
Thursday, December 29, 2016

"You have to be more patient, we will make more mistakes if we go too fast," he told her.  She looked down very soberly, and he gently lifted her chin and smiled, adding, "I know we want to do what is right by him, but we can't make too many wishes too fast, we've agreed that way lies madness."

The Djinn looked on blankly, having become used to the way these two worked, especially when they were discussing how best to use wishes to enhance the life of their beloved grandson.

"I know," she said with a sigh, "I thought having the bigger house would be a good thing, I didn't realize it would come at the expense of a dear friendship."

"Thus we have to be more cautious," he emphasized.  "There's nothing wrong with us working to make his life better, there's a lot wrong with us using magic to make it so he never has to work or earn anything for himself."

Linking up with Uncharted Blog and Six Sentence Stories, where the cue is Patient.


Gosia, of Looking for Identity, has taken over Good Fences.  Post a picture of a fence or gate, link back to her blog, and go visit others to see what interesting fences there are out in this big world.

A festive holiday fence.

Today is:

Constitution Day -- Ireland

Enjoying ESP Day -- internet generated, and it means eating, sleeping, and partying!

Fifth Day of Christmas

Illegal Pants Day -- commemorates Emma Snodgrass' arrest in Boston in 1852 for wearing pants

Kayin New Year -- Myanmar (The Kayin, or Karen, are the second largest ethnic minority in the country, and their New Year is an extra holiday with traditional costume and lots of celebrating)

Kwanzaa, Day 4, Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics)

National Chocolate Again Day -- because someone, somewhere, believes it can't be chocolate something-or-other day often enough

National Independence Day -- Mongolia(1911, from the Qing Dynasty)

Paternoster Row Day -- in memoriam of the famous area destroyed by the Blitz this date and tomorrow in 1940

Pepper Pot Day -- Pepper Pot Soup was invented today in 1777 at Valley Forge for the army to have something warm to eat

Sacrifice to Zeus Horios -- Ancient Greek Calendar (sacrifice in the deme of Erichia; date approximate)

Sarsodaw Pwe -- Myanmar (Writers' Day/Literati Day, especially celebrated by the press, and includes The National Literary Award Presentation Ceremony as well as public lectures, essay contests, and story-telling events)

St. Gabriel's Day -- Ethiopia

St. Thomas of Canterbury's Day (Thomas a Becket, Patron of clergy, secular clergy; Exeter College, Oxford, England; Portsmouth, England)

St. Trophimus of Arles' Day (Patron of children; Arles, France; against drought)

Tick Tock Day -- end of the year is getting closer, stop putting off your dreams! sponsored by Wellcat Holidays

Yodel in the Shower Day -- internet generated, and i promise not to tell if you do

Anniversaries Today:

J. Paul Getty, Jr., weds Victoria Holdsworth, 1994
Texas becomes the 28th US State, 1845

Birthdays Today:

Jude Law, 1972
Andy Wachowski, 1967
Bryan "Dexter" Holland, 1966
Patricia Clarkson, 1959
Paula Poundstone, 1959
Ed Autry, 1954
John Polito, 1950
Ted Danson, 1947
Marianne Faithfull, 1946
Jon Voight, 1938
Mary Tyler Moore, 1936
Thomas Edwin Jarriel, 1934
Klaus Fuchs, 1911
Billy Mitchell, 1879
Pablo Cassals, 1876
William Gladstone, 1809
Andrew Johnson, 1808
Charles Goodyear, 1800

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Thunderball(Film, UK release), 1965
"The Andersonville Trial"(Play), 1959
The Adventures of Kathlyn(Film, first movie serial), 1913

Today in History:

Thomas a Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, is assassinated inside Canterbury Cathedral by followers of King Henry II; he subsequently becomes a saint and martyr in the Anglican Church and the Roman Catholic Church, 1170
The first nautical almanac in US published by Samuel Stearns, Boston, 1782
Gas lights are installed at White House, during the Polk administration, 1848
The first Young Men's Christian Association chapter in the US opens, in Boston, 1851
Emma Snodgrass is arrested in Boston for wearing pants, 1852
HMS Warrior, the first British ironclad warship, is launched, 1860
The first telegraph ticker used by a brokerage house, Groesbeck & Co, NY, 1867
The Wounded Knee Massacre takes place, 1890
Edison patents "transmission of signals electrically" (radio), 1891
Mongolia gains independence from the Qing dynasty, 1911
The first movie serial, "Adventures of Kathlyn," premieres in Chicago, 1913
Fred P Newton completes longest swim ever (1826 miles), when he swam in the Mississippi River from Ford Dam, Minn, to New Orleans, 1930
Physicist Richard Feynman gives a speech entitled "There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom", which is regarded as the birth of nanotechnology, 1959
Filming began on Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey in England, 1965
Riots break-out after Hong Kong decides to forcibly repatriate Vietnamese refugees, 1989
Guatemala and leaders of Guatemalan National Revolutionary Union sign a peace accord ending a 36-year civil war, 1996
Leaders of the Khmer Rouge apologize for the 1970s genocide in Cambodia that claimed over 1 million lives, 1998
The last known speaker of Akkala Sami dies, rendering the language extinct, 2003
Chaparrastique volcano in El Salvador erupts, 2013
After two years and 2,500 deaths, the WHO declares the Ebola epidemic in Guinea is over, 2015


  1. Can't we all use some magic from time to time?

  2. A wonderful lesson. We want to give our kids everything, but we can't forget to give them the sense of accomplishment and ambition.

  3. "National Chocolate Again Day -- because someone, somewhere, believes it can't be chocolate something-or-other day often enough." And because there's still loads left over from Christmas... And when that's gone don't worry - it will soon be Valentine's Day, Mother's Day (in the UK) and Easter egg time.

  4. It is important to patiently think things through.

  5. Not a good wish to have someone not have to work and be productive. I'm just saying.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  6. Great continuation of the story. Nice fence too.

  7. Amen to this, things handed to us are rarely appreciated as much as something we have worked for. Parents today need to remember this lesson, they give their children everything but real life experience!

  8. Work is such an important part of life. Gifts are nice, but the feeling of satisfaction from a job well done is more rewarding.

  9. Djinns and genies are very literal minded thus their wish fulfillments come with unintended circumstances. Be careful what you wish for is apt when you run across one.

  10. Ah! the Monkey's Paw effect is creeping up, nearly un-noticed! watch out, they don't say, 'be careful what you wish for' without there being some basis for the warning.

  11. Great lessons here!!! I'm sorry im so late getting here too cuz i obviously missed yodel in the shower day! Although I suspect i can celebrate chocolate again day whenever i please!

  12. Great lessons here!!! I'm sorry im so late getting here too cuz i obviously missed yodel in the shower day! Although I suspect i can celebrate chocolate again day whenever i please!

  13. Great lessons here!!! I'm sorry im so late getting here too cuz i obviously missed yodel in the shower day! Although I suspect i can celebrate chocolate again day whenever i please!


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