
Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Random Meanderings

Stacy Uncorked

And now, a bit of random news from around here, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked.  

Yesterday, Mr. B interviewed Friend Chris and is planning to hire him.  There's a kink to work out with HR.  This particular job is never advertised and there's no way to apply for it online, it's considered a part time temp job.  There's a person in HR who is insisting that Friend Chris has to fill out an online application that does not exist.

Mr. B is going to work it out over the next few days.  Meanwhile, Friend Chris did outdoor work for Ms. S yesterday while i worked indoors, and then we both went across the street to work for Mr. B.

Friend Chris is also scheduled to work at Mr. B's house on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.  If he wants work, and is willing to be outdoors and get dirty (which he is), he can have work.

The kittens are growing so big they are escaping every blockade we set for them.  Silly little nippers think they can roam the house and they are not quite five weeks old yet.  One tried to climb the oven and got stuck!

Bigger Girl has a new dish to try, it's Japanese.  She says it's some kind of fried rice and egg curds, and she's gathering ingredients.  She's not afraid to try to cook just about anything.

The second half of my annual check-up, the actual time with the doctor, is today.  If you haven't seen your doctor for a check-up in a while, consider this a friendly PSA reminding you that the doctor can't find stuff early and treat it if you don't go in!

Today is:

Advice-to-the-Lovelorn-Day -- date, in 1896, the New Orleans Picayune first published the advice column of Dorothy Dix, Mother Confessor to Millions; it eventually ran in 300 papers for 55 years

Alpenfest -- Gaylord, MI, US (a Swiss inspired festival for the whole family that includes "The World's Largest Coffee Break"; through Saturday)

Bonfire Night -- Northern Ireland (precursor to The Twelfth a/k/a Orangemen's Day)

Bowdler's Day

Carnival Tuesday -- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

China National Maritime Day -- People's Republic of China

Convenience Store Day -- the first Seven Eleven opened on this day in 1927 in Dallas, TX; it was open 7am to 11pm, thus the name

Cow Appreciation Day® -- sponsored by Chick-fil-A; wear a partial cow costume, get a free entree, dress head to hoof, get a free meal

Day of the Flemish Community -- Flemish community of Belgium, commemorates the Battle of the Golden Spurs of 1302

Fast of Shiva Asar B'Tammuz (Tzom Tammuz) -- Judaism (a day of fasting and mourning the destruction of the tablets by Moses, the disruption of Temple services in 423BCE, and the breaching of the walls of Jerusalem right before the Temple was destroyed in 70AD; as a minor fast it begins today at dawn and ends at nightfall)

Feast of All Saints -- Orthodox Christian

Feast of Theano, Philosopher, Mathmatician, wife of Pythagoras, patron of vegetarianism (date approximate, supposedly when she was born)

Feast of Min -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Free Slurpee Day at Seven-Eleven -- if you have these stores where you live, stop by between 11am and 7pm to get a free 11.7oz. Slurpee (TM) today

Imamat Day -- Ismailism

Naadam Festival -- Mongolia (a/k/a Revolution Day/National Day, traditional sporting events nationwide, but best at Ulaanbaatar, through the 13th)

National Blueberry Muffin Day

National Cheer Up The Lonely Day -- begun by Francis Pesek of Detroit, Michigan; he chose to spend his birthday as a day to promote kindness, especially the forgotten at nursing homes and shut ins who have no visitors

Reading Guilt Day -- the day you are supposed to start reading that book you only read the Cliff's Notes on in school

St Benedict's Day (Patron of agricultural workers, cavers/speliologists/spelunkers, civil engineers, coppersmiths, farm workers/farmers, Italian architects, monks, people in religious orders, people who are dying, school children, servants who have broken their masters belongings, students; Europe; Heerdt, Germany; Norcia, Italy; Subiaco, Italy; against erysipelas, fever, gall stones, inframmatory diseases, kidney disease, nettle rash, poison, temptations, and witchcraft)

World Population Day -- UN

Birthdays Today:

David Henrie, 1989
Marie Sernehold, 1983
Michael Rosenbaum, 1972
Justin Chambers, 1970
John Henson, 1967
Greg Grunberg, 1966
Rod Strickland, 1966
Al MacInnis, 1963
Lisa Rinna, 1963
Richie Sambora, 1960
Richie Sambora, 1959
Suzanne Vega, 1959
Mark Lester, 1958
Sela Ward, 1956
Leon Spinks, 1953
Stephen Lang, 1952
Bonnie Pointer, 1951
Beverly Todd, 1946
Giorgio Armani, 1934
Tab Hunter, 1931
Harold Bloom, 1930
Yul Brynner, 1920
E.B. White, 1899
John Quincy Adams, 1767

