
Wednesday, April 19, 2017

P for Peaceful, a (Not Very) Wordless Wednesday Post

This was supposed to be a Wordless Wednesday post about the peacefulness of mornings here.  How i have my coffee, and the cats have their catnip, and peace ensues. 

Enigma SissyCat is very intense on getting her share, then she hides and sleeps.

Link is a little more laid back.

Mikey eats his share, then rolls around on the table (and sometimes falls off, to his complete surprise).

Dansig lays in it and rolls, and then...

Oh, is he happy!

This early morning ritual is part of what sets me up to be calm and get through work without fretting.

Then came yesterday.

Tax day, with two cleaning jobs, and Lunceford the Land Yacht scheduled to go into the shop.

Sweetie took Lunceford in to Kevin and Lenny and got the loaner vehicle.  By the time he got home, i was close to being late for my first job.  It went downhill from there for me.

The tax stuff came, and i called Little Girl to come to the house and sign hers papers so i could photograph and email them to the accountant.  She did, and Sweetie brought everything to me at the first job site.

It took me forever to explain to him how to go to the bank and get cashiers checks for the amounts we owed.  When he left, i got on the phone with a friend and was talking as i worked.  Sweetie tried to call with another question and i lost control of a broom in juggling the phone to switch from one call to the other.

Floor, one, ceramic rose, zero.  Called the owner to confess, three petals broken off, and she said it would be okay, she could glue it.  Went on with my work.

Sweetie calls again, confused about where to send the payments (two different addresses).  While talking to him, a roofer knocks at the door.  Could he get started?  Sure.

Then the roofer has a question, and i step out and lock myself out of the house.  Ugh.  Call owner again.  No answer.  Send text.  Roofer tries to call real estate agent who hired him to see if she can come open the house (it's under contract, and the current owner wants me to keep doing her new house, but that's another story).  Agent is in a meeting, agent's husband, also an agent, is out of town.

Owner calls me, she's in the dentist chair and can't get away.  Call Sweetie to go to the dentist's office to get keys so i can get back in the house.  He can't find dentist's office.  Text owner, get exact address for him (how do you miss a dentist office sign, anyway?).

Sweetie comes with keys, i finish up, roofer leaves, i leave, locking the house and tucking the keys under the mat.

By now, i'm over this day, but it's not over me.

Then off to the next job, with Sweetie meeting me there to help.  The A/Cs are not working as they should in the upstairs of the office.  Sweetie is having sneezing fits while dusting.  We are not quite done and he leaves to get Lunceford.  Lunceford is not ready yet, we have the loaner for the night.

The peace of the morning evaporated yesterday like dew from a volcano.

Today i have three jobs.  If it turns into a repeat of yesterday, you might have to visit me in a rubber room.

Linking up with Wordless Wednesday anyway!

Today is:

Bendideia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (festival for Bendis; date approximate)

Dutch-American Friendship Day -- anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Netherlands and the US, America's oldest continuously peaceful diplomatic relations

Ebertfest/Roger Ebert's Film Festival -- Virginia Theatre, Champaign, IL (in the best show biz tradition, the show will go on; through Sunday)

Festival of Matsu/Mazu -- Southern China and Taiwan (Buddhist and Taoist celebration of the goddess of the sea who protects fishermen and sailors; often worshiped in sea-faring areas surrounding China as well, although some local dates will vary; in Taichung City, the festival lasts through Sunday)

Independence Declaration Day -- Venezuela

John Parker Day -- many US States (anniversary of the Battle of Lexington and Concord, where parker said “Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon; but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.”)

King Mswati III's birthday -- Swaziland

Landing of the 33 Patriots Day -- Uruguay

Lozenge Competition -- Fairy Calendar (no, i don't know what they do with the lozenges that makes it a competition)

National Amaretto Day

National CPA's Goof Off Day -- US, the day after tax day because they deserve it!

National Garlic Day

National Hanging Out Day -- Project Laundry List and other organizations promote bringing back the clothesline to save energy and the planet!

National Stress Awareness Day -- sponsored by the Health Resource Network (always on the first workday after paying taxes)

Oklahoma City Bombing Commemoration Day

Okoshi Daiko Festival -- Furukawa, Japan (today, hundreds of men in loincloths fight to touch a wooden frame supporting a huge taiko drum as it is carried through the streets, and tomorrow is an elegant parade with lion dancers and traditional music)

Peppercorn Ceremony -- St. George, Bermuda (commemorates the renting of what is now the Old State House by the Masonic Lodge to the governor of Burmuda for the cost of one peppercorn per annum, now a well attended festival)

Poetry & the Creative Mind Gala -- Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center, New York, NY, US (an extraordinary evening celebrating the role of contemporary poetry in American culture sponsored by Academy of American Poets)

Polk County Ramp Tramp Festival -- Polk County, TN, US (come out and celebrate with the 4-H club the ramp, a local wild leek, and enjoy the Bluegrass music and games; through Saturday)

Primrose Day -- UK (anniversary of the death of Disraeli)

