
Monday, November 7, 2016

Awww Monday: Be Careful!

Awww Monday is hosted by Sandee, of Comedy Plus.

Join us every Monday for Awww...Mondays.  Post a picture that makes you say Awww... and that it.

Make sure you get the code from Sandee's site, linked above, and leave a link to your post so we can visit you.  What better way to start the week than with a smile!

Be careful where you sit around here:

You never know if the chair is already occupied!

Today is:

Commemoration Day -- Tunisia

Day of Accord and Reconciliation -- Russia (formerly Great October Socialist Revolution Day, with the date determined by the Gregorian Calendar)

Feast of Blessed John Duns Scotus (the Subtle Doctor, known for merging the views from many philosophies)
     Dunce Day -- from the word Dunse, a name for the followers of the philosophy of John Duns Scotus

Feast of Stolen Fire -- find it listed on several sites, but none have any background; maybe celebrate that Prometheus stole fire for us?

Herring King Festival -- Etaples, France (Hareng Roi, a festival worth seeing at least once in your life; through tomorrow)

International Tongue Twister Day -- internet generated

Job Action Day -- a day for workers and job seekers to put job or career in the forefront, make plans, and take action 

National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day

National Day -- Tonga(obs.)

National Notary Public Day -- US 

National Revolution and Solidarity Day -- Bangladesh

October Revolution Day -- Belarus; Kyrgyzstan; Transdniestria

Recreation Day -- Tasmania, Australia

Stay Away from Anyone named Honest John Day -- internet generated; no comment

St. Florentius' Day (Patron against gall stones, ruptures)

St. Willibrord's Day (Patron of epileptics; Luxembourg; Netherlands; Utrecht, Netherlands; against convulsions, epilepsy)

Traffic Director's Day -- Traffic Directors Guild of America (those who are Traffic Managers, Inventory Control Specialists, Revenue Managers, or many other terms in the broadcasting and mobile industries)

Wish Granting Championships -- Fairy Calendar (Fairies)

Anniversary Today:

The Old Stoughton Musical Society, the oldest choral society in the US, is founded, 1786

Birthdays Today:

Jeremy London, 1972
Keith Lockhart, 1959
Joni Mitchell, 1943
Johnny Rivers, 1942
Barry Newman, 1938
Joan Sutherland, 1926
Al Hirt, 1922
Billy Graham, 1918
Albert Camus, 1913
Dean Jagger, 1903
Leon Trotsky, 1879
Madame Marie Curie, 1867
Captain James Cook, 1728

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"America Hurrah"(van Itallie play), 1966
"Face the Nation"(TV), 1954
"Buck Rogers in the 25th Century"(Radio),1932
The Republican Elephant, as drawn by T. Nast in Harper's Weekly, 1874
"The Conscious Lovers"(Steele play), 1722
The Oxford Gazette(first edition), 1665 (Now The London Gazette)

Today in History:

The oldest meteorite with a known date of impact, the Ensisheim Meteorite, strikes around noon in a wheat field near the village of Ensisheim, Alsace, France, 1492
Pierre Gassendi observes the transit of Mercury as predicted by Kepler, 1631
Anne Htchinson is banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony as a heretic, 1637
The first edition of the "London Gazette", the oldest surviving journal, is published, 1665
Lewis and Clark first sight the Pacific Ocean, 1805
The first Thomas Nast cartoon depicting the Republican Party Elephant is published, 1874
Edward Bouchet becomes the first black to receive a PhD from a US college (Yale), 1876
Women in the U.S. state of Colorado are granted the right to vote, 1893
The first air freight shipment is undertaken by the Wright brothers and department store owner Max Moorehouse (from Dayton, Ohio to Columbus, Ohio), 1910
Mao Tse Tung proclaims the "Chinese People's Republic", 1931
Fiorello H. La Guardia is elected the 99th mayor of New York City, 1933
Carl B. Stokes is elected as Mayor of Cleveland, Ohio, becoming the first African American mayor of a major American city, 1967
Douglas Wilder wins the governor's seat in Virginia, becoming the first elected African American governor in the United States, 1989
Mary Robinson becomes the first woman to be elected President of the Republic of Ireland, 1990
NASA launches the Mars Global Surveyor, 1996
U.S. voters in the state of Massachusetts approve a referendum legalizing the use of medical marijuana; Colorado and Washington approve the legalization of recreational use of the drug, 2012


  1. Here that is so so so our black couch!!!

  2. That is a very nice image. I think I am going to choose to celebrate bittersweet chocolate/almond day with a Hersey semi-sweet chocolate bar with almonds.
    Happy birthday to the greatest evangelist of modern times. The Rev. Billy Graham turns 98 today.

  3. Awww, so cute. I know you have a houseful of kitties right now. You're such a wonderful person.

    Have a purrfect Awww Monday. ☺

  4. Or if you are going to get cat hair all over your butt.

  5. Looks like a great place to sit to us. Nothing better than a good chair. You all have a good day.

  6. What a beautiful picture! It looks like a piece of artwork!

  7. Cats do love sleeping on chairs. Maybe they think they're indoor trees.

  8. What a little cutie. Cat always find the most comfy perches.

  9. Laughing...Great picture! I just caught my cat laying in front of my new television set! He sits on my computer chair too. Simon, (my kitty) is jealous of anything I do that doesn't involve him. :))))

  10. So adorable! Always fun to stop by and say hello. Enjoy your week and thanks for sharing. Hugs, Anne

  11. I guess you need to take a close look before sitting down.

  12. Guess what Messy? You are the winner of Tuesday's Question's "Best Answer." Which means, you are entitled to ask the next Tuesday's Question, here on your blog. That is, if you want do, or if you're too busy. Don't worry, we will still love you. Stop by this week's Tuesday's Question and click on the "Read More" hack for more info...And again, congratulations!


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