
Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Pepe's "Take Me Outside" Face and Wednesday Word Story

Who could resist?

Linking up with Wordless Wednesday.


Elephant's Child now hosts Words for Wednesday, in which two groups of 6 words are provided, and you are challenged to write a story for each set, or one story incorporating them all.  The list of prompt words and my story follows:

  1. Feverish
  2. Pencil
  3. Fabricated
  4. Typewriter
  5. Mix
  6. Sensible

 And /or

  1. Penalty
  2. Caution
  3. Senility
  4. Lie
  5. Patched
  6. Trees

With a FEVERISH twirl of the PENCIL, he set it down and headed for the TYPEWRITER.  He knew he had to MIX the SENSIBLE truth with the FABRICATED parts to make a believable LIE.  It had to be PATCHED together like a quilt, he said to himself, staring out of the window at the TREES as if for inspiration.

Yes, he was throwing CAUTION to the wind.  He knew the PENALTY if it were found out, they would say he was too far gone in his SENILITY to be left to do as he pleased.  The possible reward if he pulled it off was too strong a lure for the possible consequences to stop him.

Today is:

Birthday of Cheng Huang -- Taiwan (the gods that are city guardians are celebrated with a procession of actors on stilts doing dragon and lion dances on this 13th day of the fifth moon

Birthday of Prince Joachim -- Denmark

Clean Air Day -- Canada

Daniel Boone Day -- Kentucky, US (date in he first sighted, in 1767, what would become Kentucky)

Flag Day -- Peru

Guan Sheng Di Jun Dan -- Taoism (Heavenly Sage Guan Di's Birthday [god of war])

Journalist's Day -- Argentina (marking the first publication of a newspaper in Argentina on this day in 1810)

Judgement Day -- Fairy Calendar (Leaping songs)

National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

National Time Out Day -- US, sponsored by The Association of Operating Room Nurses, which want everyone involved in surgeries to take time out before the procedure to verify the surgery site, type, and patient and thus decrease OR errors 

Old Fort Days and Billy the Kid Tombstone Race -- Fort Sumner, NM, US (fun for all, including a rodeo, dance, demonstrations by Native Americans, and a race through an obstacle course carrying an 80lb tombstone! through Sunday)

Sette Giugno -- Malta (commemoration of the tragedy of June 7, 1919, considered their National Day)

St. Meriadoc's Day (Patron of the deaf and against deafness)

Tailor's Day -- the first Wednesday of June is noted on many sites as the day to thank your tailor

The National Tournament -- Spruce Meadows, Calgary, AB, Canada (features the Spruce Meadows Show Jumping Championship and the Nexen Cup, with live entertainment and activities daily; through Sunday)

Turtle Races -- Nisswa, MN, US (Wednesdays through August 19th, go race a turtle, it's only $4 to adopt a turtle for the race and get a participation racing button!)

Union Dissolution Day -- Norway

VCR Day -- the first Sony Betamax went on sale today in 1975

Vestalia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (multi-day festival for Vesta, goddess of the hearth, this first day termed the Vesta Asperit; through the 15th)

Vivien Kellems Memorial Day -- born this date in 1896, she fought the IRS and income tax for her whole life

Anniversaries Today:

Jimmy Osmond marries Michele Larson, 1991
YMCA is founded by George Williams, 1844

Birthdays Today:

Michael Cera, 1988
Anna Kournikova, 1981
Larisa Oleynik, 1981
Bill Hader, 1978
Allen Iverson, 1975
Bear Grulls, 1974
Karl Urban, 1972
Roberto Alagna, 1963
Prince, 1958
Louise Erdrich, 1954
Liam Neeson, 1952
Orham Pamuk, 1952
Jenny Jones, 1946
Bill Kreutzmann, Jr, 1946
Tom Jones, 1940
John Napier Turner, 1929
Gwendolyn Brooks, 1917
Dean Martin, 1917
Jessica Tandy, 1909
Virginia Apgar, 1909
James Braddock, 1906
Paul Gauguin, 1848

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Ghostbusters(Film), 1984
"Johnny Cash Show"(TV), 1969
"The $64,000 Question"(TV), 1955
"The Seven Deadly Sins"(satirical ballet chanté), 1933

Today in History:

The first Crusaders begin their Siege of Jerusalem, 1099
Port Royal, Jamaica, is devastated by an earthquake, 1692
David Thompson reaches the mouth of the Saskatchewan River in Manitoba, 1800
Asian cholera reaches Quebec, brought by Irish immigrants, and kills about 6,000 people in Lower Canada, 1832
1,800 Fenian raiders are repelled back to the United States after they loot and plunder around Saint-Armand and Frelighsburg, Quebec, 1866
Tolbert Lanston receives patents for monotype typesetting machines, 1887
Norway's parliament dissolves  its union with Sweden, 1905
Sony introduces the Betamax videocassette recorder for sale to the public, 1975
Priscilla Presley opens Graceland to the public, 1982
Mt. Pinatubo erupts, sending an ash cloud 7km/14.3mi high, 1992
The United Nations defines the Blue Line as the border between Israel and Lebanon, 2000
According to a new study, breast milk boosts brain development by 30% compared to babies who are fed formula, 2013


  1. I need to try placing that look on MY FACE during the work day.
    Would it work?? :-)

  2. Cute pup. Very impressive writing.

  3. That's how I look when I haven't visited the bookstore in a while!

  4. Pepe is asking anybody or everybody to open the door, if not there is hell to pay, if you know what I mean. Ha,ha,ha. He's so cute.

    Have a lovely Wedneaday Mimi. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  5. Poor little Pepe. He looks so pitiful. Our German Shepherd will bonk the door know with her nose when she wants out. So much rain lately, it's been tough on her.

  6. Pepe is so cute. He's ready to do his business though. You can just tell.

    You can sure put together a great story with the prompts. Excellent.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  7. awww he's so cute and polite! Lucy just yells when she wants to go for a walk! Have a great day!

  8. That is one dog that really wants to go outside. You did great putting those words together for a story. Well done.

  9. Looks like someone needs to go out---fast!

  10. I really love your use of the words - and hope he can be left to live his live as he wants.
    Love the urgency in the dog photo too.

  11. That is a universal dog look for"i gotta go!" I had the same look last week on the plane from Vancouver to NJ...i made it.

  12. Pepe means business! That was a masterful execution of the Words for Wednesday, Mimi. Good on you. What ever happened to Anna Kournikova?

  13. Great use of the words. Dogs can communicate without a word.

  14. Skillful use of the prompt and great flash piece! Loved it.


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