
Friday, October 7, 2016

Cross-Eyed Cat and Friendly Fill-Ins

Feline Friday is hosted by Steve, The Burnt Food Dude, and i'm going to believe it's because he likes cats.
Feline Friday is simple to join. All you have to do is..
1) post a picture, drawing, cartoon or video of a cat (They may be silly or cute)

2) go to Steve's page, linked above, then on the menu bar click on the Feline Friday tab to get the code

3) paste the code under your cat picture

4) add your name and link
That’s all there is to it! Be sure to check back every so often and visit all the Feline Friday bloggers. Also, please leave a nice comment on their blogs. Nasty comments will be deleted!

One of our shelter cats has beautiful crossed eyes!


Friendly Fill-Ins are four fun and easy statements to complete. Ellen of 15andmeowing provides the first two statements and the final two are offered by McGuffy Ann Morris of McGuffy's Reader.  They try to make sure they will be fun to both answer and share. On Friday, the linky will be posted at or about 12:00 AM. Please head to one of their sites, link up, and share your thoughts! 

Here are this week's statements with my responses underlined:

1. My favorite store is _____________________.

2. An unanswered prayer I am thankful for is _______________________.

3. At Halloween, I   _____________________________.                                    

4. I   _____________   the supernatural, because ____________.

1. My favorite store is Trader Joe's.  It was love at first visit over 7 years ago, and when ours opened, i was thrilled!

2. An unanswered prayer i am thankful for is ... i am not sure about this, as if i am still praying for something, i really do want it to happen.

3. At Halloween, i buy the candy and Sweetie hands it out!  It's his favorite thing to do at this time of year.

4. I believe in the supernatural, because too many things have happened for me not to believe.

Today is:

Algonquin Mill Festival -- Carrollton, OH, US (an 1800s pioneer festival; through Sunday)

Apple Butter Makin' Days -- Mt. Vernon, MO, US (making apple butter on the courthouse lawn, and lots of other fun; thrugh Sunday)

Bathtub Day -- can't confirm this one, but it's as good a day as any to be glad you have one!

BOL Foundation Day -- Laos

Children's Day -- Singapore

Columbus Day Festival and Hot Air Balloon Regatta -- Columbus, KS, US (through Sunday)

Durga Puja -- Hindu (start of the five day celebration of the goddess Durga)

Feast Day of Ma'at -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Festival of the Deerk Toes -- Fairy Calendar (celebrating the toes on a fairy's "deerk", for which there is no human equivalent)

Hull Fair -- Hull, England (a fair that dates back over 700 years, now one of the countries largest travelling funfairs; through the 15th)

If At First You Don't Succeed Day -- in honor of Frank Sinatra, whose CBS-TV musical variety show debuted on this day in 1950; it and the other two shows that followed didn't succeed, but he never gave up and had a great carreer

Kitchener-Waterloo Oktoberfest -- Kitchener and Waterloo, ON, Canada (second largest Oktoberfest in the world; through the 15th)

Lee National Denim Day -- US (but i'm sure they want this one celebrated anywhere jeans are sold and worn! proceeds from the day go to fight breast cancer)

Lepanto Day -- Greece

Literally, A Haunted House -- Culbertson Mansion, New Albany, IN, US (each weekend through Hallowe'en; a haunted house in a literal haunted house with a history of some very weird stuff; this, their 31st season, they promise a "Madhouse!")

Mississinewa 1812 -- Mississinewa, IN, US (the largest War of 1812 living history and reenactment event; through Sunday)

Mop Fair -- Tewkesbury, England (through tomorrow; festival dating back to the 12th century, originally a fair in which prospective employers came to find laborers, now two days of fun, fairgrounds rides, traditional games and sideshows, and more)

Nagasaki Kunchi -- Nagasaki, Japan (harvest festival, through the 9th)

National Diversity Day -- US (vow tolerance, embrace how differences make the world a better place)

National Flower Day -- US (anniversary of President Reagan signing the bill, in 1986, that made the rose the US National Flower)

National Frappe Day

National Storytelling Festival -- Jonesborough, TN, US (a three-day celebration of storytellers, stories, and oral tradition from around the country and around the world, all in Tennessee's oldest town)

Nones of October -- Ancient Roman Calendar; other observances
     Festival of Juno Cutitis and Jupiter Fulgor
     Victoria, Lady of Victories Day a/k/a Pallas Athena -- also celebrated by the Ancient Greeks

Ocean County Columbus Day Parade and Italian Festival -- Seaside Hgts., NJ, US (through Sunday)

Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary -- Catholic Christian

Ozark Fall Farmfest -- Springfield, MO, US (largest agricultural trade show in the Ozarks; through Sunday)

Springs Folk Festival -- Springs, PA, US (Amish crafts and food at the height of fall foliage; through tomorrow)

