
Sunday, February 19, 2017

Silly Sunday: What's in a family name?

Silly Sunday is hosted by Sandee, of Comedy Plus.

Silly Sunday is the place to come for weekly laughs.  The rules are simple, just have fun.

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#1 Son's friend Alston just became a father.  We were all discussing baby names, and i noted that i gave all of my children rather common names so they could choose their own nicknames and not have to worry about being teased for an unusual name.

One o' Boudreaux' friend from when dey be kids still get teasin' sometime 'bout what happen wit' his name when he firs' go to school, way back in de kindergarten.

Dey be in de Cat'lic school, an' Soeur Marie be callin' de names o' de students, an' she call "Louis."  Well, none de chillun answer, an' she call ag'in, "Louis!"  Not a word.

So Soeur Marie say, "Do any of you know Louis, or where he might be?"

An' Boudreaux' friend, who dey all call Junior, say "Mais, dat be my daddy, an' he be at work!"

Today is:

Armed Forces Day -- Mexico

Birthday of Minerva -- Ancient Roman Calendar

Birth Anniversary of Shivaji -- Maharashtra, India

Chaoflux -- Discordianism

Charro Days Fiesta -- Brownsville, TX, US and Matamoros, Mexico (Two Nations - Twin Cultures, the sister cities put on a beautiful celebration of the charro horsemen of Mexico, with dances, parades, and a carnival; through he 26th)

Chief Leschi Day -- US, especially Washington State (Native American chief wrongly executed for murder on this date in 1958; fully exhonerated 2004)

Cracker Jacks Prize Day -- the first prizes were added to the boxes of carmel popcorn this date in 1913

Daytona 500 Pole Day -- Daytona International Speed-way, Daytona Beach, FL, US (qualifying, and earing the right to lead the pack)

Flag Day -- Turkmenistan

Fly-By for Goblins and others -- Fairy Calendar

Goa Month begins -- Traditional Icelandic Calendar (month of the goddess Goa, personified as the daughter of Old Man Winter; as last month greeted her father well, greet her kindly, too, for an easy weather month)
     Konudagur -- Housewife's Day (just as the first day last month honored husbands, this month the wife is greeted with either coffee or flowers)

Meatfare Sunday -- Orthodox Christian (final day on which meat may be consumed before the Lenten fast); related event:
     Maslenitsa -- Russia (between Meatfare Sunday and Cheesefare Sunday is Butter Week or Pancake Week, when you stuff yourself before the Orthodox Church Great Lent)

Mystic Krewe of Barkus Parade -- NOLA, US (The French Quarter goes to the dogs, and some cats as well, all to benefit animal nonprofits)

National Chocolate Mint Day (because every day needs chocolate in some form)

Scout - Guide Week -- Canada (Scouts Canada and Girl Guides of Canada plan and hold special activities; through the 25th)

Solar System Day -- birth anniversary of Copernicus

St. Conrad of Piacenza's Day -- (Patron against hernias)

Straw Wrapper Appreciation Day -- an internet spread holiday to remind you of how much fun it was as a kid to blow the wrappers off the straws

Temporary Insanity Day -- anniversary of the first time someone successfully pleaded temporary insanity in a court of law; Daniel Stickles, in 1859

Vassil Levski Day -- Bulgaria (Bulgaria's "Apostle of Freedom") 

Anniversary Today:

Knights of Pythias founded, 1864

Birthdays Today:

Haylie Duff, 1985
Andrew Shue, 1967
Benicio Del Toro, 1967
Justine Bateman, 1966
Jonathan Lethem, 1964
Seal, 1963
Prince Andrew, Duke of York, 1960
Ray Winstone, 1957
Jeff Daniels, 1955
Margaux Hemingway, 1955
Amy Tan, 1952
Stephen Nichols, 1951
Lou Christie, 1943
Smokey Robinson, 1940
Lee Marvin, 1924
Merle Oberon, 1911 (some sources say Feb. 18)
Willam III, 1817 (last king of the Netherlands until the current monarch -- there were only queens from 1890 to 2013)
David Garrick, 1717
Nicolas Copernicus, 1473

