
Saturday, April 22, 2017

S for Several Simple Thankful Things

Ten Things of Thankful

In keeping with the month, today i will list several simple things for which i am thankful and that start with the letter S.

Salvation.  "So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free." John 8:36 (NLT)

Savings.  Trust G-d, save for a rainy day.  "There is desirable treasure and olive oil in the dwelling of the wise, but a foolish person devours all he has." Proverbs 21:20 (NLT)  Yes, it's true, we are often saving only for the next car repair, but i'm thankful we do save as much as we can.

Sunrises and Sunsets.  Days are usually a blur of work, but early morning and late evening are often the best, and prettiest, times of day.  At sunrise and just before, i get to listen to the bird chorus.  In the evenings, i can sit down finally and watch the clouds turn colors.

Salt.  If you've ever had to cut down on it for dietary reasons, or been served bland food, you know why i'm including this.  We use gray Celtic sea salt, and it is delightful.

Spring.  It has certainly sprung here, and we have flowers, and i'm grateful it is warmer than winter but not yet hot.

Serendipity.  Lovely surprises await, you just have to be looking for them.  When i remember to look, i am thankful that i do see wonderful things.

Spiders.  Yes, i am an arachnophile.  When i run across spiders while cleaning houses, i try to save them and put them outdoors.

Solitude.  Although i don't get much, i treasure it when i do.  Twenty minutes alone to breathe and think and just be rejuvenates me.

Snacks.  To me, food is more fun when it's a snack.

Songs.  While i can't carry a tune in a bucket, i love music and sing along to my favorite songs when i'm in the car by myself.

Some of these may be silly to some people, but they are things i am grateful to have in my life.  List your own Ten Things of Thankful and join in, you'll be glad you did!

Today is:

California Poppy Festival -- Lancaster, CA, US (two fun days celebrating California's State Flower)

Chemists Celebrate The Earth Day -- promoting public awareness of the important contribution of chemists

Discovery Day -- Brazil (landing of Cabral in 1500)

Earth Day

Festival of Jupiter and Juno -- Ancient Roman Calendar

Girl Scout Leader Appreciation Day -- Girl Scouts of the USA 

Granary Offering to Renenutet -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (offering to the Lady of Granaries; date approximate)

Historic Garden Week in Virginia -- VA, US (enjoying some of Virginia's finest homes and gardens)

International Marconi Day -- a 24-hour amateur radio event annually near the birth anniversary of Marconi

International Mother Earth Day -- UN

"Just Pray No" Worldwide Weekend of Prayer and Fasting -- people around the world pray for healing for those who are addicted to drugs, through tomorrow 

Lela's Holiday -- Asatru/Slavic Pagan Calendar (honoring the goddess-daughter, Lela)

Mississippi River Valley Scenic Drive -- Mississippi River valley of southeast Missouri, US (several scenic small towns along the valley have homemade goodies, quilt shows, history tours, entertainment, and more; through Sunday)

National Jelly Bean Day

Queen Isabella Day -- Spain and some US states (birth anniversary of Isabella I of Castille)

Record Store Day -- US (celebrated by independent record stores everywhere, find one near you)  

St. Epipodius of Lyon's Day (Patron of bachelors, betrayal victims, torture victims)

Walpurgis celebrations begin -- through May 1, Norse, Scandinavian, and Germanic celebrations (remembering the sacrifice of Odin upon the World Tree Yggdrasil)
     Yggdrasil Day -- Asatru/Slavic Pagan Calendar

World's Biggest Fish Fry -- Paris, TN, US (parades, auto shows, arts and crafts, and of course, all-you-can-eat catfish dinner; through the 29th)

Birthdays Today:

Amber Heard, 1986
Francis Capra, 1983
Daniel Johns, 1979
Kim Elizabeth, 1978
Eric Mabius, 1971
Chris Makepeace, 1964
Byron Allen, 1961
Ryan Stiles, 1959
Peter Frampton, 1950
John Waters, 1946
Jack Nicholson, 1937
Glen Campbell, 1936
Aaron Spelling, 1928
Charlotte Rae, 1926
Yehudi Menuhin, 1916
Eddie Albert, 1906
Sergei Sergeyevich Prokofiev, 1891
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, 1870
Immanuel Kant, 1724
Queen Isabella, 1451

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Who's Tommy"(Rock musical), 1993
"Le Triomphe de Plutus/Money Makes the World Go Round"(Play), 1728

Today in History:

Portuguese navigator Pedro Cabral becomes the first European to sight Brazil, 1500
President George Washington attends a performance of Rickett's, the first circus in the US, 1793
Thomas Stevens sets out from San Francisco on the first round the world journey by bicycle, 1884
The Oklahoma land rush begins at noon; thousands rush to claim land, and the towns of Oklahoma City and Guthrie are formed within hours with populations of over 10,000 each, 1889
Pravda begins publication in St. Petersburg, 1912
The Germans begin using poison chlorine gas as a chemical weapon, 1915
British yachtsman Sir Robin Knox-Johnston completes the first solo non-stop circumnavigation of the world, 1969
The first Earth Day is celebrated, 1970
The Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. is dedicated, 1993
Japan's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi apologizes for Japan's war record, 2005
Four Canadian soldiers are killed 75 kilometers north of Kandahar, Afghanistan by a roadside bomb planted by Taliban militants, the worst single day combat loss for the Canadian army since the Korean War, 2006

The Pope, Benedict XVI, becomes the first pontiff to participate in a televised interview session, 2011


  1. My ten - son, spouse, sun, song, surprises, sofa, sea, solitude, solicitude (that I am shown), speech.

    Best wishes,

  2. Good heavens - I've never met a spider fan before!
    Please feel free to come to my house and set some free...

  3. None of your S's are silly. I would add one more very important S that ends in X.

  4. I'm very scared of spiders. I either run away from them or kill them especially the larger ones. Sorry about that Mimi.
    Enjoy your Saturday my friend. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  5. Great list of things to be thankful for. I love spiders too! Have a great weekend!

  6. None of these things seems silly to me, Mimi. I love singing in the car alone, and so many of the other things on your list. Saving spiders, solitude - even if it's in the shower, sunrises and sunsets, and I'd rather snack all day than eat a meal. And serendipity is an interesting concept - keeping your eyes and ears open for coincidences that really aren't coincidences at all. I try so hard to save, but it seems a difficult task when you are living on the edge. Have a good week. Next week it will be Y and then we'll be finished. I sort of like this type of TToT, though. It stretches our minds a little and gets us (me) out of the day to day.

  7. All wonderful things to be thankful for. We save here too and it comes in handy and often.

    I can't sing either, but it doesn't stop me from singing along as well.

    I enjoy your thankful posts. If we all just take the time we can find many things to be thankful for.

    Have a blessed day and weekend. ☺

  8. Salt and snacks! They go together like.... Suzy and Anne!

    A great crop of lists today.

    Amble Bay's fabulous shops!

  9. I must say, salvation was where it should be- at the top of the list! Awesome! And I never realized how much more I love food as snacks until you mentioned that. I'm NOT a spider lover if they're in the house, but I was forever touched by Charlotte's Web. How clever of you to use the letter S! I might try that on my post (blatant plagiarism). Thanks for sharing your joy!

  10. You always amaze me! Coming up with ten thankfuls is a challenge some weeks, and then you come up with ten starting with S! That made me SMILE... another s word. :-)

    Salvation... Amen to that, without it what would be the point?

    Sunrises and sunsets are my most favorite time of day too, they are so beautiful here with are huge horizon! I never tire of seeing them.

    Savings are important, even just a little adds up and comes in handy in times of need. You are right that snacks are fun, it's like spoiling yourself a little bit! We didn't do much snacking growing up, I have to admit I do now!

    Papa Bear would be so sad without salt for his food, and sea salt is so much better. I am fascinated by spiders, you should see the huge tarantulas we've seen from time to time here. They are actually cute! The only ones I don't love are the ones who try to crawl in bed with me and sometimes bite! Youch!!

    Serendipity is God smiling I always think, a little gift to those who pay attention. And you know how I feel about solitude, I don't just like it, I require it to remain civil. Too much noise and social stuff wears me out!

    Another great S for you... Sunday coming up, enjoy your day to worship and rest, you deserve it! XOXO

  11. 'cellent Ten.

    I'm a total fan of sunrises. And this seems to be at the cost of not being very effective on that other end, at sunset. Mornings are better than evenings, so that works out well. (lol)
    Totally with you on the 'songs'... did a couple from back in the day (wayback in the day) lol

  12. I was following along happily with your list nodding in agreement, thinking how much we were in tune... and then I got to spiders. I love the idea of spiders eating bugs and all that, and I'm willing to let them coexist with me as long as they know their place and don't get into my space. If they do, I turn into the Spiderminator and they don't get a second chance.

  13. It's hard to imagine much that's unworthy of gratitude. I enjoyed your list.

  14. What a great list! I love some solitude as well, I find just being quiet such therapy :)

  15. YAY for the last 3 S's. I am thankful for them in my life too recently.
    Doing dishes alone while dancing to songs I like and snacking on food I don't encourage my teens to eat, LOL

  16. Love your list! I was familiar with gray Celtic sea salt. I'll have to check into that the next time I'm at the Life Source store. Solitude, serendipity, sunrises and sunsets, salvation are all such wonderful things to cherish.

  17. I can embrace most of your list. But spiders?! I am not scared of them, but upon finding them inside the house I admit my first impulse is NOT to move them outdoors to freedom and safety.


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