St. Charles Scarecrow Festival -- St. Charles, IL, US (handcrafted scarecrows, music, entertainment, and more; through Sunday)

St. Justina of Padua's Day (Patron of Padua, Italy; Santa Giustina, Italy)

Tennessee Fall Homecoming -- Museum of Appalachia, Clinton, TN, US (celebrating the culture and heritage of Appalachia; through Sunday)

Tennessee Valley Old-Time Fiddlers Convention -- Athens, AL, US (200 contestants, 18 catagories, all crammed into two music filled days; if you love old time fiddle music, this is the place for you)

Thimphu Drubchen -- Thimphu, Bhutan (start of one of Bhutan's biggest tshechu festivals, sacred masked dances dedicated to Bhutan's protective spirit; tourists may watch but are strictly prohibited from taking pictures; through the 22nd)

Try To Start An Argument Over Which Is the Best Muppet Day -- Kermit, hands down (argue below, if you wish)(Possibly started by the International Association of People without a Life)

World Smile Day -- do one act of kindness, help one person smile, in honor of Harvey Ball, who created the Smiley face 
     some sites tag this as Send A Smile Day, or have it on different days

Worldwide Forgiveness Day -- sponsored by the Worldwide Forgiveness Alliance 

You Matter To Me Day -- because the phrase "you matter to me" can make a profound difference in someone's life 

Anniversaries Today:

Larry King married Julie Alexander, 1989
Dow Jones makes the first report, in the Wall Street Journal, of an average of the prices of 12 industrial stocks, 1896

Birthdays Today:

Toni Braxton, 1967
Simon Cowell, 1959
Michael W. Smith, 1957
Yo-Yo Ma, 1955
Vladimir Putin, 1952
John Cougar Mellencamp, 1951
Joy Behar, 1943
Charles Dutoit, 1936
Thomas Keneally, 1935
Amiri Baraka, 1934
Bishop Desmond Tutu, 1931
Al Martino, 1927
R. D. Laing, 1927
June Allyson, 1917
Vaughn Monroe, 1911
Andy Devine, 1905
Niels Bohr, 1885
Thomas J. Wise, 1859
James Whitcomb Riley, 1849
Caesar Rodney, 1728(O.S. date)

Debuting/Premiering Today:

The Independent(Newspaper, first issue), 1986
"Cats"(Musical), 1982
"Route 66"(TV), 1960
"Your Hit Parade"(TV), 1950
"One Touch of Venus"(Musical), 1943
"Eve of St. Mark"(Play), 1942

Today in History:

The epoch of the modern Hebrew calendar (Proleptic Julian calendar), BC3761
The first public burning of books in Louvain, Netherlands, 1520
Ralph Wedgewood patents carbon paper in London, 1806
The first chartered railway in the US, the Granite Railway, begins operations, 1826
Spain abolishes slavery in Cuba, 1886
Henry Ford institutes the moving assembly line, 1913
Georgia Tech defeats Cumberland college in the infamous 222-0 football game, 1916
160 consecutive days of 100*F+ temperatures begin at Marble Bar, Australia, 1924
Beat poet Allen Ginsberg reads his poem "Howl" for the first time at a poetry reading in San Francisco, 1955
U.S.S.R. probe Luna 3 transmits first ever photographs of the far side of the moon, 1959
Nigeria joins the United Nations, 1960
Oman joins the United Nations, 1971
Cats opens on Broadway and begins a run of nearly 18 years, 1982 
The Great Flood of 1993 ends at St. Louis, Missouri, 103 days after it began, 1993
Matthew Shepard, a gay student at the University of Wyoming, is found tied to a fence after being savagely beaten, 1998
The U.S. invasion of Afghanistan begins, 2001
A Southampton University research fellow discovers a long lost Antonio Vivaldi flute concerto at the National Archives of Scotland in Edinburgh, 2010


  1. That is a cute kitten, I hope he gets a forever home soon. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I love Trader Joe's too, we have one 1/2 an hour away that I go to when I have time. Have a nice weekend!

  2. That is the cat I would adopt. I always adopt the one that needs me the most.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday. ☺

  3. What a beautiful kitty! The crossed eyes make him/her look all the more exotic!

    I have heard of Trader Joe's but have never seen one to check out. Sounds wonderful!

    I think of unanswered prayers as the times God has said "no, wait and see what I have planned for you!"

    Passing out Halloween treats is fun, especially to little ones, I wish we lived where there are children nearby!

    I answered #4 the same way as you did! :-)

  4. I agree with your number 4. It would be hard not to believe that the supernatural exists. There are too many unexplained and unexplainable things for it not to.

    That is a pretty kitty. :)

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Passing out candy used to be what Suz and I looked forward to. We have never had a single trick or treater in the almost 32 years we have been married.

  6. As always, I love your answers. And I love that shelter cat! What a cutie!
    Hugs. Annie at ~McGuffy's Reader~


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