
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Tuesday Coffee Chat: Memorable Moments

Rory Bore at Ink Interrupted hosts the Tuesday Coffee Chat, and this week she asks the question, Summer Lovin' - Was there one moment that stood out this past summer, as one that you will cherish forever?    One book you must recommend?  Ice Cream flavour?  Let us know!

There were actually two days of moments that stood out and i will cherish.  The two days we spent up at Fort Sill watching our Little Girl graduate from boot camp.

We got to watch her demonstrate some of what she had learned.  We witnessed the naturalization ceremony for her comrades who had joined the military from other nations so they could become citizens.  Her father and i got to pin her new rank on her.

Watching her graduate, seeing the wonderful young lady and soldier she has become, is something i will never forget.

She's now getting her training as an army medic and will be a certified EMT when she gets back, a great advantage to have when you go to nursing school.

We plan to be there when she graduates from her medic training as well, adding another layer of great memories, and i can hardly wait.

Today is:

Birthday of the Sun -- Inca (date approximate; a few days before the Autumn Equinox, all fires, including that at the Temple of the Sun, were extinguished and 3 days later ceremonially relighted using only glass to concentrate the sunlight on cotton; followed by 8 days of feasting)

Eleven Days of Global Unity -- Day 10, Disarmament (sponsored by We, the World

Feast of Orlog -- Scandinavian Deity of Destiny (date approximate)

Feast of Zywie -- Poland (goddess of longevity and health; date approximate)

Genesia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (festival to honor the dead, especially those who died in wars)

Get Ready Day -- US (help your community, workplace, or school to get ready for disasters or emergencies)

National Farm Safety Day -- US (can't find a sponsor, but farming is hard, and dangerous, work, so it's a good idea)

National Rum Punch Day

National Youth Day -- Thailand
Okuma-kabuto Festival -- Nakajima, Japan (Noto Peninsula's top autumn festival)

Opening of Parliament -- Netherlands (holiday in The Hague)related observance
     Prinsjesdag -- Netherlands  (technically translates "Prince's Day;" the day Parliament opens and the reigning sovereign, now King William-Alexander, gives the Speech from the Throne and the Minister of Finance proposes next year's budget)

St. Eustace's Day (Patron of difficult situations, fire prevention, firefighters, hunters, torture victims, trappers; Madrid, Spain; Poli, Italy; against fire and torture)

Birthdays Today:

Kristen Johnston, 1967
Guy LaFleur, 1951
Taro Aso, 1940
Sophia Loren, 1934
Anne Meara, 1929
Donald A. Hall, 1928
Dr. Joyce Brothers, 1928
Red Auerbach, 1917
Ferdinand "Jelly Roll" Morton, 1890
Maxwell Perkins, 1884
Upton Sinclair, 1878
Rama V, King of Thailand, 1853 (eldest son taught by Anna, of "The King and I" fame)
Emperor Takakura of Japan, 1161

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Cosby Show"(TV), 1984
"Eubie"(Revue), 1978
"The Phil Silvers Show"(TV), 1955
"The Corn is Green"(Play), 1938

Today in History:

Atilla the Hun defeated at Chalons-sur-Marne by General Aetius, 451
Saladin begins the siege of Jerusalem, 1187
Ferdinand Magellan sets sail from Sanlúcar de Barrameda with about 270 men on his expedition to circumnavigate the globe, 1519
Galileo Galilei is tried before the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for teaching that the Earth orbits the Sun, 1633
Maryland passes the first "anti-amalgamation" law to stop English women from marrying black men, 1664
The Negro Convention of Free Men agrees to boycott slave-produced goods, 1830
The American Association for the Advancement of Science is created, 1848
The Indian Rebellion of 1857 ends with the recapture of Delhi by troops loyal to the East India Company, 1857
The first gasoline-powered car debuts in Springfield, Massachusetts, United States, 1891
The Otis Elevator Company unveils the first escalator at the Paris Exposition, 1900
Cunard Line's RMS Mauretania is launched, 1906
The first Cannes Film Festival is held, 1946
James Meredith, an African-American, is temporarily barred from entering the University of Mississippi, 1962
The RMS Queen Elizabeth 2 is launched, 1967
Billie Jean King beats Bobby Riggs in The Battle of the Sexes tennis match, 1973
The Socialist Republic of Vietnam joins the UN, 1977
Walt Disney World hosts its 200 millionth guest, 1985
U.S. President George W. Bush declares a "war on terror", 2001
The US Military ends its "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, 2011


  1. i'm glad she's well on her way to her future. :)

  2. You are soon going to have to find a new name for your not-so-little Little Girl. Congrats to her.

  3. You've much to be proud of. Yes indeed. Your kids rock.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  4. I was blest this summer with many days of grandchildren and therefore cannot pick out one or two days, but dozens. It will not always be likethis and I know!

  5. Congratulations to all. Wonderful proud parents you must be. I'm very happy for you all. See ya Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  6. Ohhhhh! How awesome! I gotta tell you, I got goosebumps as I read your reflection of the graduation. Congrats to your daughter - very cool the path she's chosen. You guys must be so proud! :) Have a great week!

    Lost and Found Karma; Funnies and Summertime Reflection: Random Tuesday Thoughts with Coffee

  7. Seeing our children succeed at something good they've wanted and worked hard for is the best feeling in the world. This preparation is an excellent foundation for her future in so many ways. My son went into the Air Force after high school and it's made all the difference in his life! He matured and grew in self-confidence and he's now an air-traffic controller for the Dept. of Defense, living the life he dreamed of. Congrats to your daughter and to you, these are the memories of a lifetime!

  8. I had a feeling this would be the day you might choose! And a great memory indeed. Also, I can't believe today is rum punch day and I have no rum!! LOL


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