
Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Tuesday Coffee Chat: Summertime!

Rory Bore at Ink Interrupted hosts the Tuesday Coffee Chat, and this week her topic is, Summer Bucket List!!!  You don't want to have a cruel summer, so time to plan all the fun.

Summer was a lot more about fun when the children were younger.  Now that everyone is, technically at least, an adult, there are no more plans for swim team and fun at the library, vacation Bible schools and indoor rainy days just spent lounging around.

Instead we all have regular jobs (except Sweetie, whose work at the music shop was part time and temporary and has ended, throwing him back into the loop of looking for work again as his work), and i can't even volunteer at our church VBS this time, and i will miss it.

All hope is not lost, though.  There is still the annual family vacation to Florida, with some changes.  In the past, the whole family went down at once and we spread ourselves out over two condos and had a great time.

This year, because Grandma can no longer travel so she and Grandpa aren't going, they've rented one condo for two weeks, and the rest of the family are taking turns.  Uncle J and his kids, as well as #1 Son and #2 Son and Daughter-in-Law Becky, are down there right now.

On Saturday, Sweetie and i will head down, along with Uncle P and a friend of his, and the rest will head home.  Bigger Girl is invited to come down for a couple of days when she doesn't have classes, but she's thinking she won't make it.  It will be a lot less family interaction than in past years, maybe a good bit more rest.

It won't be the same, but i'm determined that it will be fun, because i am taking my inner child to the zoo and a couple of other places, and planning on enjoying it thoroughly.

Later in the summer, exactly when we are not at all sure, there will be Little Girl's graduation from Boot Camp.  We had to miss her high school graduation, so i am determined that Sweetie and i will drive up to Fort Sill and see her graduate from Boot.  She doesn't know we are planning that, and i'm not going to tell her, either.

The exact plans will wait in the Army to tell us when her expected graduation date is, but there will be a rental car and lots of driving and i always have fun on road trips.

September is still hot and summery, and since i don't have young children in school any more i am considering it simply an extension of summer, and that's when i will go on my Yearly Sanity Retreat (Sanityfest, or S-fest).  We are meeting up in San Antonio this year.  DiDreaming will come here from Mobile on a bus, and i hope Dayeanu will come down from Arkansas, and the three of us will make the 8 hour drive to see Grace and anyone else who shows up.  If Little_Ninja comes, there will be music, and between me and DiDreaming there will be gumbo, and we are still in the planning stages of what we will do but San Antonio is a fabulous place and there's no end of fun to be had there.

My summer won't be the same as in days when we went to arts and crafts at the library and came home with new books and hand made tchotchkes, the fun will be more concentrated into three separate, specific weeks.  That's okay, times change, and i'm going to change with them and enjoy what this summer brings.

If i get an afternoon or two off, i'm going to go to the library anyway.

Today is:

Birthday of Prince Joachim -- Denmark

Daniel Boone Day -- Kentucky, US (date in he first sighted, in 1767, what would become Kentucky)

Flag Day -- Peru

Journalist's Day -- Argentina (marking the first publication of a newspaper in Argentina on this day in 1810)

Judgement Day -- Fairy Calendar (Leaping songs)

National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

Sette Giugno -- Malta (commemoration of the tragedy of June 7, 1919, considered their National Day)

Stevenson Depot Days -- Stevenson, AL, US (bringing back the days when the Iron Horse of the Rails was king of transportation; through Sunday)

St. Meriadoc's Day (Patron of the deaf and against deafness)

Union Dissolution Day -- Norway

VCR Day -- the first Sony Betamax went on sale today in 1975

Vestalia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (multi-day festival for Vesta, goddess of the hearth, this first day termed the Vesta Asperit; through the 15th)

Vivien Kellems Memorial Day -- born this date in 1896, she fought the IRS and income tax for her whole life

Anniversaries Today:

Jimmy Osmond marries Michele Larson, 1991
YMCA is founded by George Williams, 1844

Birthdays Today:

Michael Cera, 1988
Anna Kournikova, 1981
Larisa Oleynik, 1981

Bill Hader, 1978
Allen Iverson, 1975
Bear Grulls, 1974
Karl Urban, 1972
Roberto Alagna, 1963
Prince, 1958
Louise Erdrich, 1954
Liam Neeson, 1952
Orham Pamuk, 1952
Jenny Jones, 1946
Bill Kreutzmann, Jr, 1946
Tom Jones, 1940
John Napier Turner, 1929
Gwendolyn Brooks, 1917
Dean Martin, 1917
Jessica Tandy, 1909
Virginia Apgar, 1909
James Braddock, 1906
Paul Gauguin, 1848

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Ghostbusters(Film), 1984
"Johnny Cash Show"(TV), 1969
"The $64,000 Question"(TV), 1955
"The Seven Deadly Sins"(satirical ballet chanté), 1933

Today in History:

The first Crusaders begin their Siege of Jerusalem, 1099
Port Royal, Jamaica, is devastated by an earthquake, 1692
David Thompson reaches the mouth of the Saskatchewan River in Manitoba, 1800
Asian cholera reaches Quebec, brought by Irish immigrants, and kills about 6,000 people in Lower Canada, 1832
1,800 Fenian raiders are repelled back to the United States after they loot and plunder around Saint-Armand and Frelighsburg, Quebec, 1866
Tolbert Lanston receives patents for monotype typesetting machines, 1887
Norway's parliament dissolves  its union with Sweden, 1905
Sony introduces the Betamax videocassette recorder for sale to the public, 1975
Priscilla Presley opens Graceland to the public, 1982
Mt. Pinatubo erupts, sending an ash cloud 7km/14.3mi high, 1992
The United Nations defines the Blue Line as the border between Israel and Lebanon, 2000
According to a new study, breast milk boosts brain development by 30% compared to babies who are fed formula, 2013


  1. Looks like you have some great plans. I love San Antonio. Love visiting there.

    I'll be gone until next week and won't be doing any memes until Awww Mondays next week.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. I hadn't thought about the dynamic of summer changing when the kids grow into adults - I better make the most of it now, eh? :) Sounds like you have some great fun lined up, though - and I'd totally go to the library anyway, too. ;) Your Yearly Sanity Retreat sounds like so much fun!! I can't wait to read all about it! :)

    Countdown to Summer Break; Cool Monsters, and talking Summer Bucket List with Coffee: RTT Rebel

  3. Life does change when the kids are grown, but there are also benefits. Take care.

  4. Sounds like we're both living in the same empty nest. It's not so bad, but it's different. In the old days, no sooner was school out, that my girls wanted "Mom's summer school" to start and I had my hands filled with finding fun (really educational) activities for them.

    It's way different now, but as I said, it's not so bad.

  5. Summer fun does change as the years pass, I think you just have to have a different kind of fun between our children growing and changing and the grandchildren bringing the fun all over again. Crikey, most of my grandchildren are nearly grown now too! I've never heard the word tchotchkes before. Looked it up but can't figure how to pronounce it.

  6. It sounds like a great summer even though it is not as years gone by! I notice now, even though mine are still young, that they like to have some time just with each other and not have mommy standing over them. Then there are the things we do together, and it makes for a nice mix. And not so go go go go!! for mama!
    I'd love to have a friend who makes gumbo!! Maybe I need to add that to my summer bucket list as a personal to do.


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