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"A Woman of Independent Means"(TV Miniseries), 1995
"Crazy For You"(Musical), 1992
"Eastenders"(TV), 1985
"Rumours"(Album release), 1977
The Feminine Mystique(Publication date), 1963
"Picnic"(Inge Play), 1953
"Alexander's Feast"(HWV 75), 1736

Today in History:

Emperor Lucius Septimius Severus' defeats beats Clodius Albinus at Lyon, 197
Emperor Constantius II shuts down all pagan temples, 356
The second Medieval Iconoclastic Controversy ends as a council in Constantinople formally reinstates veneration of icons in the churches, 842
Jews of Tyrnau, Hungary (then Trnava, Czech) are expelled, 1539
The Peruvian stratovolcano Huaynaputina explodes in the most violent eruption in the recorded history of South America, 1600
Britain and the Netherlands sign the Peace of Westminster, and New Amsterdam formally becomes New York, 1674
British explorer William Smith discovers the South Shetland Islands, and claims them in the name of King George III, 1819
The first practical coal burning locomotive in the US makes a trial run, in Pennsylvania, 1831
Tin-type camera is patented by Hamilton Smith of Gambier, Ohio, 1856
Daniel E. Sickles is acquitted of the murder of his wife's lover, Phillip Barton Key (son of Francis Scott Key), on the grounds of temporary insanity, the first time this defense is successfully used, 1859
Tsar Alexander II abolishes serfdom in Russia, 1861
Thomas Edison patents the gramophone (phonograph), 1878
Kansas becomes the first US state to prohibit all alcoholic beverages, 1881
WK Kellog and Charles Bolin found the Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flake Co., 1906
The first prize is inserted into a Cracker Jack box, 1913
Ed Wynn becomes the first talent to sign as a regular radio entertainer, 1922
Ezra Pound is awarded the first Bollingen Prize for poetry, 1949
Bill Keane's Family Circus comic strip makes its debut, 1960
Artificial heart recipient William J. Schroeder becomes the first such patient to leave hospital, 1985
The Soviet Union launches its Mir spacecraft, 1986
NASA's Mars Odyssey space probe begins to map the surface of Mars using its thermal emission imaging system, 2002
NASA loses communication with the International Space Station's for three hours as a result of updating the station's command and control software, 2013


  1. It is very important to think of names that are not ridiculed by people. Some nicknames are nice but most nicknames hurt.

  2. Great Blog!! That was amazing. Your thought processing is wonderful. The way you tell the thing is awesome.

    Shipping Cars From Hawaii

  3. That one did hit an emotional chord. We had a small argument with our daughter when she her husband named there first child an unusual name after a TV show character. We all got over it, but there is a LOT in a name unlike what Shakespeare has said.

  4. Congrats to Alston on becoming a father :-)

    LOL @ Boudreaux' shenanigans :-)

    Have a tanfabulous Sunday :-)

  5. Named my son Christopher because I thought it was fine for both England and America, later found out it was THE most common name for boys in 1989. :-) He calls himself CHRIS, of course!

  6. That is cute :) Always check what rhymes with the name too, I used to get called Ellen smellin.

  7. I hope you have a very happy National Chocolate Mint Day.

  8. My brother and SIL wanted to name their first so ti would not rhyme with the "gy" ending of our name. After throwing out a million names they decided on Alison. When she went to school, her friends all called her Ally.

  9. I'm Tim and my friends call me,,,well,,,they call me Tim.

  10. Bwahahahahahaha. I always look forward to your Sunday jokes.

    Have a fabulous Silly Sunday. ☺

  11. LOL. Too true. Parents really should take care to naming their kids. It's often not such a cute name when they get to school.


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