
Friday, April 28, 2017

X for Xena, Feline Friday and Friendly Fill-ins

Feline Friday is hosted by Steve, The Burnt Food Dude, and i'm going to believe it's because he likes cats. 

This week, he's asked Sandee of Comedy Plus to take over for him while he and his wife celebrate his birthday.  Wishing you many happy returns of the day, Steve!
Feline Friday is simple to join. All you have to do is..
1) post a picture, drawing, cartoon or video of a cat (They may be silly or cute)

2) go to Steve's page, linked above, then on the menu bar click on the Feline Friday tab to get the code

3) paste the code under your cat picture 

4) add your name and link 

That’s all there is to it! Be sure to check back every so often and visit all the Feline Friday bloggers. Also, please leave a nice comment on their blogs. Nasty comments will be deleted!

One of our shelter cats is Xena:

As befits a Warrior Cat, I perch high to keep an eye on everything!


Friendly Fill-Ins are four fun and easy statements to complete. Ellen of 15andmeowing provides the first two statements and the final two are offered by McGuffy Ann Morris of McGuffy's Reader.  They try to make sure they will be fun to both answer and share. On Friday, the linky will be posted at or about 12:00 AM. Please head to one of their sites, link up, and share your thoughts! 

Here are this week's statements with my responses underlined:

Week 51: April 28, 2017

1. A book I would like to see made into a movie is ____________________.

2. If I could afford a billboard, it would say __________________.

3. I have a hard time ______________________.

4. I really enjoy _____________________

  1. A book i would like to see made into a movie is Understood Betsy.  It's an old favorite of mine and i think the transformation of the main character would be interesting to explore in film.

  1. If i could afford a billboard, it would say: Play Nice, Y'all! ~ Mama

  1. I have a hard time understanding why people hold on to anger, when it is not a nice feeling at all.

  1. I really enjoy my coffee.  Most of the time, no cream, no anything, just the pure taste of the brew.  Every once in so often a bit of coconut milk in it, but that's rare.  Coffee itself just tastes good to me.

Today is:

America's Family Pet Expo -- Costa Mesa, CA, US (includes displays on any type of domesticated pet you can imagine, as put on by the World Pet Association; through Sunday) 

Arbor Day -- US

Austin Food and Wine Festival -- Austin, TX, US (superstar chefs and sommeliers, over 40 cooking demos and wine seminars, private grand tastings and more; through Sunday)

Biological Clock Day -- the "biological clock gene" that governs the`circadian rhythm in mice was isolated on this day in 1994

Cape May Spring Festival -- Cape May, NJ, US (ten days of spring activities highlighting the Victorian lifestyle)

Chicken-Tickling Day -- Fairy Calendar (Leprechauns)

Cubicle Day -- no, i don't know what's to celebrate about this one, either

Dandelion Day/Springfest Weekend -- University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, US (annual celebration used as a respite to diffuse tension around exam time; through Sunday)

Feast of Jamal(Beauty) -- Baha'i

Festival of Floralia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (three day festival to Flora, goddess of flowers and vegetation)

Great Poetry Reading Day -- make sure you read some great poetry today

Hairball Awareness Day -- sponsored by Furminator (which product actually does work, by the way) and Hills Pet Nutrition

Hidaka Hibuse Matsuri -- Mizusawa, Iwate Prefecture, Japan (through the 29th; floats, child musicians, traditional costumes, and fun)

Interstate Mullet Toss / The Gulf Coast's Greatest Beach Party -- FloraBama Bar, Gulf Shores, Alabama, US (fish flingers stand on the Alabama side of the property and toss them onto the Florida side, with proceeds going to charity; through Sunday)

James Monroe Birthday Celebration -- Charlottesville, VA, US (at his home, Ash Lawn-Highland)

Kiss Your Mate Day -- guys, do not forget this one, in case she reads it somewhere on the internet; kiss her, then read her a great poem

National Blueberry Pie Day

National Day of Mourning -- Canada (In conjunction with Workers' Memorial Day and World Day for Safety and Health at Work, honoring those injured or killed on the job)

National Heroes Day -- Barbados

National Teach Children to Save Day -- sponsored by the American Banking Association 

New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival -- NOLA, US (the best music and food festival around! through May 7)

Panoply® -- Huntsville, AL, US (comprehensive arts festival, including music, theater, dance, and a juried art show; through Sunday)

Pay It Forward Day -- International (begun in the US as National Pay It Forward Day, it is now observed in over 80 countries; this year the global initiative wants to inspire over 10 million acts of kindness around the world!) 

Rip Cord Day -- the first successful jump with a parachute that used a rip cord was this day in 1919 by Leslie Erwin of the U.S. Army Air Corps

Sa die de sa Sardinia -- Sardinia, Italy (Sardinia Day, celebrating the uprising of 1794)

Sense of Smell Day -- listed on different days on many websites; While celebrating, remember those with anosmia (diminished ability or totaly inability to smell)

St. Peter Chanel's Day (Patron of Oceania)
     Saint Pierre-Chanel Day -- Wallis and Fortuna

Sts. Vitalis and Valeria's Day (Patrons of Thibodeaux, Louisiana)

Undiagnosed Children's Day -- sponsored by SWAN UK (Syndromes Without A Name), supporting families of children with undiagnosed genetic conditions 

Victory Day -- Afghanistan

Workers Memorial Day / World Day for Safety and Health at Work -- International (remembering all who have lost their lives or been injured on the job)

World Championship Wildfowl Carving Competition and Art Festival -- Ocean City, MD, US (carvings and sculpture of all sizes, for competition and for sale; through Sunday)

