
Thursday, July 14, 2016

Six Sentence Story: New Versus Old

What in the world, i wondered as #1 Son wandered from his semi-detached garage room in through the front door of the house and into the library, staring at his phone the whole time.

"There!" he yelled, then walked back out of the door.

"It's probably that Pokemon game thing," Bigger Girl said, "the one where they have to chase down the Pokemon and catch them in actual places."

Yes, i sighed, i've heard of it, and then #1 Son walked back in and said, "I'm sorry I just walked in and didn't say anything, that was rude, I was chasing a Pokemon, and I caught it in the library!"

That's okay, i said, it reminds me a bit of me when i was younger.

"Mom, you didn't have a smart phone to follow around when you were young," Bigger Girl noted, to which i answered, no, but i accomplished the same thing by walking around with my nose in a book all of the time!

Linking up with Uncharted Blog and Six Sentence Stories, where the cue is Book.

Today is:

Barn Day -- celebrating barns, old and new, and their history and importance

Bastille Day / National Day -- France, French Territories and some former Colonies (Quatorze Juillet/Fete Nationale)

Birthday of Victoria, Crown Princess of Sweden -- an official Flag Day of Sweden

Children's Party at Green Animals Topiary Garden -- Portsmouth, RI, US (annual party for children and the young at heart)

Feast of St. Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain

Festival of Millennial Fairy Olympics -- Fairy Calendar (Closing Ceremonies)

Friendship Festival -- Lathrop, Missouri, US (including the super hero look-alike contest; through Saturday)

Hot Dog Nite -- Luverne, MN, US (free hot dogs to all comers!)

Macaroni Day

M&Ms Argument Day -- which are best?  plain?  peanut?  almond?  minis?  spend the day in a heated discussion with friends and end with an M&M feast

Nachi Himatsuri -- Kumano-Nachi Taisha, Nachi-Katsuura, Japan (one of Japan's 3 largest fire festivals, a grand summer festival and purification ritual, through tomorrow)

National Grand Marnier Day -- on Bastille day, to show the friendship between France and the US

National Nude Day -- New Zealand (although now it's often called International Nude Day, and celebrated everywhere as a day to enjoy your beautiful human form)

Pandemonium Day -- internet generated; don't let the crazy things that happen in your life get you down, celebrate instead!

Republic Day -- Iraq

Runic Half-Month Ur begins (primal strength)

Shark Awareness Day

Stirling Settler Days -- Stirling, Alberta, Canada (parade, pancake breakfast, firefighter games, a movie in the park, dancing, rodeo, and more; through Saturday)

St. Kateri Tekakwitha's Day ("Lily of the Mohawks", first Native American proposed for canonization; Patron of ecologists, ecology, environment, environmentalism, environmentalists, exiles, people ridiculed for their piety, people who have lost their parents)

Tape Measure Day -- the first modern spring tape measure was patented this day in 1868 by Alvin Fellows of New Haven, NJ, US

Uniwaine / Unaine Day -- Kiribati (Senior Citizens' Day, specifically Elderly Men's Day / Elderly Women's Day)

Virginia Lake Festival -- Clarksville, VA, US (fun for the family, including tethered hot air balloon rides; through Saturday)

Birthdays Today

Missy Gold, 1970
Robin Ventura, 1967
Matthew Fox, 1966
Jackie Earle Haley, 1961
Jane Lynch, 1960
Joel Silver, 1952
Tommy Mottola, 1949
Steve Stone, 1947
Roosevelt "Rosie" Grier, 1932
Polly Bergen, 1930
John Chancellor, 1927
Harry Dean Stanton, 1926
Dale Robertson, 1923
Ingmar Bergman, 1918
Douglas Edwards, 1917
Gerald R. Ford, 1913
Woodie Guthrie, 1912
William Hanna, 1910
Ken Murray, 1903
Dave Fleischer, 1893
Florence Bascom, 1862

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Licence to Kill(Film), 1989
"Spring Symphony"(Britten Op. 44), 1949
Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care(Publication Date)

Today in History

Foundation of the Mission San Antonio de Padua in modern California by the Franciscan friar Junípero Serra, 1771
Citizens of Paris storm the Bastille and free seven prisoners, 1789
First ascent of the Matterhorn, by Edward Whymper and party, four of whom die on the descent, 1865
The Campanile in St Mark's Square, Venice collapses, also demolishing the loggetta, 1902
The United States $500, $1,000, $5,000 and $10,000 bills are officially withdrawn from circulation, 1969
A powerful solar flare, later named the Bastille Day event, causes a geomagnetic storm on Earth, 2000
The United States Government admits to the existence of "Area 51", 2003
In Borneo, a rainbow toad, believed to be extinct since 1924, is sighted, 2011
Neptune, discovered in 1846, completes its first orbit of the sun since that date, 2011


  1. Well that is topical! Now doubt my grandson will be wandering around searching soon!

  2. I'd be bumping into things, I'm sure, if I tried playing the Pokemon craze that has hit the world. You paint a picture of me - walking around with my nose in a book - and maybe I even bumped into things and ignored the people around me. A very apt six sentence story.

  3. I'm gonna pass on this game. I get addicted to things too easily.

  4. I do not get the Pokemon thing at all.

  5. Yes, and I still have my nose in a book. I have a smart phone too, but I still love the smell of a good book.

    I'm so happy you and Sweetie have a job together.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  6. So true about the book! Pokemon not so much.... generational i suppose.

  7. So true about the book! Pokemon not so much.... generational i suppose.

  8. good point! the desire (need?) in all us, especially the young to go somewhere and do something 'of their own' is not only universal in the present, but through the years. The context (for escape) will change (and develop), the desire to find Neverland seems eternal

  9. I imagine few kids today walk around with their noses buried in books.

  10. Clever you incorporating something so topical into your story. I'm amazed how quickly this Pokemon thing developed. One minute not here, the next everywhere! The world can change so quickly!

  11. hate that game. have had numerous 911 calls for suspicious vehicles etc. for people out playing pokemon go.

  12. I have always been that way with books. I do have a smart phone, but books are still smarter! I am not a Gamer. Cute story, Mimi.


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