, 455
The First Siege of Antioch ends when Crusader forces take the city, 1098
The first RĂ©collet missionaries arrive at Quebec City, from Rouen, France, 1615
Bridget Bishop is the first person to go to trial in the Salem witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts, 1692
The Derby horserace is held for the first time in Epsom, England, 1780
P. T. Barnum and his circus start their first tour of the United States, 1835
The Slavic congress in Prague begins, 1848
Guglielmo Marconi applies for a patent for his early radio device, 1896
U.S. President Calvin Coolidge signs the Indian Citizenship Act, making Native American Indians withing US territories and states US citizens, 1924
Lou Gehrig begins his streak of 2,130 consecutive games played, 1925
In a referendum, Italians vote to turn Italy from a monarchy into a Republic, and exile their king, Umberto II di Savoia, 1946
The USSR and Yugoslavia sign the Belgrade declaration and thus normalize relations, 1955
Surveyor 1 lands in Oceanus Procellarum on the Moon, becoming the first U.S. spacecraft to soft land on another world, 1966
Pope John Paul II visits his native Poland, becoming the first Pope to visit a Communist country, 1979
The Bhutan Broadcasting Service brings television transmissions to the Kingdom for the first time, 1999
Europe launches its first probe to voyage to another planet, Mars, 2003
The World Health Organization announces the E. coli strain responsible for the 2011 E.coli O104:H4 outbreak had never before been isolated from patients, 2011


  1. Good one, do have a lovely weekend!

  2. I love 'motivation follows action'. So true! AND I would like to request a piece (or should I say huge chunk) of yesterday's cake! YUM!! Have a great week.

  3. Besides, motivation follows action, it usually does not precede it," im gonna use this at work today

  4. Besides, motivation follows action, it usually does not precede it," im gonna use this at work today

  5. Good advice here. :) I find it to be true...if I can just get the first sentence on paper the words seem to start most cases. :)

  6. Good advice here. :) I find it to be true...if I can just get the first sentence on paper the words seem to start most cases. :)

  7. She's a smart one. That's great advice.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  8. Letter to Mom? That was my first thought reading this... And the reasoning is rock solid, too. Coming from a kid who hated homework.


  9. Getting started is the hardest part of writing.

  10. good Six!
    "Besides, motivation follows action, it usually does not precede it, if I wasn't a virtual person, I'd be embarrassed to admit how long I held on to the false order of your formula, I was one of those young people who thought that all it took was some magical thing called motivation and everything would fall into place! aayiiee! the certainty of youth!

  11. An interesting concept here "motivation follows action". I've never really thought about that way, but now that I do I suspect that you are right. So often I am waiting to get inspired to do something, and it doesn't happen until I actually take a step of some kind in that direction. Clever story! This reminded me of my mom trying to get me to write thank you notes as a kid!


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