Anniversaries Today:

Maryland becomes the 7th US State, 1788

Birthdays Today:

Jenna Ushkowitz, 1986
Jessica Alba, 1981
Penelope Cruz, 1974
Jorge Garcia, 1973
Nicklas Lidstrom, 1970
John Daly, 1966
Elena Kagan, 1960
Ian Rankin, 1960
Nancy Lee Grahn, 1958
Mary McDonnell, 1952
Jay Leno, 1950
Marcia Strassman, 1948
Ann-Margaret, 1941
Harper Lee, 1926
Oscar Schindler, 1908
Erich Salomon, 1886
Lionel Barrymore, 1878
Mifflin Wister Gibbs, 1828
James Monroe, 1758

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"One Man's Family"(Radio), 1932

Today in History:

Nichiren Buddhism is founded, 1253
Captain William Bligh and 18 crewmen from the HMS Bounty are set adrift, 1789
Chinese and Irish laborers for the Central Pacific Railroad working on the First Transcontinental Railroad lay 10 miles of track in one day, a feat which has never been matched, 1869
Azerbaijan  is added to the Soviet Union., 1920
The first night game in organized baseball  history takes place in Independence, Kansas, 1930
A vaccine  for yellow fever is announced for use on humans, 1932
Thor Heyerdahl and five crew mates set out from Peru on the Kon-Tiki, 1947
The Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty (Treaty of Taipei) is signed in Taipei, Taiwan between Japan and the Republic of China to officially end the Second Sino-Japanese War, 1952
Charles de Gaulle resigns as President of France, 1969
The Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure is signed, 1977
Millionaire Dennis Tito becomes the world's first space tourist, 2001
According to the WHO, leading causes of death in the world include chronic illnesses such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes, 2011

In recognition of democratic reforms, the European Union opens an office in Burma, 2012


  1. Chicken Ticking Day! I love it! I'm with you on coffee. I enjoy as nature intended. Nothing added.

    Another day in Amble Bay!

  2. Mimi, I love your billboard! That is so perfect. I have seen similar billboards with messages from God. One was, "I am watching. ~God"

    The older I get, the less inclined I am to be upset. I accept things and people much more easily. Forgiveness is easier that way, too.

    I know people who stomp and have fits when they don't get their way. Then they hold grudges. I just can't go there. Drama wears me out. Peace is better.

    I like coffee in the morning, with a spot of creamer. It is mostly for colour. I do like a flavour sometimes. I love coconut milk!

    Have a great weekend, my friend! Hugs!

    1. P.S. Wouldn't it be fun to have Sweetie & Bill play music together? Wow!

  3. Xena does indeed look like a warrior cat! I love your billboard idea, and I agree about hate. I don't know why people can't just let things go. Disagree about coffee though. I like a bit of coffee with my cream and sweetener. lol

  4. Xena does seem to like being on top of things heheh!

    I never understand hate anger or revenge move on is what I say.

    I like coffee with creamy milk tastes luverly

    Your billboard is perfect :-)

    Have a caffeinetastic day :-)

  5. Xena is beautiful, I hope she gets a forever home soon. Great answers to all the fill-ins, I appreciate your weekly participation. I haven't read that book, but it does sound good. Nice idea for a billboard too. I forgot where I read that anger is like holding a hot piece of coal to throw at someone because you are the one getting hurt. I love coffee too, but it has to have milk. I wish I liked it black, I would save lots of calories. Have a great weekend!

  6. xena looks like she has total control of her world

  7. Cats are the best. Xena looks like she is ruling the top of the perch like a boss.

    ONce Upon A Time

  8. I love the name and she's a beautiful cat. I can see a lot of cattitude too.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and a fabulous weekend. ☺

  9. Xena is gorgeous! How cats love their "treetop" surveillance spots! I think your billboard is wonderful, a simple admonition that it would do everyone well to take to heart!

    Josie Two Shoes: X is for Xenia

  10. Everyone needs a "warrior cat" to keep an eye on things.

  11. What a beauty Xena is - and it's only right she should be at such an elevated status. Cat's eye view is best isn't it?

    Love your billboard idea as well.

  12. I love your billboard idea. That's funny. :)

    I think maybe sometimes people hold onto anger because they are afraid to let it go. They are afraid they will get hurt again, even though the anger is hurting them, too.

    I don't like the tastes of coffee (mocha is fine, though), but I absolutely love to smell coffee. It smells wonderful. :)

    Oh this, this is too funny! "Chicken-Tickling Day -- Fairy Calendar (Leprechauns)" I have a picture in my head now of a white chicken with that red thing on its head, rolling with laughter as King O'Brian tickles it. He's the king of the leprechauns, you know. :)

    I am glad to hear that there is a Dandelion Day and that someone other than me and you think they are great flowers!

    I always enjoy your very informative posts. Have a blessed weekend. :)

  13. You should try Cowboy Coffee. It is black coffee that has been kicked up a notch. I learned about this when we were working in a convenience store. This store sits in the middle of some of the world's largest ranches. In fact, the world's biggest ranch, King Ranch, has several smaller ranches in this area. The real cowboys would come into the store and ask how old the coffee was. If I said Suzanne just made it, they would not buy any. We kept one pot fresh. The other pot we sold as cowboy coffee. That was the first pot made that day. It would sit on the top burner and only a few brave souls would touch it. When the fence riders came in, that was the pot they would pour out of. It would be at least 3 hours old. It would be very strong and no cream, no sugar, no additives of any type. If someone asked for cream or sugar in theirs, one of the riders would say, "Drink it like a man." Have a great weekend.


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