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Space Oddity"(Single release), 1969
"The Newlywed Game"(TV), 1966
To Kill A Mockingbird(Publication date), 1960

Today in History

Admiral Zheng He sets sail on his first exploratory expedition for the Ming Dynasty, 1405
Samuel de Champlain returns to Quebec, 1616
Jews are expelled from Little Russia, 1740
Halifax, Nova Scotia is almost completely destroyed by fire, 1750
Captain James Cook begins his third voyage, 1776
Jacques Necker is dismissed as France's Finance Minister sparking the Storming of the Bastille, 1789
French astronomer Jean-Louis Pons made his first comet discovery (he discovered 36 over the next 27 years, more than any other person), 1801
Vice President of the United States Aaron Burr mortally wounds former Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton in a duel, 1804
Waterloo railway station in London opens, 1848
Tijuana, Mexico, is formally founded, 1889
The Lumière brothers demonstrate film technology to scientists, 1895
Babe Ruth makes his Major League debut, 1914
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is first published, 1960
The first U.S. space station, Skylab, is destroyed as it re-enters the Earth's atmosphere over the Indian Ocean, 1979
According to the UN, the Earth's population crosses the 5,000,000,000 mark, 1987
The United States announces it will reestablish full diplomatic relations with Vietnam, 1995
Colton Harris-Moore, the so-called "Barefoot Bandit", is caught in the Bahamas after a 2 year manhunt, 2010


  1. Hurray for St. Benedict! Thank you for all your random facts.

  2. I can imagine the two little kittens exploring all over house. I hope they will stay safe. Have a fantastic day!

  3. I agree with you Mimi and that's why I'm going to Toronto's St. Michael's Hospital for a full day check up. I may have some problems that pertain to my stroke which took place in 1977 and they want to make sure that I don't have another stroke. I pray to God that I don't have another one.

    Have a great day Mimi. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  4. Mimi,

    I should have an annual since it's been a couple of years but there's just so much going on. I probably will schedule one next spring. Maybe things will calm down with DH's eye related issues. I think I'm okay, though. I always get a clean bill of health and I'm not experiencing any problems. I'll trust God to keep me well.

    I have not seen the movie "To Kill A Mockingbird". I have that sitting in our on Netflix Watch List. We definitely need to watch it before it disappears. Have a goo day!

  5. I hope the second half of your check-up goes well. I agree that it is good to check problems early. The kittens must be so fun to have around, I have never had a kitten, all my cats show up as adults.

  6. Mimi - I just spoke to Fr. Vinny McKiernan and he informs me that his "Vinamins" are available for $12 (that includes shipping) by writing to him at The Saint Thomas More Newman Center, Ohio State University, 64 W. Lane Ave., Columbus, OH 43201, please put "Attn: Fr. Vinny McKiernan" on the envelope. Vinny says he won't actually be back in Ohio until August, though, so patience will be a virtue! Thanks so much for asking about how to get them, and also - of course - for being such a faithful reader of mine. I know I don't return the favor nearly as often as I should, but that's because I'm a slug - but you knew that :-)

  7. You always have interesting information! I'd love to see a picture of the kitties. Did you know that 7/11 gives free slurpees on 7/11 from 11 to 7? We still have 7/11's here in Texas, but not one near me. Have a great week!

  8. Work is work and outside, dirty work is still work. Earning your keep is what I always say.

    I would love to try your daughters dish. I love all things Japanese.

    I go to the doctor and have whatever tests I'm ordered to have. I'll be 66 soon and it's the only way to make sure I'm as healthy as I can be.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. ☺

  9. Something sounds fishy.

    Good luck at the doctors.

  10. I forgot it was National Cow Day and Slurpee day! Yum!! I just wish I knew of a 7-11 near me.

    Can't believe HR is giving poor Chris the run around. Fill this thing out online. Oh wait. That job doesn't exist. But still. Fill the form out online if you want us to consider you. … Who knows? maybe finding the non-existent form is part of the new job? 😉 Hopefully things get straightened out with that mess soon. 😀

  11. Thanks for reminding me to schedule my annual physical.

  12. Fortune has it that I took care of all the "doctor-y" stuff in April, but it's a good reminder!

    Kittens seem to find the ways through, around, over, or under, and the more you make barriers, the more you hear the little "whirr" of the break-out plan in their little fuzzy heads. Ding, so far, hasn't mastered opening doors yet. Considering how much she can get through, I hope she doesn't watch too many YouTube vids... Opposable thumbs are NOT mandatory!

    As for the online portion. Ask said HR person to give him the URL. Or pull up said page. Either way, that should get the info. Maybe... Sigh...



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