
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Where in the World to Go Next? A Tuesday Coffee Chat

Rory Bore at Ink Interrupted hosts the Tuesday Coffee Chat, and this week she asks the question, What journey do you most want to take?   It can be a geographical place, an emotional or spiritual quest, or even a creative pursuit. 

There's a part of me that wants to be a homebody, and a part of me that wants to see the country and then the world.

The part that wants to be a homebody would love to have enough money to repair our very-sadly-in-need-of-many-things home, fix it up so the foundation trouble doesn't matter, the main floor has a restroom, and it would be simple, somewhat minimalistic, and easy to live in.

Unlike the current lived-in-by-a-tornado look it tends to have, i would take a journey toward a home that i could come home to after being on the road, and not have to worry about what went wrong this time.

In fact, if i had enough funds, i'd buy another house, move what i want to keep into it, empty and redo this one, and move back in.  The second house could then be a rental property or one of the children could live in it.

Hey, if i'm going to dream, i might as well dream big, right?

Beyond that, i want to someday get in a small RV or camper or even one of those tiny, build it yourself houses on wheels and just go.  In summer, i'd head to cooler locations, in winter, i'd be where the weather is warm and beautiful.

My itinerary would be based on which friends i wanted to go visit where at what time of year, or what historical sight i wanted to see, or just whatever caught my fancy at the moment.  Maybe once in a while i would ask myself where do i want to go next, throw a dart at a map on the wall, and just head there!

It would be nice to drive to Canada, and Alaska, and lots of points in between, and when i'm tired of driving, take a cruise or two or three and see Europe again.

Yes, i also want to visit Australia and New Zealand.

A life where i could be home when i want, and travel when and where i want, and simply enjoy visiting and getting to know people from anywhere and everywhere i go appeals to me.

Maybe someday i'll get to do some travel beyond Florida every June and going to see my friends on my sanity retreat every September/October.

Until then, i'm going to keep dreaming.

Today is:

Constitution day -- Ukraine

Festival of Terrible Poetry -- according to The Daily Bleed, and since there is some hilarious, if terrible, poetry out there, go find some, and bust a gut

Insurance Awareness Day -- now who do you think invented that!?!

International Body Piercing Day -- on the birthday of James Mark "Jim" Ward, "the granddaddy of the modern body piercing movement" 

International CAPS LOCK DAY -- a parody holiday created by Derek Arnold, a user on Metafilter, in 2000

Mnarja / L-Imnarja Festival begins -- Buskett Gardens, Malta (folk festival for Sts. Peter and Paul, begins this evening and continues through the 29th)

National Ceviche Day

National Columnists' Day -- on the fourth Tuesday of June each year, set aside some time to thank your favorite newspaper columnists, whether local or syndicated

National Tapioca Day

Paul Bunyan Day -- the tall tale hero of the lumberjacks; celebrated at different times in some parts of the country, but most sites cite this date

Ra goes forth to propitiate the Nun -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Stonewall Rebellion Day -- now seen as the start of the gay liberation movement in 1969

St. Irenaeus' Day (Patron of Mobile, Alabama)

St. Paul's Feast -- Kato Paphos, Cyprus (religious festivities with the archbishop officiating and a procession of the icon of St. Paul through the streets, through tomorrow)

St. Peter's Eve -- English Christian tradition, night of bonfires and continuation of midsummer celebrations

Thanksgiving for Useful Fairies -- Fairy Calendar

Vidovdan (Festival for St. Vitus) -- Eastern Orthodox Christian, based on the traditional Julian Calendar date
     a recognized holiday in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Anniversaries Today:

Harry S. Truman marries Bess Wallace, 1919

Birthdays Today:

Kellie Pickler, 1986
Steve Burton, 1970
Danielle Brisebois, 1969
John Cusack, 1966
Mary Stuart Masterson, 1966
Mark Grace, 1964
John Elway, 1960
Thomas Hampson, 1955
Alice Krige, 1954
Kathy Bates, 1948
Gilda Radner, 1946
Bruce Davison, 1946
Turkan Soray, 1945
Pat Morita, 1932
Mel Brooks, 1926
Maria Goeppert Mayer, 1906
Richard Rodgers, 1902
Clara Louise Maass, 1876
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1712
John Wesley, 1703
Peter Paul Rubens, 1577
Henry VIII, King of England, 1491

Debuting/Premiering Today:

The Nutty Professor(Film), 1996
"Amos 'n' Andy"(TV), 1951
"Quiz Kids"(Radio), 1940

Today in History:

Fighters of the First Crusade defeat Kerbogha of Mosul, 1098
Ottomans defeat Serbian army in the bloody Battle of Kosovo, opening the way for the Ottoman conquest of Southeastern Europe, 1389
Guadeloupe becomes a French colony, 1635
The coronation of Victoria of the United Kingdom, 1838
The Théâtre de l'Académie Royale de Musique in Paris premieres the ballet Giselle, 1841
The first conformation dog show is held in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England, 1859
Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria and his wife Sophie are assassinated in Sarajevo by young Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip, the casus belli of World War I, 1914
The Treaty of Versailles is signed in Paris, formally ending World War I, 1919
The Irish Civil War begins with the shelling of the Four Courts in Dublin by Free State forces, 1922
Israel annexes East Jerusalem, 1967
COMECON, as part of the last vestige of the Soviet Bloc, is formally disbanded, followed by the Warsaw pact 3 days later, 1991
Slobodan Milosevic is deported to ICTY to stand trial, 2001
The Republic of Montenegro is admitted as the 192nd Member of the United Nations, 2006
The U.N. reports 10 million people are effected by the worst drought in 60 years, 2011


  1. I hope your dreams come true! Anybody who cares for cats the way that you do deserves it!!

  2. Dreaming is good. Once all the kids are gone things change a great deal. There is calm, more money, more time to do what you want to do. Dreaming is good.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  3. Just a summer house on the shore...and enough money to pay the taxes.

  4. It costs nothing to dream. thinking about all I'd do if money were plentiful is a favorite pastime.

  5. Never stop dreaming! I think that's what keeps us warm at night :)
    I too would love to travel - were funds no matter. And I'd love to come home to a few acres in the country, or even a cozy cottage on a lake. Just simply live; or live simply. But I definitely have a desire to see the world too. That's the two parts of me I guess: the writer that wants to stay in and record her experiences and stories; and the photographer who wants to go out and SEE it all. One day maybe they will have a great marriage. LOL

  6. Yes, owning a nice camper to travel when and where I want would be on my list, also! We homeschool so I would love to take off with the kids to the places we study and see everything up close and personal!


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