
Sunday, September 4, 2016

Silly Sunday: They Learn Young and Grow Fast

Silly Sunday is hosted by Sandee, of Comedy Plus.

Silly Sunday is the place to come for weekly laughs.  The rules are simple, just have fun.

This is a great opportunity to get to know other bloggers and have a laugh or two in the process.

Here is how it works: Laugh and Link Up!
  1. Post a joke.
  2. Link Up with the URL to your joke in the Linky Tools Widget.
  3. Read my joke.
  4. Leave a comment to tell me how much you enjoyed my joke.
  5. Try and visit a few others participating in Silly Sunday.
  6. Go to Sandee's site, linked above, and get the Silly Sunday code for your blog, too!
Yesterday at Kevin and Lenny's with the Jalopy, i noticed one of the mechanics had his 7-year-old son with him.  It's something we've been seeing since the flood, parents who had no place to send the kids because schools and some day cares are flooded or not reopened yet, and/or regular caregivers are unable to be there because they are dealing with their own flooded homes or businesses.  Even on Saturdays parents are working extra shifts for colleagues using the day for flood clean-up, meaning they have no one to watch the child/children.  Everyone is being very understanding about it.

The young man was apparently already being well trained by dad in the mechanics trade, as he was handing dad tools and was able to talk knowledgeably about what was being done to that particular vehicle.

Boudreaux know how dem boys want to be jes' like dey Pères.  When Tee Boudreaux be about t'ree years, he seen Boudreaux helpin' wit' de clearin' up after one de storms we get.  Dat boy be wantin' to do more dan jes' pick up li'l pieces o' wood.

Fin'ly Boudreaux done give him a "sharp" knife an' tell him he can carry dat back to de tool shed.  Tee done dat an' he be so proud he yell, "Dere now, Père!  Be I ready to use de chainsaw now?"

Today is:

Animals' Day -- Curacao

Ceremony of Transformation through Anubis -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Eat An Extra Dessert Day -- internet generated, you have the WWW's permission to indulge today
     note that some sites also list this day, instead of July 7, as World Chocolate Day, so celebrate either one!

Father's Day -- Australia; Fiji; New Zealand; Papua New Guinea

Freddy Mercury Montreaux Memorial -- Montreaux, Switzerland (annual tribute to the work of Freddie Mercury)

Hari Taika/Teej -- Nepal (special holiday for Female Employees Only, to celebrate a special, traditional women's festival)

Harvest Wine Celebration -- Livermore, CA, US (open-house visits to over 40 wineries)

Immigrant's Day -- Argentina

Ludi Romani -- Ancient Roman Calendar (through the 19th; a festival to Jupiter Optimus Maximus, also called Circensian games)

National Macadamia Nut Day

National Wildlife Day -- US

Newspaper Carrier Day -- US (anniversary of Benjamin Day, publisher of the New York Sun, hiring Barney Flaherty as the first newspaper carrier in 1833)

Regata Storical (Historical Regatta) -- Venice, Italy (competition among two-oar racing gondolas, preceded by Venetian ceremonial boats)

Running of the Sheep -- Reed Point, MT (matched only by the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, hundreds of sturdy Montana bred woolies charge down the six blocks of the main street in town, plus there is a parade!)

St. Ida of Herzfeld's Day (Patron of brides, widows)

St. Rose of Viterbo's Festival -- Viterbo, Italy (actual feast day of the saint is March 6)

Anniversaries Today:

Ford Motor Company introduces The Edsel, 1957

Birthdays Today:

Beyonce Knowles, 1981
Ione Skye, 1970
Mike Piazza, 1968
Damon Wayans, 1960
Judith Ivey, 1951
Tom Watson, 1949
Jennifer Salt, 1944
Mitzi Gaynor, 1930
Dick York, 1928
Paul Harvey, 1918
Henry Ford II, 1917
Richard Wright, 1908
Nigel Bruce, 1895
Daniel Hudson Burnham, 1846
Anton Bruckner, 1824
François-René, vicomte de Chateaubriand, 1768

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Captain Midnight"(TV), 1954
"Beetle Bailey"(Comic strip), 1950
"London Calling"(Musical revue), 1923
"Adonis"(Burlesque musical), 1884

Today in History:

Romulus Augustulus, the last Roman emperor in the West, is formally deposed, 476
Edmund Halley, English astronomer, first observes the comet that now bears his name, 1682
The City of Los Angeles is founded in Bahia de las Fumas (Valley of Smokes), 1781
Robert Fulton begins operating his steamboat, 1807
Barney Flahery, age 10, is hired to be the first newsboy, by the NY Sun, 1833
Although he had demonstrated their use before, the first major lighting with electricity comes online as 400 bulbs are lit in offices on Spruce, Wall, Nassau, and Pearl streets in lower Manhattan by Thomas Edison, 1882
The last major US-Indian war ends with the surrender of Apache Chief Geronimo, 1886
George Eastman patents the first roll-film cameral and registers the trademark name "Kodak", 1888
Beatrix Potter first tells the story of Peter Rabbit, 1893
Comic strip "Beetle Bailey" first appears, 1950
The Ford Motor Company introduces the Edsel, 1957
Mark Spitz becomes the first competitor to win seven medals at a single Olympic Games, 1972
Google is founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, two students at Stanford University, 1998
A 7.1 earthquake strikes the South Island of New Zealand, causing widespread damage, 2010
Scientists announce the creation of a 'magic carpet' using optical fibers to help prevent elderly people from falling by detecting when unusual footsteps are taken, 2013


  1. A bottomless pit of Boudreaux stories. You'all need a sense of humor with all those bad storms.

  2. I love your Boudreaux jokes. Funny.

    Yep, you'll be feeling this flooding for a long time I fear. I'm glad folks are bringing their kids to work. Got to make a living.

    Have a fabulous Silly Sunday my friend. ☺

  3. LMAO I love em too haha!

    Crikey about the storms and good people cope together and support each other :-)

    Have a tanfastic ss :-)

  4. I don't think he's ready for a chainsaw. I'M not ready for a chainsaw.

  5. write the Cajun accent so well...Great post, Messy.

    Have a great Labor Day weekend.

  6. I loved this story, so true of young ones, always thinking they are ready for the next big step. Didn't we think we were ready to be "adulting" when we were just teenagers?! We learned how to though, and so will they!

    Please send your email address to me at so I can send you an invitation to my new private blog! You belong there! xoxo


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