St. AElfheah's Day (Patron of kidnap victims; Greenwich and Solihull, England)

St. Expeditus of Melintine's Day (Patron of merchants, navigators; for expeditious and prompt solutions; against procrastination)

St. Leo IX's Day

Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day -- US (the day after you pay your taxes, bring the comforts of home to the office; sponsored by PajamaGram

Anniversaries Today:

Grace Kelly marries Ranier III of Monaco, 1956
Cheyney University is founded as The Institute for Colored Youth, 1837
Marie Antoinette marries Louis XVI by Proxy Marriage, 1770

Birthdays Today:

Maria Sharapova, 1987
Hayden Christensen, 1981
Kate Hudson, 1979
James Franco, 1978
Luis Miguel Basteri, 1970
Ashley Judd, 1968
Al Unser, Jr., 1962
Tony Plana, 1954
Paloma Picasso, 1949
Tim Curry, 1946
Alan Price, 1942
Elinor Donahue, 1937
Dudley Moore, 1935
Jayne Mansfield, 1933
Dick Sargent, 1930
Hugh O'Brian, 1925
Eliot Ness, 1903
Lucretia Rudolph-Garfield, 1832
David Ricardo, 1772
Roger Sherman, 1721

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Don't Bother Me, I Can't Cope"(Musical revue), 1972
"A Tree Grows in Brooklyn"(Musical), 1951
"Carousel"(Musical), 1945
"Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder/Mother Courage and Her Children"(Play), 1941
"National Barn Dance"(Radio), 1924
"The Bing Boys are Here"(Musical revue), 1919
"Revizor/The Government Inspector"(Comedy), 1836
"Iphigenia in Aulis,"(Opera), 1774

Today in History:

Sir Francis Drake sails to Cadiz and sinks the Spanish Fleet, 1587
Because he has no male heirs, Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI issues the Pragmatic Sanction of 1713, assuring Habsburg lands and the Austrian throne would go to his daughter, Maria Theresa, 1713
Captain James Cook sights Australia, 1770
John Adams secures Dutch recognition of the United States, and his home in The Hague becomes the first American Embassy, 1782
Venezuela achieves home rule, 1810
The Treaty of London establishes Belgium as a kingdom and Luxembourg as a Grand Duchy, 1839
Charles Duryea claims to have taken the first automobile built in the US for a spin, 1892
The first Boston Marathon is won by John McDermott of NY in 2:55:10, 1897
Leslie Irvin of the United States makes the first successful voluntary free-fall parachute  jump, 1919
The 125th and final fascicle of the Oxford English Dictionary is published, 1928
Burma (now Myanmar) joins the United Nations, 1948
The Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba ends in success for the defenders, 1961
Sierra Leone becomes a republic, 1971
India's first satellite, Aryabhata, is launched, 1975
The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA, is bombed, killing 168, 1995
The German Bundestag returns to Berlin, the first German parliamentary body to meet there since the Reichstag was dissolved in 1945, 1999
His Eminence Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger is elected the 265th Pope of the Catholic Church, taking the name Benedict XVI, 2005

Fidel Castro resigns from the Communist Party of Cuba's central committee after 45 years, 2011


  1. (((Ill come to the rubber room :-) may I bring coffee??)))

  2. Looks like a very eventful day for you. You did manage to get everything done. Have a good day!

  3. Awww, I love all your kitties. So adorable.

    What a day you had yesterday. A good soak in the tub would have been nice after that. Okay, perhaps you just needed to love on your kitties.

    I hope today is awesome for you. I hope everything goes like clockwork.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ☺

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I had to laugh a bit over the chaos of your day yesterday but I admit I've had some like this before and it's not very pleasant to live in the moment of it all. You have my permission to take take off that pretty white jacket that ties behind your back and step out of your padded room today. lol Coffee and cat nip what an awesome morning routine. Happy WW!

    ~Curious as a Cathy

  6. That does sound like an awful day. Good thing you have these beautiful kitties waiting for you at home to calm you down. I hope you have a better day today.

  7. Sounds like you had a bad day. Sympathies. Tomorrow is another one and it'll be better.
    Best wishes,

  8. Some days really do just seem to go downhill picking up mud as they go. It can be so frustrating when you are trying so hard to get things done! I hope today is going MUCH better for you!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Made an error last time, so typing a quick one...
    Love the names Enigma and Link:)
    Hope you get a breather of a day after this hectic one.
    P is for Poetry, Petra and Pottery

  11. Well I don't envy your day yesterday I hope you can relax today at some point :-)

    Have a busylesstastic day :-)

  12. Peace be with you Mimi. Have a wonderful Wednesday my friend. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  13. You seem to be very patient with such a difficult day! I would be in tears.

  14. Oh, Mimi. I feel for you. Truly. Some days, weeks, months, just really try the old Patience. But, this too shall Pass. But, you know that. Hugs.

  15. Good thing you have such cute kittehs to cheer you up during tough times! I hope today is nicer to you.

  16. lol. looks like a stretching class :) Nice!


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