
Sunday, September 25, 2016

Silly Sunday: Using That Education

Silly Sunday is hosted by Sandee, of Comedy Plus.

Silly Sunday is the place to come for weekly laughs.  The rules are simple, just have fun.

This is a great opportunity to get to know other bloggers and have a laugh or two in the process.

Here is how it works: Laugh and Link Up!
  1. Post a joke.
  2. Link Up with the URL to your joke in the Linky Tools Widget.
  3. Read my joke.
  4. Leave a comment to tell me how much you enjoyed my joke.
  5. Try and visit a few others participating in Silly Sunday.
  6. Go to Sandee's site, linked above, and get the Silly Sunday code for your blog, too!

My comment that my biography/autobiography (if i would ever choose to write one, which i highly doubt) would be entitled For This I Went To College? seems to be a thought shared by a few others.

Boudreaux's frien' Thibodeaux, fo' one.  Thibodeaux's wife, Marie, she allus had her lotsa cats in de house, an' she woun't stand fo' no dogs, she done say she be allergic.  Poor Thibodeaux, he allus done had to Boudreaux's huntin' dog, Phideaux, when he need him a dog.

Den one day Marie seen dis li'l Catahoula Cur pup in de road, about half starvin', an' she feel bad fo' it, so she take it in an' she done fall in love, an' now dey have dem a dog.

Thibodeaux be sayin' to Boudeaux, "It be so diff'runt when you gots a dog.  Dem cats, dey don' need no walkin' or nuttin'.  But de dog!  I gots to be takin' him out for to do his bid'ness.

"Mais, it make you t'ink, when you be standin' dere waitin' for de dog to heed de call o' nature, is dis why I work so hard to graduate weldin' school?"

Today is:

Armed Forces Day -- Mozambique

Banned Books Week begins -- US (sponsored by the ALA; Celebrating the Freedom to Read, It's Everybody's Job; celebrate your right to read what you want!)

Clypping the Church Ceremony -- Painswick, Gloucestershire, England (since 1321, surrounding the church hand in hand for the Clypping Hymn and an open air ceremony)

Fukuro Matsuri -- Ikebukuro, Tokyo, Japan (a fun-for-tourists way to learn about Japanese culture, through tomorrow, and next weekend)

Gaura Parba -- Nepal

Gold Star Mother's Day 2015 -- US (the day to honor mothers who have lost a child who was serving in the US Armed Forces)

International Ataxia Awareness Day -- highlighting the difficulties of living with the many forms of ataxia 

Janmasthami -- Hindu (birth of Lord Krishna)

Join a Cabal of International Bankers Today Day -- internet generated, and only for people without a conscience

Kamarampaka Day -- Rwanda (Republic Day, marks the 1961 abolition of the monarchy)

Math Storytelling Day -- the brainchild of Maria Droujkova

National Comic Book Day -- internet generated, but go read one, they are fun

National Crabmeat Newberg Day

National Day of Remembrance for Murder Victims -- US

National Food Service Employees Day -- because everyone wants to eat out once in a while 

National One-Hit Wonder Day -- US, remembering those who had only one hit on the rock charts

National Psychotherapy Day -- US (a day to wear turquoise and encourage education about how psychotherapy can help people)

National Youth Day -- Nauru

Old Holy Rood Eve -- OS calendar Holy Cross Eve, the last day to pick blackberries (after this, the devil poisons them because when he fell from heaven, he landed in a blackberry bush)

St. Cadoc's Day (Patron of the deaf; against cramps, deafness, glandular disorders, scrofula)

St. Finbarr's Day (Patron of Barra, Scotland; Cork, Ireland)

Toad Tempting Day -- Fairy Calendar

World Ataxia Awareness Day

World Pharmacists Day -- International Pharmaceutical Federation; this year's theme is "Pharmacists: Caring for you."

World Rivers Day -- International

Birthdays Today:

Lee Norris, 1981
Catherine Zeta-Jones, 1969
Will Smith, 1968
Scottie Pippen, 1965
Tate Donovan, 1963
Aida Turturro, 1962
Heather Locklear, 1961
Michael Madsen, 1959
Jamie Hyneman, 1956
Christopher Reeve, 1952
Mark Hamill, 1951
Cheryl Tiegs, 1947
Michael Douglas, 1944
Robert Walden, 1943
Juliet Prowse, 1936
Glenn Gould, 1932
Barbara Walters, 1931
Shel Silverstein, 1930
Phil Rizzuto, 1918
Dmitri Shostakovich, 1906
Walter Wesley "Red" Smith, 1905
William Faulkner, 1897
Jean Phillippe Rameau, 1683 (baptismal date, as actual birth anniversary is unknown)
Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, 1358 (Japanese Shogun)

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Beauty and the Beast"(TV), 1987
"Stepping Out"(Play), 1984
"Winterset"(Play), 1935
"Dorothy"(Comic opera), 1886

Today in History:

St. Ferment is beheaded in Amiens, France, after voyaging there to preach the gospel, 303
The Battle of Stamford Bridge marks the end of the Anglo-Saxon era, 1066
Columbus begins his second voyage, with 17 ships, 1493
Vasco Nunez de Balboa becomes the first European to see the Pacific Ocean from the west coast of the Americas, 1513
The first printing press in the Americas begins operations, 1639
Old Style date; two very accurate clocks are set in motion at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, England, the start of Greenwich Mean Time, 1676
Ethan Allan, American Revolutionary War hero, is captured, 1775
Benedict Arnold joins the British, 1780
The first all-black university in the US, Howard University, is created by Congress, 1867
Yosemite National Park is established by Congress, 1890
Charles Follis becomes the first black to play professional American football, 1904
Birth of the remote control -- Leonardo Torres Quevedo successfully demonstrates the invention of the "Telekino" and guides a boat from the shore in the port of Bilbao, 1906
Jimmy Doolittle performs the first blind flight from Mitchel Field proving that full instrument flying from take off to landing is possible, 1929*
Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, is integrated by the use of United States Army troops, 1957
In a referendum, the people of Norway reject membership of the European Community, 1972
Belize joins the United Nations, 1981
The last of the Magdalene Asylums closes in Ireland, 1996
The Vitim event, a possible bolide (comet nucleus) impact in Siberia, Russia, 2002
China launches the spacecraft Shenzhou 7, 2008
The Wildlife Authority of Uganda announces that, since 1999, the population of some of the animals in the country's game reserves have doubled in population, 2010
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia announces that women will now be able to vote and run in municipal elections, 2011


  1. And all the things happening around the world are interesting to read.

  2. yup. i work to support my 4 dogs, 1 horse and wild birds and ducks. :)

  3. At this point I still haven't graduated from The School of Hard Knocks.

  4. Mine would be I wish I had studied harder...LOL

    LOL @ Thibodeaux

    Have a biographicaltastic day :-)

  5. Bwahahahahahahahaha. I look forward to your joke every single Sunday.

    Have a fantabulous Silly Sunday. ☺

  6. Good one, welding school is as much of a waste as college :)


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