
Sunday, May 7, 2017

Silly Sunday: Where did you start?

Silly Sunday is hosted by Sandee, of Comedy Plus.
Silly Sunday is the place to come for weekly laughs.  The rules are simple, just have fun.

This is a great opportunity to get to know other bloggers and have a laugh or two in the process.

Here is how it works: Laugh and Link Up!
  1. Post a joke.
  2. Link Up with the URL to your joke in the Linky Tools Widget.
  3. Read my joke.
  4. Leave a comment to tell me how much you enjoyed my joke.
  5. Try and visit a few others participating in Silly Sunday.
  6. Go to Sandee's site, linked above, and get the Silly Sunday code for your blog, too!

In honor of Grandma's birthday, Bigger Girl drove down yesterday to visit with Grandma for a while when i was there.  She got to meet Lulu.  Her response to Lulu's excitement, especially when we were having lunch, was "Lulu, you are a A plus and you get 100 percent for being a dog, but you may not have my pudding!"

Where does she come up with being such a comedian?  Probably from Grandpa.  When Grandma informed him that the trash can stinks, he said, "Of course it does, that's 'cause my socks are in there!"

Our family laughs a lot, and it's a good thing.

Boudreaux done tol' Tee dat it be Grand-mère birthday.  So dey call to wish her a happy day, an' Tee ax, "Grand-mère, how old you be?"

An' Grand-mère say, "I be 70 year old!"

An' Tee get real quiet a minute, an' den he say, "Mais, Grand-mère, did you start at one?"

Today is:

Beaufort Wind Force Scale Day -- birth anniversary of the British Navy officer whose wind scale, in refined form

Be Kind to Animals Week -- sponsored by the American Humane Association, through Saturday 

Box Camera Day -- George Eastman patented the Box Camera on this day in 1888

Day of the Soldier -- El Salvador 

Experience the Awesome Stomach-Churning Wonder of a Thrill Ride Day -- internet generated, and they can have it!

Feast of St. Nicola -- Bari, Italy (celebrates's the moving of the relics of St. Nicholas -- yes, later Santa Claus -- to this town, where they still are; here he is patron of orphans and pirates, and the date of his body's arrival is celebrated as a huge three-day festival with fireworks included)

Fire Escape Ladder Day -- Joseph Winters patented a wagon-mounted version on this day in 1878

Hamburg Harbor Day -- Hamburg, Germany (founding of the city)

Homeland Defender's Day -- Kazakhstan

Homespun History Day -- internet holiday often exploited by Modern Drunkard Magazine as a day upon which to drink specifically so the stories will sound better

International Dawn Chorus Day -- encouaging everyone to get up early and join others in listening to the early morning bird chorus 

Martyr's Day -- Lebanon

Mayday for Mutts -- originally sponsored, but now celebrated by many animal rescues on different dates 

Mother's Day -- Angola; Cape Verde; Hungary; Lithuania; Mozambique; Portugal; Romania; Spain

Motorcycle Mass and Blessing of the Bikes -- Paterson, NJ (on the first Sunday of May, which is Motorcycle Safety Month; some other places will also observe bike blessings throughout the month)

National Barrier Awareness Day -- US (declared by Presidential Proclamation in 1986) 

National Infertility Survival Day® -- US (encouraging infertility survivors to reach out to those still coming to terms with being diagnosed as infertile) 

National Roast Leg of Lamb Day

National Travel and Tourism Week begins -- US (this year's theme:  "Faces of Travel"

Nones of May -- Ancient Roman Calendar

Quincy Preserves Spring Home Tour -- Quincy, IL, US (tour some of the most beautiful homes in Illinois!)

Radio Day -- Bulgaria; Russia

Randwick Wap Cheese Rolling -- Randwick, Gloucestershire, England (Yes, they roll cheeses that were blessed last Sunday around the church and give the Mayor a good dunking in the pond; yes, they've been doing it for 700 years; no, no one is quite certain why, though many stories are told of the origin.  The fayre is next Saturday.)

Root Canal Awareness Week begins -- sponsored by the American Association of Endodontists 

St. Domitian of Huy's Day (Patron of Huy Liege, Belgium; against fever)

Anniversaries Today:

Founding of Univerzita Karlova in Prague, the first university in Central Europe, 1348

Birthdays Today:

Owen Hart, 1965
Peter Reckell, 1955
Amy Heckerling, 1954
Tim Russert, 1950
Johnny Unitas, 1933
Teresa Brewer, 1931
Darren McGavin, 1922
Eva Peron, 1919
Gary Cooper, 1901
Archibald Macleish, 1892
Gabby Hayes, 1885
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, 1840
Johannes Brahms, 1833
Robert Browning, 1812
Francis Beaufort, 1774
David Hume, 1711

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Strike It Rich"(TV), 1951
Choral Symphony in D Minor(Beethoven's Ninth), 1824

Today in History:

The dome of the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople collapses, 558
Joan of Arc leads the final charge in the Battle of Orleans, 1429
Louis XIV of France inaugurates The Palace of Versailles, 1664
The city of New Orleans is founded by Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne de Bienville, 1718
Jews are expelled from Ukraine by Empress Catherine I of Russia, 1727
Chief Pontiac begins the "Conspiracy of Pontiac" by attacking British forces at Fort Detroit, 1763
The independence of Greece is recognized by the Treaty of London, 1832
George Eastman patents the "Kodak Box Camera," 1888
In Saint Petersburg, Russian scientist Alexander Stepanovich Popov demonstrates to the Russian Physical and Chemical Society his invention, the Popov lightning  detector — a primitive radio receiver, 1895
German  submarine  SM U-20  sinks RMS Lusitania, 1915
England lowers age of women voters from 30 to 21, 1928
Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering (later renamed Sony) is founded with around 20 employees, 1946
The Council of Europe is founded during the Hague Congress, 1948
The concept of the integrated circuit, the basis for all modern computers, is first published by Geoffrey W.A. Dummer, 1952
Canadian Patrick Morrow became the first person to climb each of the Seven Summits, 1986
The Space Shuttle Endeavour is launched on its first mission, 1992
Mercedes-Benz buys Chrysler for $40 billion USD and forms DaimlerChrysler in the largest industrial merger in history, 1998
The tomb of Herod the Great is discovered, 2007

A new study reports that all Europeans are related to a small group of ancestors dating back only 1,000 years; researchers believe it's likely that everyone in the world is related over the past few thousand years, 2013


  1. Randwick Wap Cheese Rolling sounds brilliant.
    International Bereaved Mothers' Day is much needed to help enlighten people about Mothers who have lost their children. (A Bereaved Fathers' Day wouldn't go amiss either!)

  2. Today is Dawn Chorus Day in the UK and earlier this morning the BBC celebrated it by broadcasting several hours of live birdsong from around the country.

  3. I have to decide where I should start.

  4. That is cute :) Laughter is a wonderful thing.

  5. I'm glad you had an extra good day yesterday.

    I always love your jokes and for the little ones it's hard when we get so old to see us as anything but old.

    Have a fabulous Silly Sunday. ☺

  6. I turned 57 on Cinco de Mayo. Hard to believe.

  7. I love the sleeping, why are you disturbing me, cat glare. Go away, human.

  8. Seventy will be here in just seven more years for me, and it's a bit sobering, but what else can we do with life but laugh and accept it. I still think it would be awfully nice if we could choose a new body at 50, and maybe a new brain as well! :-))


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